ABAP程式碼靜態分析工具SQF - Support Query Framework
如果系統裡沒有SQF這個tcode,可以參考note 1814328: SQF: Plug-In for Source Code Scans進行安裝。
ABAP static analysis tool SQF is a static code analysis tool developed in package SUPPORT_QUERY_FRAMEWORK in software component SAP_BASIS.
It contains lots of handy tool or short cut to other system utility tools. The most attractive function which is worthy to put it into my toolset is the static code analysis.
- use tcode SQF, double click on “Source code Analysis”
- Maintain the ABAP object which you would like to do static analysis.
In this example it is function module CRM_PRODUCT_GETLIST2. Specify the object type as well, which could be found in table TADIR. The Analysis Depth 6 means: for example in the implementation of the FM, it calls another FM or subroutine, these delegated calls will also be analyzed by the tool. Say FM calls A and A calls B, B calls C, C calls D, D calls E, E calls F and F calls G, depth = 6 means any further calls starting from F calls G will be ignored.
- Click save button and it is automatically navigated back to SQF main view. Click F8 to execute.
The progress will be displayed in the bottom, the bigger size of depth specified, the more time the analysis will take.
After execution, the color of icon changes from white to blue, which means the analysis result is available.
- The analysis results are categorized into four groups:
a. Call hierarchy, something like the one in SAT.
b. the table read access in static call. Those table read access done via dynamic coding will be listed in group d.
Compare with DB access list analyzed by runtime trace SAT, there are far more entries than the static one. This is not surprising, as in CRM product, the set type access is implemented in a highly dynamic way.
c. interface call:
d. Dynamic coding
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/24475491/viewspace-2703102/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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