Android studio版本 : 3.5.2
Android版本 :7.1
PC作業系統 :win10系統
攝像頭: USB攝像頭
- NDK的版本
注意NDK的版本。 - Gradle 設定
1.android7.0以後已經不需要android:background="#ff000000" 背景設定,將其刪除。修改layout的檔案activity_main.xml。
2.如果程式可以執行,但是無法顯示攝像頭畫面,將UVCCamera-master\UVCCamera\libuvccamera\src\main\jni\Application.mk 中的#NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION := 4.9 註釋開啟;
3.AndroidManifest.xml檔案裡android:theme="@style/AppTheme"改成 android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar"
1 ) USBCameraTest0
This is most simple project that only show how to start/stop previewing using SurfaceView.
2 ) USBCameraTest
This is most simple project that only show how to start/stop previewing. This is almost same as USBCameraTest0, but use customized TextureView to show camera images instead of using SurfaceView.
3 ) USBCameraTest2
This is sample project that show how to record video from UVC camera(without audio) as .MP4 file using MediaCodec encoder. This sample requires API>=18 because MediaMuxer is only supported API>=18.
這是一個示例專案,演示如何使用MediaCodec編碼器將UVC相機(無音訊)的視訊記錄為.MP4檔案。此示例需要API> = 18,因為MediaMuxer僅支援API> = 18。
4 ) USBCameraTest3
This is sample project that show how to record video(from UVC camera) with audio(from internal mic) as .MP4 file. This also shows several ways to capture still image. This sample may most useful as base project of your customized app.
5 ) USBCameraTest4
This sample shows the way to access UVC camera and save video images on background service. This is one of the most complex sample because this requires IPC using AIDL.
6 ) USBCameraTest5
This is almost same as USBCameraTest3 but save video images using IFrameCallback interface instead of using input Surface from MediaCodec encoder.
In most case, you should not use IFrameCallback to save images because IFrameCallback is much slower than using Surface. But IFrameCallback will be useful if you want to get video frame data and process them by yourself or passing them to other external library as byte buffer.
7 ) USBCameraTest6
This shows how to split video images to multiple Surface. You can see video images side by side view on this app. This sample also show how to use EGL to render image. If you want to show video images after adding visual effect/filter effects, this sample may help you.
8 ) USBCameraTest7
This shows how to use two camera and show video images from each camera side-by side. This is still experimental and may have some issue.
9 ) usbCameraTest8 This shows how to set/get uvc controls. Currently this supports brightness and contrast only.
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