Oracle有自帶的Character Set Scanner(CSSCAN)工具,可以提前收集轉換字符集出現錯誤的資料。
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/csminst.sql
[oracle@cjcos01 ~]$ csscan -help Character Set Scanner v2.2 : Release - Production on Wed Jun 17 13:46:29 2020 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. You can let Scanner prompt you for parameters by entering the CSSCAN command followed by your username/password: Example: CSSCAN \"SYSTEM/MANAGER AS SYSDBA\" Or, you can control how Scanner runs by entering the CSSCAN command followed by various parameters. To specify parameters, you use keywords: Example: CSSCAN \"SYSTEM/MANAGER AS SYSDBA\" FULL=y TOCHAR=utf8 ARRAY=1024000 PROCESS=3 Keyword Default Prompt Description ---------- ------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- USERID yes username/password FULL N yes scan entire database USER yes owner of tables to be scanned TABLE yes list of tables to scan COLUMN yes list of columns to scan EXCLUDE list of tables to exclude from scan TOCHAR yes new database character set name FROMCHAR current database character set name TONCHAR new national character set name FROMNCHAR current national character set name ARRAY 1024000 yes size of array fetch buffer PROCESS 1 yes number of concurrent scan process MAXBLOCKS split table if block size exceed MAXBLOCKS CAPTURE N capture convertible data SUPPRESS maximum number of exceptions logged for each table FEEDBACK report progress every N rows BOUNDARIES list of column size boundaries for summary report LASTRPT N generate report of the last database scan LOG scan base file name of report files PARFILE parameter file name PRESERVE N preserve existing scan results LCSD N no enable language and character set detection LCSDDATA LOSSY no define the scope of the detection HELP N show help screen (this screen) QUERY N select clause to scan subset of tables or columns ---------- ------- ------ ------------------------------------------------- Scanner terminated successfully.
[oracle@cjcos01 ~]$ csscan Character Set Scanner v2.2 : Release - Production on Wed Jun 17 11:47:21 2020 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Username: sys as sysdba Password: Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options (1)Full database, (2)User, (3)Table, (4)Column: 1 > 2 Current database character set is ZHS16GBK. Enter new database character set name: > AL32UTF8 Enter array fetch buffer size: 1024000 > Enter number of scan processes to utilize(1..): 1 > Enter user name to scan: > CJC ......
[oracle@cjcos01 ~]$ ls
scan.err scan.out scan.txt
3: 修改prop$等表(此方法有風險,嚴禁使用)
Changing the NLS_CHARACTERSET to AL32UTF8 / UTF8 (Unicode) in 8i, 9i , 10g and 11g (文件 ID 260192.1)
Oracle 單機修改資料庫字符集
10.a.2) Execute the following commands in the database home sqlplus connected as "/ AS SYSDBA": Sqlplus / as sysdba SPOOL Nswitch.log SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; STARTUP MOUNT; ALTER SYSTEM ENABLE RESTRICTED SESSION; ALTER SYSTEM SET JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=0; ALTER SYSTEM SET AQ_TM_PROCESSES=0; ALTER DATABASE OPEN; -- Do not do these steps on a 10g or 11g system ALTER DATABASE CHARACTER SET INTERNAL_USE AL32UTF8; SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; -- You NEED to restart the database before doing ANY operation on this database -- exit this session now do not use the session that did alter database for other operations EXIT -- reconnect to the database and start the database Sqlplus / as sysdba STARTUP; -- in 8i you need to do the startup/shutdown 2 times SHUTDOWN; STARTUP;
Oracle RAC 修改資料庫字符集
If you are using RAC you will need to start the database in single instance with CLUSTER_DATABASE = FALSE Run in the database home sqlplus connected as "/ AS SYSDBA": Sqlplus / as sysdba -- Make sure the CLUSTER_DATABASE parameter is set -- to false or it is not set at all. -- If you are using RAC you will need to start the database in single instance -- with CLUSTER_DATABASE = FALSE sho parameter CLUSTER_DATABASE -- if you are using spfile SELECT DECODE(value, NULL, 'PFILE', 'SPFILE') "Init File Type" FROM sys.v_$parameter WHERE name = 'spfile'; -- note the values for sho parameter job_queue_processes sho parameter aq_tm_processes -- (this is Bug 6005344 fixed in 11g ) -- then do shutdown startup restrict SPOOL Nswitch.log PURGE DBA_RECYCLEBIN / -- next select should only give ONE row - your sqlplus connection -- If more then one session is connected Csalter will fail and report "Sorry only one session is allowed to run this script". SELECT sid, serial#, username, status, osuser, machine, process, program FROM v$session WHERE username IS NOT NULL; -- do this alter system or you might run into "ORA-22839: Direct updates on SYS_NC columns are disallowed" -- This is only needed in, fixed in, not applicable to 10.2 or lower -- ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENTS '22838 TRACE NAME CONTEXT LEVEL 1,FOREVER'; -- then run Csalter.plb: @?/rdbms/admin/csalter.plb -- Csalter will aks confirmation - do not copy paste the whole actions on one time -- sample Csalter output: -- 3 rows created. ... -- This script will update the content of the Oracle Data Dictionary. -- Please ensure you have a full backup before initiating this procedure. -- Would you like to proceed (Y/N)?y -- old 6: if (UPPER('&conf') <> 'Y') then -- New 6: if (UPPER('y') <> 'Y') then -- Checking data validility... -- begin converting system objects -- PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. -- Alter the database character set... -- CSALTER operation completed, please restart database -- PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. ... -- Procedure dropped. -- if you are using spfile then you need to also -- ALTER SYSTEM SET job_queue_processes=<original value> SCOPE=BOTH; -- ALTER SYSTEM SET aq_tm_processes=<original value> SCOPE=BOTH; SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE; -- You NEED to restart the database before doing ANY operation on this database -- exit this session now. do not use the session where Csalter was runned for other operations. EXIT -- reconnect to the database and start the database Sqlplus / as sysdba STARTUP;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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