消費SAP C4C Web Service時遇到的Authorization role missing錯誤
When you try to consume a standard C4C Web service from SoapUI, you may meet with this error message below: Authorization role missing for service XXXX. Here below is detailed step how to resolve this error. Probably you are using your business user configured in SoapUI to consume the web service, which fails even though you have resolved all required work center to this business user. However it is expected that another dedicated user should be used instead. Suppose I could like to consume standard service ManageSocialMediaUserProfileIn:
(1) Create a new Communication System and set its status to Active:
(2) Create a new Communication Scenario and select the service ManageSocialMediaUserProfileIn:
Press button “New Configuration” to create a new Communication arrangement based on this scenario. In Technical Data setting tab for this arrangement, edit the password for this automatically specified user: _QXL.
Now maintain this user and password in SoapUI instead and web service could be successfully consumed:
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