case class VchStates(
opr: String = "", //收款員
num: Int = 1, //當前單號
seq: Int = 1, //當前序號
void: Boolean = false, //取消模式
refd: Boolean = false, //退款模式
susp: Boolean = false, //掛單
canc: Boolean = false, //廢單
due: Boolean = false, //當前餘額
su: String = "",
mbr: String = "",
disc: Int = 0, //預設折扣,如:會員折扣
mode: Int = 0 //當前操作流程:0=logOff, 1=LogOn, 2=Payment
) extends CborSerializable { ... }
case class TxnItem(
txndate: String = LocalDate.now.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd"))
, txntime: String = LocalDateTime.now.format(dateTimeFormatter).substring(11)
, opr: String = "" //工號
, num: Int = 0 //銷售單號
, seq: Int = 1 //交易序號
, txntype: Int = TXNTYPE.sales //交易型別
, salestype: Int = SALESTYPE.nul //銷售型別
, qty: Int = 1 //交易數量
, price: Int = 0 //單價(分)
, amount: Int = 0 //碼洋(分)
, disc: Int = 0 //折扣率 (%) 100% = 1
, dscamt: Int = 0 //折扣額:負值 net實洋 = amount + dscamt
, member: String = "" //會員卡號
, code: String = "" //編號(商品、部類編號、賬戶編號、卡號...)
, refnum: String = "" //參考號,如退貨單號
, acct: String = "" //賬號
, dpt: String = "" //部類
) extends CborSerializable {
case PaymentMade(acct, dpt, num, ref,amount) =>
if (curItem.txntype != TXNTYPE.voided) {
val due = items.totalSales - items.totalPaid
val bal = if (items.totalSales > 0) due - curItem.amount else due + curItem.amount
log.step(s"#${vchState.num} PaymentMade with input totalSales[${items.totalSales}], totalPaid[${items.totalPaid}], txnItems[${items}].")
val vchs = vchState.copy(
seq = vchState.seq + 1,
due = (if ((items.totalPaid.abs + curItem.amount.abs) >= items.totalSales.abs) false else true),
mode = (if (items.totalPaid.abs > 0) 2 else 1)
val vItems = items.addItem(curItem.copy(
salestype = SALESTYPE.ttl,
price = due,
amount = curItem.amount,
dscamt = bal
if (replay) {
Voucher(vchs, vItems)
} else {
if (vchs.due) {
val vch = Voucher(vchs,vItems)
log.step(s"#${vchState.num} PaymentMade with current item: ${vch.items.head}")
else {
writerInternal.lastVoucher = Voucher(vchs, vItems)
if (!writerInternal.afterRecovery)
Voucher(vchs.nextVoucher, List())
else {
log.step(s"#${vchState.num} PaymentMade with current item: $curItem")
seq = vchState.seq + 1)
, items.addItem(curItem).txnitems)
確認了完成支付呼叫endVoucher. endVoucher啟動讀部分reader, 如下:
def endVoucher(voucher: Voucher, txntype: Int)(implicit writerInternal: WriterInternal,pid:Messages.PID) = {
log.step(s"#${writerInternal.lastVoucher.header.num } ending voucher with state: ${writerInternal.lastVoucher.header}, txns: ${writerInternal.lastVoucher.items}")
val readerShard = writerInternal.optSharding.get //ClusterSharding(writerInternal.actorContext.system)
val readerRef = readerShard.entityRefFor(POSReader.EntityKey, s"$pid.shopId:$pid.posId")
val eseq = EventSourcedBehavior.lastSequenceNumber(writerInternal.optContext.get)
val bseq = eseq - writerInternal.listOfActions.size + 1
log.step(s"#${writerInternal.lastVoucher.header.num } sending PerformRead(${pid.shopid}, ${pid.posid},${writerInternal.lastVoucher.header.num},${writerInternal.lastVoucher.header.opr},$bseq,$eseq,$txntype,${writerInternal.expurl},${writerInternal.expacct},${writerInternal.exppass}) ...")
// log.step(s"#${writerInternal.lastVoucher.header.num } ending voucher with actions: ${writerInternal.listOfActions}")
readerRef ! Messages.PerformRead(pid.shopid, pid.posid,writerInternal.lastVoucher.header.num,writerInternal.lastVoucher.header.opr,bseq,eseq,txntype,writerInternal.expurl,writerInternal.expacct,writerInternal.exppass)
log.step(s"#${writerInternal.lastVoucher.header.num } ending voucher with actions: ${writerInternal.listOfActions}")
def readActions(ctx: ActorContext[Command],vchnum: Int, cshr: String, startSeq: Long, endSeq: Long, trace: Boolean, nodeAddress: String, shopId: String, posId: String, txntype: Int): Future[List[TxnItem]] = {
implicit val classicSystem = ctx.system.toClassic
implicit val ec = classicSystem.dispatcher
implicit var vchState = VchStates().copy(num = vchnum, opr = cshr)
implicit var vchItems = VchItems()
implicit var curTxnItem = TxnItem()
implicit val pid = PID(shopId,posId)
implicit val writerInternal = new Messages.WriterInternal(nodeAddress = nodeAddress, pid = pid, trace=trace)
log.stepOn = trace
log.step(s"POSReader: readActions($vchnum,$cshr,$startSeq,$endSeq,$trace,$nodeAddress,$shopId,$posId), txntype=$txntype")
def buildVoucher(actions: List[Any]): List[TxnItem] = {
log.step(s"POSReader: read actions: $actions")
val (voidtxns,onlytxns) = actions.asInstanceOf[Seq[Action]].pickOut(_.isInstanceOf[Voided])
val listOfActions = actions.reverse zip (LazyList from 1) //zipWithIndex
listOfActions.foreach { case (txn,idx) =>
txn.asInstanceOf[Action] match {
case ti@_ =>
curTxnItem = EventHandlers.buildTxnItem(ti.asInstanceOf[Action],vchState).copy(opr=cshr)
if (!ti.isInstanceOf[Voided]) {
if (voidtxns.exists(a => a.asInstanceOf[Voided].seq == idx)) {
curTxnItem = curTxnItem.copy(txntype = TXNTYPE.voided, opr = cshr)
log.step(s"POSReader: voided txnitem: $curTxnItem")
val vch = EventHandlers.updateState(ti.asInstanceOf[Action],vchState,vchItems,curTxnItem,true)
vchState = vch.header
vchItems = vch.txnItems
log.step(s"POSReader: built txnitem: ${vchItems.txnitems.head}")
log.step(s"POSReader: voucher built with state: $vchState, items: ${vchItems.txnitems}")
val query =
implicit val session = CassandraSessionRegistry(classicSystem).sessionFor("alpakka.cassandra")
// issue query to journal
val source: Source[EventEnvelope, NotUsed] =
query.currentEventsByPersistenceId(s"${pid.shopid}:${pid.posid}", startSeq, endSeq)
// materialize stream, consuming events
val readActions: Future[List[Any]] = source.runFold(List[Any]()) { (lstAny, evl) => evl.event :: lstAny }
for {
lst1 <- readActions //read list from Source
lstTxns <- if (lst1.length < (endSeq -startSeq)) //if imcomplete list read again
else FastFuture.successful(lst1)
items <- FastFuture.successful( buildVoucher(lstTxns) )
_ <- JournalTxns.writeTxnsToDB(vchnum,txntype,startSeq,endSeq,items)
_ <- session.close(ec)
} yield items