[20200424]vim visSum.vim合計外掛.txt
[20200424]vim visSum.vim合計外掛.txt
" vim:filetype=vim foldmethod=marker textwidth=78
" ==========================================================================
" File: visSum.vim (global plugin)
" Last Changed: 2015-08-18
" Maintainer: Erik Falor <ewfalor@gmail.com>
" Version: 1.2
" License: Vim License
" This version (1.2) contains a fix for a bug reported by Fabio Inguaggiato.
" Thanks, Fabio!
" Version (1.1) contains a fix for a bug reported by Markus Weimar.
" Thank you, Markus!
" A great big thanks to Christian Mauderer for providing a patch for
" floating-point support!
" ________ __ __
" /_ __/ /_ ____ _____ / /_______/ /
" / / / __ \/ __ `/ __ \/ //_/ ___/ /
" / / / / / / /_/ / / / / ,< (__ )_/
" /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/_/|_/____(_)
" This plugin will work whether or not your Vim is compiled with support for
" floating-point numbers. If your Vim doesn't has('float'), we'll just
" ignore whatever comes after the decimal point.
" Due to the way Vim parses floating-point numbers, the only valid separtator
" between the whole and fractional parts of the number is a period. Vim
" won't accept a comma, even if that's your locale's preference. This
" plugin follows that convention.
" ==========================================================================
" Exit quickly if the script has already been loaded
let s:this_version = '1.2'
if exists('g:loaded_visSum') && g:loaded_visSum == s:this_version
let g:loaded_visSum = s:this_version
"Mappings {{{
" clean up existing key mappings upon re-loading of script
if hasmapto('<Plug>SumNum')
nunmap \su
vunmap \su
nunmap <Plug>SumNum
vunmap <Plug>SumNum
" Key mappings
nmap <silent> <unique> <Leader>su <Plug>SumNum
vmap <silent> <unique> <Leader>su <Plug>SumNum
if has('float')
" Call the floating-point version of the function
nmap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>SumNum :call <SID>SumNumbers_Float() <ESC>gv<ESC>o<ESC>"pp
vmap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>SumNum :call <SID>SumNumbers_Float() <ESC>gv<ESC>o<ESC>"pp
command! -nargs=? -range -register VisSum call <SID>SumNumbers_Float("<reg>")
" Call the integer version of the function
nmap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>SumNum :call <SID>SumNumbers_Int() <CR>
vmap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>SumNum :call <SID>SumNumbers_Int() <CR>
command! -nargs=? -range -register VisSum call <SID>SumNumbers_Int("<reg>")
function! <SID>SumNumbers_Float(...) range "{{{
let l:sum = str2float("0.0")
let l:cur = ""
if visualmode() =~ '\cv'
let y1 = line("'<")
let y2 = line("'>")
while y1 <= y2
let l:cur = matchstr( getline(y1), '-\?\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\?' )
if l:cur == ""
let l:cur = "0"
let l:sum += eval(l:cur)
let y1 += 1
elseif visualmode() == "\<c-v>"
let [ x1, y1, x2, y2 ] = [col("'<"), line("'<"), col("'>"), line("'>")]
" swap the X coords when the box is drawn from the right-hand side
if x2 < x1
let x1 = x1 + x2
let x2 = x1 - x2
let x1 = x1 - x2
let x1 = x1 - 1
let len = x2 - x1
while y1 <= y2
let line = getline(y1)
let chunk = strpart(line, x1, len)
let l:cur = matchstr( strpart(getline(y1), x1, len), '-\?\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\?' )
if l:cur == ""
let l:cur = "0"
let l:sum += eval(l:cur)
let y1 += 1
echoerr "You must select some text in visual mode first"
"Drop the fractional amount if it's zero
"TODO: When scientific notation is supported, this will need to be changed
if abs(l:sum) == trunc(abs(l:sum))
let l:sum = float2nr(l:sum)
"echo "sum = " l:sum
"save the sum in the variable b:sum, and optionally
"into the register specified by the user
let b:sum = l:sum
if a:0 == 1 && len(a:1) > 0
execute "let @" . a:1 . " = printf('%g', b:sum)"
let @p = "sum = " . string(l:sum)
endfunction "}}}
function! <SID>SumNumbers_Int(...) range "{{{
let l:sum = 0
let l:cur = 0
if visualmode() =~ '\cv'
let y1 = line("'<")
let y2 = line("'>")
while y1 <= y2
let l:cur = matchstr( getline(y1), '-\{-}\d\+' )
let l:sum += l:cur
let y1 += 1
elseif visualmode() == "\<c-v>"
let [ x1, y1, x2, y2 ] = [col("'<"), line("'<"), col("'>"), line("'>")]
" swap the X coords when the box is drawn from the right-hand side
if x2 < x1
let x1 = x1 + x2
let x2 = x1 - x2
let x1 = x1 - x2
let x1 = x1 - 1
let len = x2 - x1
while y1 <= y2
let line = getline(y1)
let chunk = strpart(line, x1, len)
let l:cur = matchstr( strpart(getline(y1), x1, len ), '-\{-}\d\+' )
let l:sum += l:cur
let y1 += 1
echoerr "You must select some text in visual mode first"
echo "sum = " l:sum
"save the sum in the variable b:sum, and optionally
"into the register specified by the user
let b:sum = l:sum
if a:0 == 1 && len(a:1) > 0
execute "let @" . a:1 . " = b:sum"
endfunction "}}}
"Test Data "{{{
" <column width=\"24\"> The winter of '49</column>
" <column width=\"18\"> The Summer of '48</column>
" <column width=\"44\"/>123
" <column width=\"14\"/>123
"1.5 123
"-2 123.0
"3.1 123.1
"-4.2 123.2
"+5.9 123.3
"The pedant in me wants to make these numbers work as well;
"but if I've learned anything, it's that the perfect is the
"enemy of the good.
"Avogadro 6.0221415e23
"Planck 6.626068E-34 m^2 kg / s
"Borh Radius 5.2917721092e鈭?1 m
R:\>diff -nur visSum.vim visSum.vim_new
diff: conflicting specifications of output style
--- visSum.vim Thu Apr 23 11:51:10 2020
+++ visSum.vim_new Thu Apr 23 22:21:54 2020
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
if has('float')
" Call the floating-point version of the function
- nmap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>SumNum :call <SID>SumNumbers_Float() <CR>
- vmap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>SumNum :call <SID>SumNumbers_Float() <CR>
+ nmap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>SumNum :call <SID>SumNumbers_Float() <ESC>gv<ESC>o<ESC>"pp
+ vmap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>SumNum :call <SID>SumNumbers_Float() <ESC>gv<ESC>o<ESC>"pp
command! -nargs=? -range -register VisSum call <SID>SumNumbers_Float("<reg>")
" Call the integer version of the function
@@ -111,13 +111,14 @@
- echo "sum = " l:sum
+ "echo "sum = " l:sum
"save the sum in the variable b:sum, and optionally
"into the register specified by the user
let b:sum = l:sum
if a:0 == 1 && len(a:1) > 0
execute "let @" . a:1 . " = printf('%g', b:sum)"
+ let @p = "sum = " . string(l:sum)
endfunction "}}}
function! <SID>SumNumbers_Int(...) range "{{{
red 1.1
black 2.100001
blue 3.1
white 4.12
sum = 10.42
red 1.1
black 2.100001
blue 3.1
white 4.120000
sum = 10.420001
red 1.1
black 2.100001
blue 3.1
white 4.12000012
sum = 10.420001
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