使用Spring實施策略模式 - javarevisited
幾周前,我們有一個需要攝取同一物件的要求,但是根據其中一個欄位,對其進行完全不同的處理。最簡單,最快的方法可能是使用不同的邏輯建立不同的類,並簡單地使用多個“ if / else”語句來執行所需的過程。但是,如果我們沒有兩個流程,但是將來可能只有五個或十個流程,該怎麼辦?
在本教程中,我建立了一個Spring Webflux專案,併為您提供了一些背景資訊,該服務透過REST API從電子商務站點獲取訂單。這些訂單可以用於個人或公司客戶。
public class Order { public enum MethodOfPayment { CREDIT_CARD, DEBIT_CARD, CORPORATE_ACCOUNT } public enum OrderType{ CORPORATE, INDIVIDUAL } private Customer customer; private OrderType orderType; private String corpCode; private MethodOfPayment methodOfPayment; private Corporation corporation; private List<String> articles; //methods omitted for this post. Visit the github project for more. } |
public interface OrderProcessingService { //In here we define that all implementations must take an order // and return an OrderApiResponse. Mono<OrderApiResponse> processOrder(Order order); } |
步驟3:為每個處理流建立實現,並使用@Component Annotation對其進行註釋。
@Component("CORPORATE") public class CorporateOrderProcessingService implements OrderProcessingService { @Override public Mono<OrderApiResponse> processOrder(Order order) { return Mono.just(order) .handle(this.handleOrder()); } } // Constructor and other methods omitted for this post but available in the full project. |
@Component("INDIVIDUAL") public class IndividualOrderProcessingService implements OrderProcessingService { @Override public Mono<OrderApiResponse> processOrder(Order order){ return Mono.just(order) .handle(this.handleOrder()); } } // Constructor and other methods omitted for this post but available in the full project. |
@RestController public class OrderController { private final Map<String, OrderProcessingService> orderProcessingServices; //Spring will autowire our map with both immplementations and the Component name as the key public OrderController(Map<String, OrderProcessingService> orderProcessingServices) { this.orderProcessingServices = orderProcessingServices; } @PostMapping("/order") public Mono<OrderApiResponse> onNewOrder(@RequestBody Order receivedOrder) { return this.orderProcessingServices.get(receivedOrder.getOrderType().name()) .processOrder(receivedOrder); } } |
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