14-Architecture-Master-Node Communication




Cluster to Master

從叢集到主伺服器(master)的所有通訊路徑都終止於apiserver(其他主元件都不設計為公開遠端服務)。在典型的部署中,APIServer配置為在啟用了一種或多種形式的客戶端身份驗證 的安全https埠(443)上偵聽遠端連線。應啟用一種或多種形式的授權,尤其是在允許匿名請求服務帳戶令牌的情況下。

應為節點設定群集的公用根證照,以便它們可以與有效的客戶端憑據一起安全地連線到APIServer。例如,在預設的gke部署中,提供給kubelet的客戶端憑據是以客戶端證照的形式提供的。參見kubelet tls bootstrapping瞭解kubelet客戶端證照的自動設定。

Pods that wish to connect to the apiserver can do so securely by leveraging a service account so that Kubernetes will automatically inject the public root certificate and a valid bearer token into the pod when it is instantiated. The kubernetes service (in all namespaces) is configured with a virtual IP address that is redirected (via kube-proxy) to the HTTPS endpoint on the apiserver.連線到apiserver的pod可以通過利用服務帳戶來安全地連線,這樣kubernetes將在pod被例項化時自動將公共根證照和有效的承載令牌注入到pod中。kubernetes服務(在所有名稱空間中)都配置了一個虛擬IP地址,該地址被重定向(通過kube代理)到APIServer上的https端點。

the master components also communicate with the cluster apiserver over the secure port.主元件(排程器,控制器)還通過安全埠與叢集APIServer通訊。

因此,預設情況下,從叢集(節點及節點執行的pod)到主機的連線的預設操作模式是安全的,並且可以在不受信任和/或公共網路上執行。As a result, the default operating mode for connections from the cluster (nodes and pods running on the nodes) to the master is secured by default and can run over untrusted and/or public networks.

Master to Cluster

There are two primary communication paths from the master (apiserver) to the cluster. The first is from the apiserver to the kubelet process which runs on each node in the cluster. The second is from the apiserver to any node, pod, or service through the apiserver’s proxy functionality.從主伺服器(APIServer)到叢集有兩條主通訊路徑。第一個是從apiserver到kubelet程式,kubelet程式在叢集中的每個節點上執行。第二個是通過apiserver的代理功能從apiserver到任何節點、pod或服務。

apiserver to kubelet


  • .獲取pods日誌
  • kubectl 連線到pod裡的容器
  • 提供Kubelet的埠轉發功能.Providing the kubelet’s port-forwarding functionality.

這些連線在kubelet的https endpoint。預設情況下,APIServer不會驗證kubelet的服務證照,這會使連線受到中間人攻擊,並且不安全在不受信任和/或公共網路上執行。



最後,應該啟用kubelet身份驗證和/或授權 來保護kubelet api。

apiserver to nodes, pods, and services

從apiserver到節點、pod或service 的連線預設為純http連線,因此既不經過身份驗證也不加密。它們可以通過在api url中的節點、pod或service名前面加上https:來在安全的https連線上執行,但它們不會驗證https端點提供的證照,也不會提供客戶端憑據,因此在對連線進行加密時,它不會提供任何誠信保證。這些連線目前不安全,無法在不受信任和/或公共網路上執行。

SSH Tunnels


Kubernetes supports SSH tunnels to protect the Master -> Cluster communication paths. In this configuration, the apiserver initiates an SSH tunnel to each node in the cluster (connecting to the ssh server listening on port 22) and passes all traffic destined for a kubelet, node, pod, or service through the tunnel. This tunnel ensures that the traffic is not exposed outside of the network in which the nodes are running.

SSH tunnels are currently deprecated so you shouldn’t opt to use them unless you know what you are doing. A replacement for this communication channel is being designed.

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