002.09 簡單 PNG 圖片編輯器


檔案建立日期: 2020/01/04

最後修訂日期: None


| Windows 10 | Python 3.8.1 | PySimpleGUI 4.14.1 | Numpy 1.18.0 | Pillow 6.2.1 |


說明: 所有內容歡迎引用, 只需註明來源及作者, 本文內容如有錯誤或用詞不當, 敬請指正.

標題: 002.09 簡單PNG圖片編輯器


最近常用到PNG圖片, 上網不太容易找到適用的整組圖片, 於是就花了一點時間, 寫了一個簡單的PNG圖片編輯器, 剛好夠自己使用就行. 因為圖片的畫素被稍放大成格子, 所以所有的編輯動作都要自己作, 再加上透明色要另外處理, 內容就變得複雜起來, 沒有作太多測試, 如果有任何問題敬請提示, 謝謝 !


  1. 可畫點, 線, 方框, 圓
  2. 可填色
  3. 固定只用到27種顏色, 另加上透明色
  4. 可讀取現在圖檔
  5. 編輯後可以存檔


002.09 簡單PNG圖片編輯器


import sys
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import numpy as np
from math import sqrt
from PIL import Image, ImageOps

if 'Jason' in globals():                # Create Personel Utility
    del Jason                           # Always reload
if 'Jason_UTIL' in sys.modules:
    del sys.modules['Jason_UTIL']

from Jason_UTIL import Jason

class PNG():

    Class PNG - Built all functions, constants and Variable required for
                processing of PNG file, image and display.
    def __init__(self):

        self.Font = 'Courier 16'                        # All font, except
        self.Font2 = 'Courier 12'                       # font for transparent
        self.File_Type = (("ALL PNG Files", "*.png"),)  # File type - *.png
        self.Scale = 8                                  # cell width/height
        self.Pixels_Max = 96                            # Max PNG size
        self.Pixels = 48                                # Default PNG size
        self.Height = self.Pixels_Max * self.Scale      # Canvas height
        self.Width = self.Height                        # Canvas width
        self.Start = (self.Pixels_Max - self.Pixels)//2 # Start of PNG
        self.Stop = self.Start + self.Pixels            # Stop of PNG
        self.Color = [0, 0, 0, 255]                     # Default Color - black
        self.Grey = [192, 192, 192, 0]                  # Default Transparent
        self.Mode = 'Point'                             # Default Mode - Point
        self.Color_Table = ['00', '80', 'FF']           # Color Table to join
        self.PNG_Size = [str(i)+'x'+str(i)              # Values for Combo
            for i in range(8, self.Pixels_Max + 8, 8)]  #      8 ~ 96, 8/step
        self.Object = np.zeros(                         # Cell ID
            (self.Pixels_Max, self.Pixels_Max), dtype=np.uint32)
        self.Photo = np.full(                           # PNG color - RGBA
            (self.Pixels_Max, self.Pixels_Max, 4), 255, dtype=np.uint8)

    def Button(self, Key):                              # Button function

        return sg.Button(
            button_text=Key, enable_events=True, border_width=1, size=(10, 1),
            font=self.Font, key=Key, pad=(0, 5))

    def Button_Color(self, color):                      # Color Table Button

        return sg.Button(
            button_text='', enable_events=True, border_width=1, size=(3, 1),
            button_color=('white', color), font=self.Font, pad=(0, 0),

    def Button_Transparent(self):                       # Trasparent Button

        return sg.Button(
            button_text='Transparent', enable_events=True, border_width=1,
            size=(13, 1), button_color=('white', 'blue'), font=self.Font2,
            key='Transparent', pad=(0, 5))

    def Canvas(self, Width, Height, Pad, Key, drag=True):   # Canvas for cells

        return sg.Graph(
            canvas_size=(Width, Height), key=Key, pad=Pad, drag_submits=drag,
            graph_bottom_left=(0, 0), graph_top_right=(Width, Height),
            background_color='#000000', enable_events=True, )

    def Check(self, temp, Checked, List):               # Check duplicated

        for Point in List:
            y, x = Point
            if ((Point not in Checked) and (Point not in temp) and
                    (self.Start <= x < self.Stop) and
                    (self.Start <= y < self.Stop)):
                temp += [Point]

        return temp

    def Color_Array(self):                              # Color Table Buttons

        Array = []
        for i in self.Color_Table:
            for j in self.Color_Table:
                Line = []
                for k in self.Color_Table:
                    color = ''.join(('#', i, j, k))
        return Array

    def Column(self, Layout, Key):                      # Container for Col

        return sg.Column(layout=Layout, background_color='green', pad=(5, 5),

    def Combo(self, Default, Values):                   # Select for PNG size

        return sg.Combo(
            default_value=Default, values=Values, size=(9, 1), font=P.Font,
            pad=(0, 10), enable_events=True, key='Combo')

    def Draw_Box(self, Point1, Point2, replace=True):   # Draw Rectangle

        (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = Point1, Point2
        Step_x = 1 if x1 > x0 else -1
        Step_y = 1 if y1 > y0 else -1

        for x in range(x0, x1 + Step_x, Step_x):
            self.Pixel((x, y0), replace=replace)
        for y in range(y0 + Step_y, y1 + Step_y, Step_y):
            self.Pixel((x1, y), replace=replace)
        for x in range(x1 - Step_x, x0 - Step_x, -Step_x):
            self.Pixel((x, y1), replace=replace)
        for y in range(y1 - Step_y, y0, -Step_y):
            self.Pixel((x0, y), replace=replace)

    def Draw_Circle(self, Point1, Point2, replace=True):    # Draw Circle

        (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = Point1, Point2
        Radius = sqrt( (x1 - x0)**2 + (y1 - y0)**2 )
        f = 1 - Radius
        ddf_x = 1
        ddf_y = -2 * Radius
        x = 0
        y = Radius
        List = [[x0, int(y0 + Radius + 0.5)], [x0, int(y0 - Radius + 0.5)],
                [int(x0 + Radius + 0.5), y0], [int(x0 - Radius + 0.5), y0]]

        while x < y:
            if f >= 0:
                y -= 1
                ddf_y += 2
                f += ddf_y
            x += 1
            ddf_x += 2
            f += ddf_x
            List += [[x0 + x, int(y0 + y + 0.5)], [x0 - x, int(y0 + y + 0.5)],
                     [x0 + x, int(y0 - y + 0.5)], [x0 - x, int(y0 - y + 0.5)],
                     [int(x0 + y + 0.5), y0 + x], [int(x0 - y + 0.5), y0 + x],
                     [int(x0 + y + 0.5), y0 - x], [int(x0 - y + 0.5), y0 - x]]

        List = set(tuple(element) for element in List)

        for Point in List:
            self.Pixel(Point, replace=replace)

    def Draw_Fill(self, Point1, replace=True):          # Fill area

        y, x = Point1
        if not ((self.Start <= x < self.Stop) and
                (self.Start <= y < self.Stop)):

        Color = self.Photo[y, x]
        Points = []
        Checked = []
        To_Checked = [Point1]

        while True:
            if To_Checked == []:
            temp = []
            for i in range(len(To_Checked)):
                Point = To_Checked[i]
                y1, x1 = Point
                Checked += [Point]
                if list(self.Photo[y1, x1]) == list(Color):
                    Points += [Point]
                temp = self.Check(temp, Checked,
                    [[y1-1, x1], [y1+1, x1], [y1, x1-1], [y1, x1+1]])
            To_Checked = temp

        for Point in Points:
            y, x = Point
            self.Photo[y, x] = self.Color


    def Draw_Line(self, Point1, Point2, replace=True):  # Draw Line

        (x0, y0), (x1, y1) = Point1, Point2
        dx = abs(x1 - x0)
        dy = abs(y1 - y0)
        x, y = x0, y0
        sx = -1 if x0 > x1 else 1
        sy = -1 if y0 > y1 else 1
        if dx > dy:
            err = dx
            while x != x1:
                self.Pixel((x, y), replace=replace)
                err -= dy * 2
                if err < 0:
                    y += sy
                    err += dx * 2
                x += sx
            err = dy
            while y != y1:
                self.Pixel((x, y), replace=replace)
                err -= dx * 2
                if err < 0:
                    x += sx
                    err += dy * 2
                y += sy
        self.Pixel((x, y), replace=replace)

    def Draw_Pixel(self, Point):                        # Draw cell from Array

        y, x = Point

        if (self.Start <= x < self.Stop) and (self.Start <= y < self.Stop):
            if self.Photo[y, x, 3] == 0:
                Fill = Jason.RGB_To_HEX(self.Grey)
                self.Photo[y, x] = self.Grey
                Fill = Jason.RGB_To_HEX(self.Photo[y, x])
            Line = 'black'
            Line_Width = 1
            Fill =  Jason.RGB_To_HEX(self.Grey)
            Line = None
            Line_Width = 0

        return Draw.DrawRectangle(
            (x * self.Scale, self.Height - y * self.Scale),
            ((x + 1) * self.Scale, self.Height - (y + 1) * self.Scale),
            fill_color=Fill, line_color=Line, line_width=Line_Width)

    def Draw_Pixels(self):                              # Draw all cells

        for y in range(self.Pixels_Max):
            for x in range(self.Pixels_Max):
                self.Object[y, x] = self.Draw_Pixel([y, x])

    def File_Browse(self, Key):                         # Open file

        return sg.FileBrowse(
            button_text=Key, target=Key, size=(10, 1), enable_events=True,
            font=self.Font, key=Key, pad=(0, 5), file_types=self.File_Type)

    def File_Save_As(self, Key):                        # Save file

        return sg.FileSaveAs(
            button_text=Key, target=Key, size=(10, 1), enable_events=True,
            font=self.Font, key=Key, pad=(0, 5), file_types=self.File_Type)

    def Get_Object_Position(self, Point):               # Get cell with mouse

        Object_List = Draw.GetFiguresAtLocation(Point)
        if Object_List != ():
            return Jason.Index_2D(self.Object, Object_List[-1])

    def Open_PNG(self, filename):                       # Open/Load PNG file

        if filename == '' or not filename.endswith('.png'):
            im = Image.open(filename)
                'File '+str(filename)+' failed to open !',
                title='Error', font=self.Font)
        if im.width != im.height:
                "Width {} not same as Height {} !".format(im.width, im.height),
                title='Error', font=self.Font)
        if im.width not in [i for i in range(8, self.Pixels_Max + 8, 8)]:
                'Dim {} not in (8, 16, ..., {}) !'.format(im.width,
                title='Error', font=self.Font)
        if im.mode == 'LA':
            L, A = im.split()
            L = ImageOps.invert(A)
            im = Image.merge('LA', (L, A))
        if im.mode != 'RGBA':
            im = im.convert('RGBA')
        self.Pixels = im.width
        self.Start = (self.Pixels_Max - self.Pixels)//2
        self.Stop = self.Start + self.Pixels
        self.Photo[self.Start:self.Stop, self.Start:self.Stop] = np.array(
            im, dtype=np.uint8)

    def Radio(self, Key, default=False):                # Select Method/Mode

        return sg.Radio(Key, group_id='Function', default=default, pad=(0, 5),
                        text_color='white', background_color='green',
                        key=Key, enable_events=True, font=self.Font)

    def Save_PNG(self, filename):                       # Save Image to PNG

        if filename == '':
        if not filename.endswith('.png'):
            filename += '.png'
        im = Image.fromarray(
                self.Start:self.Stop, self.Start:self.Stop], mode='RGBA')
            im.save(filename, format='PNG')
                '{} failed to save !'.format(filename),
                title='Error', font=self.Font)

    def Pixel(self, Point, replace=True):               # Draw Pixel by Color

        y, x = Point
        if (self.Start <= x < self.Stop) and (self.Start <= y < self.Stop):
            r, g, b, a = 255-self.Photo[y, x]
            if replace:
                r, g, b, a = self.Color
            New_Color = Jason.RGB_To_HEX((r, g, b))

            Draw.DeleteFigure(self.Object[y, x])
            Figure = Draw.DrawRectangle(
                (x * self.Scale, self.Height - y * self.Scale),
                ((x + 1) * self.Scale, self.Height - (y + 1) * self.Scale),
                fill_color=New_Color, line_color='black', line_width=1)

            self.Object[y, x] = Figure
            self.Photo[y, x] = [r, g, b, a]

P = PNG()

Layout0 = ([[P.File_Browse('Open')], [P.File_Save_As('Save')],      # Column 0
            [P.Combo('48x48', P.PNG_Size)]] + P.Color_Array() +

Layout1 = [[P.Canvas(P.Width, P.Height, (0,0), 'Graph1')]]          # Column 1

Layout2 = [[P.Button('Clear')], [P.Radio('Point', default=True)],   # Column 2
           [P.Radio('Line')], [P.Radio('Circle')],
           [P.Radio('Box')], [P.Radio('Fill')],
           [sg.Text('', size=(10, 5), font=P.Font,
                    background_color=Jason.RGB_To_HEX(P.Color), key='Color',
                    pad=(0, 5), border_width=1, relief='solid')]]

Layout = [[P.Column(Layout0, 'Column0'),                    # Layout of window
           P.Column(Layout1, 'Column1'),
           P.Column(Layout2, 'Column2')]]

Window = sg.Window( 'Draw PNG', layout=Layout, background_color='green',
                    margins=(0, 0), finalize=True)          # Create window
Draw = Window['Graph1']
Function = {'Point':P.Pixel, 'Line':P.Draw_Line, 'Circle':P.Draw_Circle,
            'Box':P.Draw_Box, 'Fill':P.Draw_Fill}           # Function by event

Drag = False                                                # Drag Mode
Click = False                                               # Mouse Down
Drawn = False                                               # Object drawn

while True:

    Event, Values = Window.read()                           # Event read

    if Event == None:                                       # Close window

    elif Event == 'Open':                                   # Event Open
        filename = Values['Open'].lower()

    elif Event == 'Save':                                   # Event Save
        filename = Values['Save'].lower()

    elif Event[0] == '#':                                   # Event Color Table
        P.Color = (int(Event[1:3], 16), int(Event[3:5], 16),
                    int(Event[5:7], 16), 255)

    elif Event == 'Combo':                                  # Event PNG size
        P.Pixels = int(Values['Combo'][:Values['Combo'].find('x')])
        P.Start = (P.Pixels_Max - P.Pixels)//2
        P.Stop = P.Start + P.Pixels
        P.Photo[P.Start:P.Stop, P.Start:P.Stop, :] = 255

    elif Event == 'Clear':                                  # Event Clear PNG
        P.Photo[P.Start:P.Stop, P.Start:P.Stop, :] = 255

    elif Event == 'Transparent':                            # Event Trans.
        P.Color = P.Grey

    elif Event in ['Point', 'Line', 'Circle', 'Box', 'Fill']:  # Event Mode
        P.Mode = Event

    elif Event == 'Graph1':                                 # Event on Canvas

        if not Drag:                                        # Mouse Down

            Start_Point = Values['Graph1']
            Start_Index = P.Get_Object_Position(Start_Point)
            if not Click:
                Click = True
                Old_Point = Start_Point
                if Start_Point != Old_Point:
                    Drag = True

        else:                                               # Drag Mouse

            Stop_Point = Values['Graph1']
            Stop_Index = P.Get_Object_Position(Stop_Point)
            if None in [Start_Index, Stop_Index]:
                if P.Mode in ['Line', 'Circle', 'Box']:     # Move Object
                    if Drawn:
                        Function[P.Mode](Old_Start, Old_Stop, replace=False)
                    Function[P.Mode](Start_Index, Stop_Index, replace=False)
                    Old_Start, Old_Stop = Start_Index, Stop_Index
                    Drawn = True

    elif Event == 'Graph1+UP':                              # Mouse Up

        if not Drag:                                        # Point/Fill
            if P.Mode in ['Point', 'Fill'] and Start_Index != None:
        elif None not in [Start_Index, Stop_Index]:         # Line/Circle/Box
            if P.Mode in ['Line', 'Circle', 'Box']:
                if Drawn:
                    Function[P.Mode](Old_Start, Old_Stop, replace=False)
                Function[P.Mode](Start_Index, Stop_Index)

        Drag = False                                        # Reset Mouse
        Click = False
        Drawn = False

Jason_Utility define some methods or functions which often used.
It will create an instance Jason. You can use it by:

1. from Jason_Utility import Jason
2. Jason.method() or Jason.function()
3. Most of functions just return the result.
4. Most of functions names as Function_Type


import numpy as np

class Jason_Utility():
    Jason_Utility used internally, not called by user.
    def __init__(self):

        self.version = self.__version__ = '0.1'
        self.Date = '2020/01/01'

    def Index_2D(self, List, Value):

        y = 0
        for line in List:
            x = 0
            for point in line:
                if point == Value:
                    return [y, x]
                x += 1
            y += 1
        return None

    def Int(self, List):

        return list((np.array(List)+0.5).astype(np.uint8))

    def Add(self, Parent, Child):

        if Child not in Parent:
                Parent += [Child]
        return Parent

    def RGB_To_HEX(self, Color):

        return "#%02x%02x%02x" % tuple(Color[:3])

from Jason import Jason to use some useful methods and functions
Jason = Jason_Utility()
本作品採用《CC 協議》,轉載必須註明作者和本文連結

Jason Yang
