使用note++開發SAP WebClient UI


It is possible to use your favorite html editor ( for example, Notepad++ ) to edit the html source code of your UI component view or BSP application by simple configuration: Just specify the absolute path of your local html source code editor ( .exe file ) in SE80 settings below:

使用note++開發SAP WebClient UI

Then in BSP_WD_CMPWB or SE80, use menu Edit->Start Local HTML Editor:

使用note++開發SAP WebClient UI

And then your local html editor is automatically opened with the given view source code loaded.

使用note++開發SAP WebClient UI

How is local html editor launched with source code

There is no magic behind the scene. (1) Once Edit-local menu is selected, first the path of local editor exe file is retrieved:

使用note++開發SAP WebClient UI

(2) The source code of current html view is fetched and stored in internal table source:

使用note++開發SAP WebClient UI

(3) The source code of html view is downloaded and stored in a temporary file in your local machine:

使用note++開發SAP WebClient UI

(4) local editor is launched to open that temporary file generated in step 3, and that’s all.

使用note++開發SAP WebClient UI 使用note++開發SAP WebClient UI


使用note++開發SAP WebClient UI

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24475491/viewspace-2718732/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
