如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能


My series of Cloud Application Studio Blogs

(1) Declare TextCollection as a dependent object of your custom BO:

如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能

(2) Add the following UI component to TI view: /SAP_BYD_APPLICATION_UI/Reuse/Notes/singletextedit.EC.uicomponent; And Choose 10006 as text type:

如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能 如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能 如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能

Click Bind button and maintain the following binding:

如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能

In the runtime now, you could maintain the text for custom BO:

如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能

Create a web service and select TextCollection as enabled for Read Operation:

如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能

In the generated WSDL file, check the response structure to ensure that the corresponding element for TextCollection also exists there.

如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能 如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能

Now consume the read operation of created web service via SoapUI, and the text content maintained in BO header level could also be returned:

如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能 如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能


如何啟用SAP C4C自定義BO的Text Collection功能

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