Laravel 框架加密解密如何實現 key 值多變的需求







public function register()
        $this->app->singleton('encrypter', function ($app) {
            $config = $app->make('config')->get('app');

            // If the key starts with "base64:", we will need to decode the key before handing
            // it off to the encrypter. Keys may be base-64 encoded for presentation and we
            // want to make sure to convert them back to the raw bytes before encrypting.
            if (Str::startsWith($key = $this->key($config), 'base64:')) {
                $key = base64_decode(substr($key, 7));

            return new Encrypter($key, $config['cipher']);




  • 我習慣在控制器Controllers目錄多生成一個Service目錄,來放置控制類中經常使用的類和方法。這次我們使用如下命令新建了EncryptService類。

    php artisan make:controller Service/EncryptService
  • 使用單例模式來構建。

    // 單例函式的例項化
      static private $instance;
      static public function getInstance(){
              self::$instance = new self();
          return self::$instance;
      // 定義初始化
      private function __construct()
          // If the key starts with "base64:", we will need to decode the key before handing
          // it off to the encrypter. Keys may be base-64 encoded for presentation and we
          // want to make sure to convert them back to the raw bytes before encrypting.
          // 如果沒有傳key的值,可以使用預設的key值
  • getEncrypter對配置進行判斷和處理,並new一個新的Encrypter類,如下:

       * 加密之前的驗證
      private function getEncrypter(){
          if (Str::startsWith($this->key, 'base64:')) {
              $this->key = base64_decode(substr($this->key, 7));
          $this->key = (string) $this->key;
          if (!static::supported($this->key, $this->cipher)) {
              throw new RuntimeException('The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths.');
          return new Encrypter($this->key, $this->cipher);
  • encrypt為例,使用$this->getEncrypter()方法來幫我們做加密中轉。

       * 定義公開的加密函式
      public function encrypt($value, $serialize = true){
          // 處理之前進行一步驗證
          return $this->getEncrypter()->encrypt($value, $serialize);
  • 使用setKey()來設定每次的加密的值,使用default()來恢復使用預設的值

       * 設定預設的屬性
       * 本類是一個單例模式的類,如果前期設定了配置,後期又想使用預設配置,你需要呼叫default方法才行
      public function default(){
          $this->key = config('app.key');
          $this->cipher = config('app.cipher');
          return $this;
      // 設定key的值
      public function setKey($key){
          $this->key = $key;
          return $this;
  • 呼叫的時候,我們只需要對我們自己的EncryptService來操作就行了。使用setKey()來設定新的key的值。如下

    use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
    use App\Http\Controllers\Service\EncryptService;
    class HomeController extends Controller
        public function index(Content $content)
            $encrypt = EncryptService::getInstance()->setKey('base64:uHNY0XQRxDLtQzl8ZWEMUDIbFGteGZA0o9BMP+L5sa8=')->encrypt('123');




namespace App\Http\Controllers\Service;

use RuntimeException;
use Illuminate\Encryption\Encrypter;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;

class EncryptService
    // 定義加密引數
    private $key;
    // 定義加密方式
    private $cipher;

    // 單例函式的例項化
    static private $instance;

    static public function getInstance(){
            self::$instance = new self();
        return self::$instance;
    // 定義初始化
    private function __construct()
        // If the key starts with "base64:", we will need to decode the key before handing
        // it off to the encrypter. Keys may be base-64 encoded for presentation and we
        // want to make sure to convert them back to the raw bytes before encrypting.
        // 如果沒有傳key的值,可以使用預設的key值
     * 設定預設的屬性
     * 本類是一個單例模式的類,如果前期設定了配置,後期又想使用預設配置,你需要呼叫default方法才行
    public function default(){
        $this->key = config('app.key');
        $this->cipher = config('app.cipher');
        return $this;
    // 設定key的值
    public function setKey($key){
        $this->key = $key;
        return $this;
    // 設定cipher的值
    public function setCipher($cipher){
        $this->cipher = $cipher;
        return $this;
     * 定義公開的加密函式
    public function encrypt($value, $serialize = true){
        // 處理之前進行一步驗證
        return $this->getEncrypter()->encrypt($value, $serialize);
     * 直接加密
    public function encryptString($value)
        return $this->getEncrypter()->encrypt($value, false);
     * 定義公開的解密函式
    public function decrypt($payload, $unserialize = true){
        // 處理之前進行一步驗證
        return $this->getEncrypter()->decrypt($payload, $unserialize);
     * 直接解密
    public function decryptString($payload)
        return $this->getEncrypter()->decrypt($payload, false);
     * Determine if the given key and cipher combination is valid.
     * @param  string  $key
     * @param  string  $cipher
     * @return bool
    private function supported($key, $cipher)
        $length = mb_strlen($key, '8bit');

        return ($cipher === 'AES-128-CBC' && $length === 16) ||
            ($cipher === 'AES-256-CBC' && $length === 32);
     * 加密之前的驗證
    private function getEncrypter(){
        if (Str::startsWith($this->key, 'base64:')) {
            $this->key = base64_decode(substr($this->key, 7));
        $this->key = (string) $this->key;
        if (!static::supported($this->key, $this->cipher)) {
            throw new RuntimeException('The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths.');

        return new Encrypter($this->key, $this->cipher);
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