InstallShield安裝時出現“1152:error extracting"的解決方案
InstallShield製作的安裝檔案可能會出現”1152:error extracting"錯誤。那麼應該怎麼解決呢?
至於最常見的原因可以參看Installshield的官方解決方案,Q107317: ERRDOC: Setup.exe Error 1152
我的機器是Windows server 2003,中文版的。安裝時出現上述錯誤。不得已,跑到英文版上的去安裝,成功了。於是我檢查了一下windows installer的版本,是最新版本的,然後再檢查temp的許可權,改成writable,但是還是不行。
When a compressed network image (single compressed setup.exe) is launched, the files compressed within it will be extracted to the TEMP folder and launched from that location. If one or more files cannot be
extracted, then error 1152 occurs.
大概意思是 安裝過程中會在安裝包中抽出一個安裝檔案,到temp資料夾下,然後啟動這個 安裝檔案,現在不能安裝大概就是拷貝檔案到這個目錄下或者從這個目錄啟動的時候失敗了,我在彈出 這個錯誤的時候檢視temp資料夾下的內容發現一個
- To find the name of the default Temp directory, launch the DOS prompt on the machine, type 'Set T', and then hit the 'Enter' key. This will display the values of all the environment variables that have names that start with 'T', including TEMP.
- Open Windows Explorer. Using the directory name found in Step 1, locate the TEMP folder, right-click on it, and choose properties. Verify that the Read-Only check box is not checked.
- If you are running the installation on a Windows 2000 or Windows NT Operating System that is using a NTFS partition, verify that the user running the setup has permissions to write to this folder.
- Right-click the TEMP folder, and choose properties. Now select the Security tab. A list of users will be viewable within this tab. The permissions for each user will be viewable underneath. You can add additional users and change permissions if needed. Permissions should not be an issue if running on Windows 9X systems.
- Re-download and rerun the installation.
- If the installation is being run from a network location, try running it locally.
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