Akka Stream文件翻譯:Quick Start Guide: Reactive Tweets


Quick Start Guide: Reactive Tweets

快速入門指南: Reactive Tweets

(reactive tweets 大概可以理解為“響應式推文”,在此可以測試下GFW是否還在正常工作 Twitter)

A typical use case for stream processing is consuming a live stream of data that we want to extract or aggregate some other data from. In this example we'll consider consuming a stream of tweets and extracting information concerning Akka from them.


We will also consider the problem inherent to all non-blocking streaming solutions: "What if the subscriber is too slow to consume the live stream of data?". Traditionally the solution is often to buffer the elements, but this can—and usually will—cause eventual buffer overflows and instability of such systems. Instead Akka Streams depend on internal backpressure signals that allow to control what should happen in such scenarios.

我們還會考慮所有非阻塞的流解決方案都有固有的一個問題:“如果採集者太慢而不能消費實時資料流的話該怎麼辦?”。通常採用的方案是把流的元素快取起來,但是這樣可能——並且經常會——最終導致緩衝溢位以及系統不穩定。與此不同的是,Akka Streams依靠一個內部的反向壓力(backpressure)訊號,使得我們可以控制在這種情況下該怎麼做。

Here's the data model we'll be working with throughout the quickstart examples:


final case class Author(handle: String)
final case class Hashtag(name: String)
final case class Tweet(author: Author, timestamp: Long, body: String) {
  def hashtags: Set[Hashtag] =
    body.split(" ").collect { case t if t.startsWith("#") => Hashtag(t) }.toSet
val akka = Hashtag("#akka")


Transforming and consuming simple streams


In order to prepare our environment by creating an ActorSystem and ActorFlowMaterializer, which will be responsible for materializing and running the streams we are about to create:
implicit val system = ActorSystem("reactive-tweets")
implicit val materializer = ActorFlowMaterializer()

The ActorFlowMaterializer can optionally take ActorFlowMaterializerSettings which can be used to define materialization properties, such as default buffer sizes (see also Buffers in Akka Streams), the dispatcher to be used by the pipeline etc. These can be overridden withAttributes on FlowSourceSink and Graph.

ActorFlowMaterializer可選地接受ActorFlowMaterializerSetting作為引數,這個參為用來決定物化相關的屬性,比如預設的buffer大小(參見Buffers in Akka Streams),管道(pipeline)所使用的分配器(dispatcher)。這些可以通過Flow, Source, Sink, Graph的withAttributes覆蓋。

Let's assume we have a stream of tweets readily available, in Akka this is expressed as a Source[Out, M]:

假設我們有一個已準備好的推文流,在Akka中應該這樣表達Source[Out, M]:

val tweets: Source[Tweet, Unit]

Streams always start flowing from a Source[Out,M1] then can continue through Flow[In,Out,M2] elements or more advanced graph elements to finally be consumed by a Sink[In,M3] (ignore the type parameters M1M2 and M3 for now, they are not relevant to the types of the elements produced/consumed by these classes). Both Sources and Flows provide stream operations that can be used to transform the flowing data, a Sink however does not since its the "end of stream" and its behavior depends on the type of Sink used.

流總是以一個Source[Out, M1]開始,然後經過Flow[In, Out, M2]元素,或者更加高階的graph元素,最終被Sink[In, M3]消費(先忽略型別引數M1, M2和M3, 他們與這些類所生產/消費的元素型別無關)。Sources和Flows都提供了流操作,可以用來轉換流動的資料,但是Sink就沒有這樣的功能,因為它是“流的末端”,Sink的行為取決於所使用的Sink的型別。

In our case let's say we want to find all twitter handles of users which tweet about #akka, the operations should look familiar to anyone who has used the Scala Collections library, however they operate on streams and not collections of data:

val authors: Source[Author, Unit] =

Finally in order to materialize and run the stream computation we need to attach the Flow to a Sink that will get the flow running. The simplest way to do this is to call runWith(or by using the shorthand version (which are defined only for the most popular sinks such as FoldSink andForeachSink):sink) on a Source. For convenience a number of common Sinks are predefined and collected as methods on the Sink companion object. For now let's simply print each author:

最後,為了物化並且執行上邊的流計算,我們需要把這個Flow掛在一個使它執行起來的Sink上。最簡單的作法就是在Source上呼叫runWith(sink)。為了方便,有一些Sink已經被預先定義好了,並且在Sinkcompanion object裡被作為方法收集了起來。讓我們先簡單地列印出每個作者:


or by using the shorthand version (which are defined only for the most popular sinks such as FoldSink andForeachSink):



Materializing and running a stream always requires a FlowMaterializer to be in implicit scope (or passed in explicitly, like this: .run(materializer)).



Flattening sequences in streams


In the previous section we were working on 1:1 relationships of elements which is the most common case, but sometimes we might want to map from one element to a number of elements and receive a "flattened" stream, similarly like flatMap works on Scala Collections. In order to get a flattened stream of hashtags from our stream of tweets we can use the mapConcat combinator:

上一節中我們處理的元素是1:1的關係,這也是最常見的情況,但是有時候我們想要把一個元素對映成一些元素,得到一個“扁平化”的流,就像Scala集合中的 flatMap .為了從我們的推文流中獲得一個扁平化的hashtag流,我們使用 mapConcat 這個聯結器:

val hashtags: Source[Hashtag, Unit] = tweets.mapConcat(_.hashtags.toList)


The name flatMap was consciously avoided due to its proximity with for-comprehensions and monadic composition. It is problematic for two reasons: first, flattening by concatenation is often undesirable in bounded stream processing due to the risk of deadlock (with merge being the preferred strategy), and second, the monad laws would not hold for our implementation of flatMap (due to the liveness issues).

Please note that the mapConcat requires the supplied function to return a strict collection (f:Out=>immutable.Seq[T]), whereas flatMap would have to operate on streams all the way through.


Broadcasting a stream


Now let's say we want to persist all hashtags, as well as all author names from this one live stream. For example we'd like to write all author handles into one file, and all hashtags into another file on disk. This means we have to split the source stream into 2 streams which will handle the writing to these different files.


Elements that can be used to form such "fan-out" (or "fan-in") structures are referred to as "junctions" in Akka Streams. One of these that we'll be using in this example is called Broadcast, and it simply emits elements from its input port to all of its output ports.

能夠用於實現這種“扇出”結構的元素在Akka Streams裡邊被稱為"交叉點"。我們這個例子裡用到的一種交叉點被稱為Broadcast(廣播),它單純地把元素從輸入端發射到所有輸出端。

Akka Streams intentionally separate the linear stream structures (Flows) from the non-linear, branching ones (FlowGraphs) in order to offer the most convenient API for both of these cases. Graphs can express arbitrarily complex stream setups at the expense of not reading as familiarly as collection transformations. It is also possible to wrap complex computation graphs as Flows, Sinks or Sources, which will be explained in detail in Constructing Sources, Sinks and Flows from Partial Graphs. FlowGraphs are constructed like this:

 Akka Streams有意地把線性的流結構(Flows)和非線性的、分支的流結構(FlowGraphs)分開,以便於為這兩種情況提供最方便的API。圖(Graph)可以表示任意複雜的流,但是就不像集合轉換那樣流起來很熟悉了。也可以把複雜的計算圖包裝成Flows, Sinks和Sources,這將在Constructing Sources, Sinks and Flows from Partial Graphs 裡詳細描述。FlowGraphs像這樣構造:

val writeAuthors: Sink[Author, Unit] = ???
val writeHashtags: Sink[Hashtag, Unit] = ???
val g = FlowGraph.closed() { implicit b =>
  import FlowGraph.Implicits._
  val bcast = b.add(Broadcast[Tweet](2))
  tweets ~> bcast.in
  bcast.out(0) ~> Flow[Tweet].map(_.author) ~> writeAuthors 
  bcast.out(1) ~> Flow[Tweet].mapConcat(_.hashtags.toList) ~> writeHashtags


The ~> (read as "edge", "via" or "to") operator is only available if FlowGraph.Implicits._ are imported. Without this import you can still construct graphs using the builder.addEdge(from,[through,]to) method.

As you can see, inside the FlowGraph we use an implicit graph builder to mutably construct the graph using the ~>"edge operator" (also read as "connect" or "via" or "to"). Once we have the FlowGraph in the value g it is immutable, thread-safe, and freely shareable. A graph can can be run() directly - assuming all ports (sinks/sources) within a flow have been connected properly. It is possible to construct partial graphs where this is not required but this will be covered in detail in Constructing and combining Partial Flow Graphs.

你可以看到,在FlowGraph裡我們可以用一個隱式的圖構建器,使用~>這個“邊操作符”(edge operator),構造圖。一旦FlowGraph被放在g中,那麼它就是不可變的、執行緒安全的以及可以自由共享的。一個graph可以被直接run()執行——假如流中的所有端(sinks/sources)都被正確地連線起來。也可以構造不完全圖(partial graph),這不是必須的,其細節將在 Constructing and combining Partial Flow Graphs 中詳細闡述。

As all Akka Streams elements, Broadcast will properly propagate back-pressure to its upstream element.

就像所有的Akka Streams元素一樣, Broadcast可以正確地向它的上流元素施加back-pressure.

Back-pressure in action


One of the main advantages of Akka Streams is that they always propagate back-pressure information from stream Sinks (Subscribers) to their Sources (Publishers). It is not an optional feature, and is enabled at all times. To learn more about the back-pressure protocol used by Akka Streams and all other Reactive Streams compatible implementations read Back-pressure explained.

Akka Streams的一個主要優勢就是它們總是從流的Sinks(收集者)傳播back-pressure資訊到Sources(釋出者)。這不是一個可選的特性,而是總是開啟的。可以檢視Back-pressure explained.來了解更多Akka Streams和其它Reactive Streams實現所採用的back-pressure協議。

A typical problem applications (not using Akka Streams) like this often face is that they are unable to process the incoming data fast enough, either temporarily or by design, and will start buffering incoming data until there's no more space to buffer, resulting in either OutOfMemoryError s or other severe degradations of service responsiveness. With Akka Streams buffering can and must be handled explicitly. For example, if we are only interested in the "most recent tweets, with a buffer of 10 elements" this can be expressed using the buffer element:

 這樣的程式(不使用Akka Streams)通常會遇到一個典型問題就它們不能足夠快地處理流入的資料,這種情況或者是暫時的或者是就是這麼設計的,那麼這時候就會快取流入的資料直到再沒有空間來快取, 結果不是發生OutOfMemoryError就是服務的響應性發生嚴重的下降。當使用Akka Streams時,緩衝可以而且必須被顯示地處理。比如,如果你只關心“最近的推文,使用一個包含10個元素的緩衝”, 這可以通過使用buffer這種元素來表達:
  .buffer(10, OverflowStrategy.dropHead)

The buffer element takes an explicit and required OverflowStrategy, which defines how the buffer should react when it receives another element element while it is full. Strategies provided include dropping the oldest element (dropHead), dropping the entire buffer, signalling errors etc. Be sure to pick and choose the strategy that fits your use case best.



Materialized values


先插播一段Akka Streams文件中對於materialize的描述,不然下邊說的東西不好理解。

Stream Materialization


When constructing flows and graphs in Akka Streams think of them as preparing a blueprint, an execution plan. Stream materialization is the process of taking a stream description (the graph) and allocating all the necessary resources it needs in order to run. In the case of Akka Streams this often means starting up Actors which power the processing, but is not restricted to that - it could also mean opening files or socket connections etc. – depending on what the stream needs.

當在Akka Streams中構建流(flow)和圖(graph)時,可以把它們當作正在準備一個藍圖,一個執行計劃。流的物化就是獲取一個流的描述(就是流程圖),然後分配它執行時需要的資源。在Akka Streams的例子中,這意味著起動驅動這個流處理過程的actor,但是不僅限於此——也可能意味著開啟檔案或者socket連線,等——取決於這個流需要什麼。


So far we've been only processing data using Flows and consuming it into some kind of external Sink - be it by printing values or storing them in some external system. However sometimes we may be interested in some value that can be obtained from the materialized processing pipeline. For example, we want to know how many tweets we have processed. While this question is not as obvious to give an answer to in case of an infinite stream of tweets (one way to answer this question in a streaming setting would to create a stream of counts described as "up until now, we've processed N tweets"), but in general it is possible to deal with finite streams and come up with a nice result such as a total count of elements.


First, let's write such an element counter using FoldSink and see how the types look like:

val sumSink: Sink[Int, Future[Int]] = Sink.fold[Int, Int](0)(_ + _)
val counter: RunnableFlow[Future[Int]] = tweets.map(t => 1).toMat(sumSink)(Keep.right)
val sum: Future[Int] = counter.run()
sum.foreach(c => println(s"Total tweets processed: $c"))

First, we prepare the FoldSink which will be used to sum all Int elements of the stream. Next we connect thetweets stream though a map step which converts each tweet into the number 1, finally we connect the flow usingtoMat the previously prepared Sink. Remember those mysterious type parameters on Source Flow and Sink? They represent the type of values these processing parts return when materialized. When you chain these together, you can explicitly combine their materialized values: in our example we used the Keep.right predefined function, which tells the implementation to only care about the materialized type of the stage currently appended to the right. As you can notice, the materialized type of sumSink is Future[Int] and because of using Keep.right, the resultingRunnableFlow has also a type parameter of Future[Int].

This step does not yet materialize the processing pipeline, it merely prepares the description of the Flow, which is now connected to a Sink, and therefore can be run(), as indicated by its type: RunnableFlow[Future[Int]]. Next we callrun() which uses the implicit ActorFlowMaterializer to materialize and run the flow. The value returned by callingrun() on a RunnableFlow[T] is of type T. In our case this type is Future[Int] which, when completed, will contain the total length of our tweets stream. In case of the stream failing, this future would complete with a Failure.
這個步驟仍然沒有把處理管道物化,它只是準備好了對於Flow的描述, 因為這個Flow現在連結到一個Sink,因此它可以run()了,這個可以通過它的型別RunnableFlow[Future[Int]]指明。下一步我們可以呼叫run(),它會使用隱式的ActorFlowMaterializer來物化並且執行這個flow。在一個RunnableFlow[T]上呼叫run()會返回一個型別為T的值。在我們的例子中,這個值是Future[Int],它在完成以後會包括我們的推文流的長度。在流失敗(failing)的情況下, 這個future將會以一個Failure完成。
RunnableFlow may be reused and materialized multiple times, because it is just the "blueprint" of the stream. This means that if we materialize a stream, for example one that consumes a live stream of tweets within a minute, the materialized values for those two materializations will be different, as illustrated by this example:
val sumSink = Sink.fold[Int, Int](0)(_ + _)
val counterRunnableFlow: RunnableFlow[Future[Int]] =
    .filter(_.hashtags contains akka)
    .map(t => 1)
// materialize the stream once in the morning
val morningTweetsCount: Future[Int] = counterRunnableFlow.run()
// and once in the evening, reusing the flow
val eveningTweetsCount: Future[Int] = counterRunnableFlow.run()

Many elements in Akka Streams provide materialized values which can be used for obtaining either results of computation or steering these elements which will be discussed in detail in Stream Materialization. Summing up this section, now we know what happens behind the scenes when we run this one-liner, which is equivalent to the multi line version above:

Akka Streams中的很多元素都提供了物化的值,可以用於獲取計算的結果或者駕馭這些元素,其中細節在Stream Materialization 中討論。總結一下這一節,執行這一行程式碼,等於執行上邊的那個多行的版本,我們現在應該知道其背後的細節了。
val sum: Future[Int] = tweets.map(t => 1).runWith(sumSink)


runWith() is a convenience method that automatically ignores the materialized value of any other stages except those appended by the runWith() itself. In the above example it translates to using Keep.right as the combiner for materialized values.

