5G Abbreviations(5G中簡寫和縮略語含義)
- 5GC 5G Core Network 5G核心網
- 5GS 5G System 5G系統
- 5G NR 5G New Radio 5G新空口
- 5G AN 5G Access Network 5G接入網
- 5G-RAN 5G Radio Access Network 5G無線接入網
- 5QI 5G QoS Identifier 5GQoS識別符號
- AAU Active Antenna Unit 有源天線單元
- A-CSI Aperiodic CSI 非週期性的CSI
- AKA Authentication and Key Agreement 身份驗證和金鑰協議
- AMBR Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate 聚合最大位元率
- AMC Adaptive Modulation and Coding 自適應調製和編碼
- AMF Access and Mobility Management Function 接入和移動管理功能
- ARP Allocation and Retention Priority 分配和保留優先權
- BA Bandwidth Adaptation 頻寬適應
- BBU Base band Unite 基帶處理單元
- BCH Broadcast Channel 廣播通道
- BH Backhaul 迂迴信程,空載傳輸
- BL Bandwidth reduced Low complexity 降低頻寬低複雜度
- BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying 二進位制相移鍵控
-C-RNTI Cell RNTI 小區RNTI - CAG Closed Access Group 封閉訪問小組
- CAPC Channel Access Priority Class 通道訪問優先順序類
- CloudRAN CloudRAN 雲無線接入網
- CBRA Contention Based Random Access 基於爭用的隨機接入
- C-RAN Centralized RAN 集中化無線接入網
- CCE Control Channel Element 控制通道單元
- CD-SSB Cell Defining SSB 小區定義SSB
- CFRA Contention Free Random Access 無爭用的隨機接入
- CHO Conditional Handover 條件切換
- CIoT Cellular Internet of Things 蜂窩物聯網
- CLI Cross Link interference 交叉鏈路干擾
- CMAS Commercial Mobile Alert Service 商業移動警報服務
- CORESET Control Resource Set 控制資源集
- CPC Conditional PSCell Change 有條件的PSCell變化
- D2D Device to Device 裝置到裝置
- D-RAN Distributed RAN 分散式無線接入網
- DAG Directed Acyclic Graph 有向非迴圈圖
- DAPS Dual Active Protocol Stack 雙活動協議堆疊
- DFT Discrete Fourier Transform 離散傅立葉變換
- DCI Downlink Control Information 下行鏈路控制資訊
- DCP DCI with CRC scrambled by PS-RNTI DCI與CRC由PS-RNTI加擾
- DL-AoD Downlink Angle-of-Departure 下行深度角
- DL-SCH Downlink Shared Channel 下行共享通道
- DL-TDOA Downlink Time Difference Of Arrival 到達的時間差
- DMRS Demodulation Reference Signal 解調參考訊號
- DRX Discontinuous Reception 不連續的接受
- E-CID Enhanced Cell-ID (positioning method) 增強單元ID(定位方法)
- eNB evolved Node B 4G基站
- EHC Ethernet Header Compression 乙太網頭壓縮
- ETWS Earthquake and Tsunami Warning System 地震和海嘯警報系統
- eMBB emhanced Mobile Broad Band 增強移動寬頻
- GFBR Guaranteed Flow Bit Rate 保證流量位元率
- gNB generation Node B 5G基站
- HRNN Human-Readable Network Name 可讀網路名稱
- IAB Integrated Access and Backhaul 整合接入和回程
- I-RNTI Inactive RNTI 無效RNTI
- INT-RNTI Interruption RNTI 中斷RNTI
- KPAS Korean Public Alarm System 韓國公共報警系統
- LDPC Low Density Parity Check 低密度奇偶校驗
- LPN Low-Power Network 低功率網路
- LWIP Light Weigh IP Protocol 輕型IP協議
- MAC Media Access Control 媒體訪問控制
- MDBV Maximum Data Burst Volume 最大資料突發量
- MIB Master Information Block 主資訊塊
- MICO Mobile Initiated Connection Only 僅限移動發起的連線
-MFBR Maximum Flow Bit Rate 最大流量位元率 - mMTC massive Machine Type of Communication 海量機器類通訊(大規模物聯網)
- MMTEL Multimedia telephony 多媒體電話
- MNO Mobile Network Operator 行動網路操作員
- MT Mobile Termination 移動終端
- MU-MIMO Multi User MIMO 多使用者MIMO
- MUSA Multi-User Shared Access 多使用者共享接入
- Multi-RTT Multi-Round Trip Time 多徑行程時間
- NB-IoT Narrow Band Internet of Things 窄帶物聯網
- NB Node B 3G基站
- NCGI NR Cell Global Identifier 全球識別符號
- NCR Neighbour Cell Relation 鄰居小區關係
- NCRT Neighbour Cell Relation Table 鄰居小區關係表
- NGAP NG Application Protocol NG應用協議
- NID Network Identifier 網路識別
- NPN Non-Public Network 非公共網路
- NOMA Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access 非正交多址接入
- NR NR Radio Access NR無線接入
- NSA Non Standalone 非獨立組網
- OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 正交分頻多工技術
- PCH Paging Channel 尋呼通道
- PCI Physical Cell Identifier 物理小區識別符號
- PDCCH Physical Downlink Control Channel 物理下行鏈路控制通道
- PDSCH Physical Downlink Shared Channel 物理下行鏈路共享通道
- PLMN Public Land Mobile Network 公用陸地行動通訊網
- PHY Physical 物理層
- PNI-NPN Public Network Integrated NPN 公共網路綜合NPN
- PO Paging Occasion 尋呼時段
- RACH Physical Random Access Channel 物理隨機接入通道
- PRB Physical Resource Block 物理資源塊
- RRU Remote Radio Unit 遠端射頻模組
- RFU Radio Frequency Unit 射頻單元
- PRG Precoding Resource block Group 預編碼資源塊組
- PS-RNTI Power Saving RNTI 節約能源
- PSS Primary Synchronisation Signal 主同步訊號
- PUCCH Physical Uplink Control Channel 物理上行鏈路控制通道
- PUSCH Physical Uplink Shared Channel 物理上行鏈路共享通道
- PWS Public Warning System 公共警告系統
- QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 正交調幅調製
- QFI QoS Flow ID QoS流ID
- QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying 正交相移鍵控
- RA Random Accessn. 隨機接入
- RA-RNTI Random Access RNTI 隨機接入RNTI
- RACH Random Access Channel 隨機接入通道
- RANAC RAN-based Notification Area Code 基於RAN的通知區號
- RRC Radio Resource Control 無線資源控制
- REG Resource Element Group 資源單元組
- RIM Remote Interference Management 遠端干擾管理
- MSI Remaining Minimum SI 剩餘最小SI
- RNA RAN-based Notification Area 基於RAN的通知區域
- RNAU RAN-based Notification Area Update 基於RAN的通知區域更新
- RLC Radio Link Control 無線鏈路控制
- RNTI Radio Network Temporary Identifier 無線網路臨時識別符號
- RQA Reflective QoS Attribute 反射QoS屬性
- RQoS Reflective Quality of Service 服務品質的反思
- RS Reference Signal 參考[基準]訊號
- RSRP Reference Signal Received Power 參考訊號接收功率
- RSRQ Reference Signal Received Quality 參考訊號接收質量
- RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator 接收訊號強度指示器
- RSTD Reference Signal Time Difference 參考訊號時差
- SA Standalone 獨立組網
- SD Slice Differentiator 切片鑑別器
- SDAP Service Data Adaptation Protocol 服務資料適應議定書
- SFI-RNTI Slot Format Indication RNTI 插槽格式指示RNTI
- SIB System Information Block 系統資訊塊
- SI-RNTI System Information RNTI 系統資訊RNTI
- SLA Service Level Agreement 服務水平協議
- SMC Security Mode Command 安全模式指揮部
- SMF Session Management Function 會話管理功能
- S-NSSAI Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information 單網路切片選擇輔助資訊
- SNPN Stand-alone Non-Public Network 獨立的非公共網路
- SNPN ID Stand-alone Non-Public Network Identity 獨立的非公共網路身份
- SPS Semi-Persistent Scheduling 半持續排程
- SR Scheduling Request 排程請求
- SRS Sounding Reference Signal 探測參考訊號
- SRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity 單一無線電語音呼叫連續性
- SS Synchronization Signal 同步訊號
- SSB SS/PBCH block 同步訊號和PBCH塊
- SSS Secondary Synchronisation Signal 輔助同步訊號
- SST Slice/Service Type 切片/服務型別
- SU-MIMO Single User MIMO 單使用者MIMO
- SUL Supplementary Uplink 強行上行鏈路
- TA Timing Advance 時間提前
- TPC Transmit Power Control 發射功率控制
- UCI Uplink Control Information 上行鏈路控制資訊
- UL-AoA= Uplink Angles of Arrival 上行鏈路到達角
- UL-RTOA Uplink Relative Time of Arrival 上行鏈路相對到達時間
- UL-SCH Uplink Shared Channel 上行鏈路共享通道
- VoLTE Voice over LTE 長期演進語音承載(LTE下的語音通話)
- VoNR Voice over NR 新空口承載語音(5G下的語音通話)
- UPF User Plane Function 使用者平面功能
- URLLC Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications 超可靠低延遲通訊
- V2X Vehicle-to-Everything 車用無線通訊技術
- WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing 波長分波多工
- Xn-C Xn-Control plane Xn-控制面
- Xn-U Xn-User plane Xn-使用者面
- XnAP Xn Application Protocol Xn應用協議
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