cluvfy 命令
cluvfy(Cluster Verify),簡稱CVU,是隨Oracle叢集管理軟體一起釋出的檢查工具。它的功能是整個叢集系統實施過程的各個階段以及各個元件進行檢查,並驗證是否滿足Oracle的要求
cluvfy stage {-list|-help}
cluvfy stage {-pre|-post} <stage-name> <stage-specific options> [-verbose]
-pre cfs:對CFS設定進行預檢;
-pre crsinst:對CRS安裝進行預檢查;
-pre acfscfg:對ACFS設定進行預檢查;
-pre dbinst:對資料庫安裝進行預檢查;
-pre dbcfg:對資料庫配置進行預檢查;
-pre hacfg:對資料庫的HA配置進行預檢查;
-pre nodeadd:為新增節點進行預檢查;
-post hwos:對硬體和作業系統進行後期檢查;
-post cfs:對CFS設定進行後期檢查;
-post crsinst:對CRS安裝進行後期檢查;
-post acfscfg:對ACFS設定進行後期檢查;
-post hacfg:對資料庫的HA配置進行後期檢查;
-post nodeadd:新增節點進行後期檢查;
-post nodedel:對接點刪除進行後期檢查;
cluvfy comp {-list|-help}
cluvfy comp <component-name> <component-specific options> [-verbose]
nodereach:checks reachability between nodes
nodecon:checks node connectivity
cfs:checks CFS integrity
ssa:checks shared storage accessibility
space:checks space availability
sys:checks minimum system requirements
clu:checks cluster integrity
clumgr:checks cluster manager integrity
ocr:checks OCR integrity
olr:checks OLR integrity
ha:checks HA integrity
freespace:checks free space in CRS Home
crs:checks CRS integrity
nodeapp:checks node applications existence
admprv:checks administrative privileges
peer:compares properties with peers
software:checks software distribution
acfs:checks ACFS integrity
asm:checks ASM integrity
gpnp:checks GPnP integrity
gns:checks GNS integrity
scan:檢查 SCAN 配置
ohasd:checks OHASD integrity
vdisk:checks Voting Disk configuration and UDEV settings
healthcheck:checks mandatory requirements and/or best practice recommendations
dhcp:檢查 DHCP 配置
dns:檢查 DNS 配置
baseline:collect and compare baselines
WTCCN-BJ-ECDB1[oracle]/home/oracle> cluvfy stage -pre crsinst -n WTCCN-BJ-ECDB1,WTCCN-BJ-ECDB2 -fixup -verbose Performing pre-checks for cluster services setup Checking node reachability... Check: Node reachability from node "wtccn-bj-ecdb1" Destination Node Reachable? ------------------------------------ ------------------------ wtccn-bj-ecdb1 yes wtccn-bj-ecdb2 yes Result: Node reachability check passed from node "wtccn-bj-ecdb1" Checking user equivalence... Check: User equivalence for user "oracle" Node Name Status ------------------------------------ ------------------------ wtccn-bj-ecdb2 passed wtccn-bj-ecdb1 passed Result: User equivalence check passed for user "oracle" Checking node connectivity... Checking hosts config file... Node Name Status ------------------------------------ ------------------------ wtccn-bj-ecdb2 passed wtccn-bj-ecdb1 passed Verification of the hosts config file successful ... ...
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- CLUVFY工具(一)
- 【RAC工具】cluvfy
- CLUVFY工具(二)
- 【cluvfy】叢集驗證工具cluvfy使用方法——stage
- 【cluvfy】叢集驗證工具cluvfy使用方法——comp
- CLUVFY工具的使用
- rac中的cluvfy檢查工具使用
- oracle小知識點9--cluvfyOracle
- cluvfy(Cluster Verification Utility,叢集檢驗工具),簡稱CVU,cvuqdisk包
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