【原創】基於.NET的輕量級高效能 ORM - XFramework



  接上一篇《【原創】打造基於Dapper的資料訪問層》,Dapper在應付多表自由關聯、分組查詢、匿名查詢等應用場景時不免顯得吃力,經常要手寫SQL語句(或者用工具生成SQL配置檔案)。試想一下,專案中整個DAL層都塞滿了SQL語句,對於後期維護來說無異於天災人禍,這個坑誰踩誰知道。本框架在API設計上最大程度地借鑑 EntityFramework 的寫法,乾淨的實體,絲滑的增刪改查,穩健的導航屬性,另外還支援鏈式查詢(點標記)、查詢表示式、聚合查詢等等。在實體對映轉換層面,使用 Emit 來動態構建繫結指令,效能最大限度地接近原生水平。

【XFramework 亮點】

  1. 原生.NET語法,零學習成本
  2. 支援LINQ查詢、拉姆達表示式
  3. 支援批量增刪改查和多表更新
  4. 支援 SqlServer、MySql、Postgre、Oracle,.NET Core
  5. 最大亮點,真正支援一對一、一對多導航屬性。這一點相信現有開源的ORM沒幾個敢說它支援的
  6. 實體欄位型別不必與資料庫的型別一致
  7. 支援臨時表、表變數操作
  8. 其它更多亮點,用了你就會知道





 1. 實體定義  

  1.1. 如果類有 TableAttribute,則用 TableAttribute 指定的名稱做為表名,否則用類名稱做為表名
  1.2. 實體的欄位可以指定 ColumnAttribute 特性來說明實體欄位與表欄位的對應關係,刪除/更新時如果傳遞的引數是一個實體,必須使用 [Column(IsKey = true)] 指定實體的主鍵
  1.3. ForeignKeyAttribute 指定外來鍵,一對多外來鍵時型別必須是 IList<T> 或者 List<T>
  1.4 ColumnAttribute.DataType 用來指定表欄位型別。以SQLSERVER為例,System.String 預設對應 nvarchar 型別。若是varchar型別,需要指定[Column(DbType= DbType.AnsiString)]

 1         [Table(Name = "Bas_Client")]
 2         public partial class Client
 3         {
 4             /// <summary>
 5             /// 初始化 <see cref="Client"/> 類的新例項
 6             /// </summary>
 7             public Client()
 8             {
 9                 this.CloudServerId = 0;
10                 this.Qty = 0;
11                 this.HookConstructor();
12             }
14             /// <summary>
15             /// 初始化 <see cref="Client"/> 類的新例項
16             /// </summary>
17             public Client(Client model)
18             {
19                 this.CloudServerId = 0;
20                 this.Qty = 0;
21                 this.HookConstructor();
22             }
24             /// <summary>
25             /// clientid
26             /// </summary>
27             [Column(IsKey = true)]
28             public virtual int ClientId { get; set; }
30             /// <summary>
31             /// clientcode
32             /// </summary>
33             public virtual string ClientCode { get; set; }
35             /// <summary>
36             /// clientname
37             /// </summary>
38             public virtual string ClientName { get; set; }
40             /// <summary>
41             /// cloudserverid
42             /// </summary>
43             [Column(Default = 0)]
44             public virtual int CloudServerId { get; set; }
46             /// <summary>
47             /// activedate
48             /// </summary>
49             public virtual Nullable<DateTime> ActiveDate { get; set; }
51             /// <summary>
52             /// qty
53             /// </summary>
54             [Column(Default = 0)]
55             public virtual int Qty { get; set; }
57             /// <summary>
58             /// state
59             /// </summary>
60             public virtual byte State { get; set; }
62             /// <summary>
63             /// remark
64             /// </summary>
65             [Column(Default = "'預設值'")]
66             public virtual string Remark { get; set; }
68             [ForeignKey("CloudServerId")]
69             public virtual CloudServer CloudServer { get; set; }
71             [ForeignKey("CloudServerId")]
72             public virtual CloudServer LocalServer { get; set; }
74             [ForeignKey("ClientId")]
75             public virtual List<ClientAccount> Accounts { get; set; }
77             /// <summary>
78             /// 建構函式勾子
79             /// </summary>
80             partial void HookConstructor();
81         }
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2. 上下文定義   

1 SQLSERVER:var context = new SqlDbContext(connString);
2 MySQL:var context = new MyMySqlDbContext(connString);
3 Postgre:var context = new NpgDbContext(connString);
4 Oracle:var context = new OracleDbContext(connString);

3. 匿名型別

 1 //// 匿名類
 2 var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
 3 var dynamicQuery =
 4     from a in context.GetTable<TDemo>()
 5     where a.DemoId <= 10
 6     select new
 7     {
 8         DemoId = 12,
 9         DemoCode = a.DemoCode,
10         DemoName = a.DemoName,
11         DemoDateTime_Nullable = a.DemoDateTime_Nullable,
12         DemoDate = sDate,
13         DemoDateTime = sDate,
14         DemoDateTime2 = sDate_null,
15         DemoGuid = guid,
16         DemoEnum = Model.State.Complete,        // 列舉型別支援
17         DemoEnum2 = Model.State.Executing,
18     };
19 var result0 = dynamicQuery.ToList();
21 // 點標記
22 dynamicQuery = context
23     .GetTable<TDemo>()
24     .Where(a => a.DemoId <= 10)
25     .Select(a => new
26     {
27         DemoId = 13,
28         DemoCode = a.DemoCode,
29         DemoName = a.DemoName,
30         DemoDateTime_Nullable = a.DemoDateTime_Nullable,
31         DemoDate = sDate,
32         DemoDateTime = sDate,
33         DemoDateTime2 = sDate_null,
34         DemoGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
35         DemoEnum = Model.State.Complete,
36         DemoEnum2 = Model.State.Executing
37     });
38 result0 = dynamicQuery.ToList();
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 4. 所有欄位

 1  // Date,DateTime,DateTime2 支援
 2 var query =
 3     from a in context.GetTable<TDemo>()
 4     where a.DemoId <= 10 && a.DemoDate > sDate && a.DemoDateTime >= sDate && a.DemoDateTime2 > sDate
 5     select a;
 6 var result1 = query.ToList();
 7 // 點標記
 8 query = context
 9     .GetTable<TDemo>()
10     .Where(a => a.DemoId <= 10 && a.DemoDate > sDate && a.DemoDateTime >= sDate && a.DemoDateTime2 > sDate);
11 result1 = query.ToList();
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5. 指定欄位

 1 // 指定欄位
 2 query = from a in context.GetTable<TDemo>()
 3         where a.DemoId <= 10
 4         select new TDemo
 5         {
 6             DemoId = (int)a.DemoId,
 7             DemoCode = (a.DemoCode ?? "N001"),
 8             DemoName = a.DemoId.ToString(),
 9             DemoDateTime_Nullable = a.DemoDateTime_Nullable,
10             DemoDate = sDate,
11             DemoDateTime = sDate,
12             DemoDateTime2 = sDate
13         };
14 result1 = query.ToList();
15 // 點標記
16 query = context
17     .GetTable<TDemo>()
18     .Where(a => a.DemoCode != a.DemoId.ToString() && a.DemoName != a.DemoId.ToString() && a.DemoChar == 'A' && a.DemoNChar == 'B')
19     .Select(a => new TDemo
20     {
21         DemoId = a.DemoId,
22         DemoCode = a.DemoName == "張三" ? "李四" : "王五",
23         DemoName = a.DemoCode == "張三" ? "李四" : "王五",
24         DemoChar = 'A',
25         DemoNChar = 'B',
26         DemoDateTime_Nullable = a.DemoDateTime_Nullable,
27         DemoDate = sDate,
28         DemoDateTime = sDate,
29         DemoDateTime2 = sDate
30     });
31 result1 = query.ToList();
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  用過 EntityFramework 的同學都知道,如果要通過建構函式的方式查詢指定欄位,除非老老實實重新定義一個新的實體,否則一個 “The entity or complex type cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query“ 的異常馬上給甩你臉上。XFramework 框架的這個用法,就是為了讓你遠離這會呼吸的痛!~

 1 // 建構函式
 2 var query =
 3         from a in context.GetTable<Model.Demo>()
 4         where a.DemoId <= 10
 5         select new Model.Demo(a);
 6 var r1 = query.ToList();
 7 //SQL=> 
 8 //SELECT 
 9 //t0.[DemoId] AS [DemoId],
10 //t0.[DemoCode] AS [DemoCode],
11 //t0.[DemoName] AS [DemoName],
12 //...
13 //FROM [Sys_Demo] t0 
14 //WHERE t0.[DemoId] <= 10
15 query =
16     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Demo>()
17     where a.DemoId <= 10
18     select new Model.Demo(a.DemoId, a.DemoName);
19 r1 = query.ToList();
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 7. 分頁查詢

 1 // 分頁查詢
 2 // 1.不是查詢第一頁的內容時,必須先OrderBy再分頁,OFFSET ... Fetch Next 分頁語句要求有 OrderBy
 3 // 2.OrderBy表示式裡邊的引數必須跟query裡邊的變數名一致,如此例裡的 a。SQL解析時根據此變更生成表別名
 4 query = from a in context.GetTable<TDemo>()
 5         orderby a.DemoCode
 6         select a;
 7 query = query.Skip(1).Take(18);
 8 result1 = query.ToList();
 9 // 點標記
10 query = context
11     .GetTable<TDemo>()
12     .OrderBy(a => a.DemoCode)
13     .Skip(1)
14     .Take(18);
15 result1 = query.ToList();
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8. 過濾條件

 1 // 過濾條件
 2 query = from a in context.GetTable<TDemo>()
 3         where a.DemoName == "D0000002" || a.DemoCode == "D0000002"
 4         select a;
 5 result1 = query.ToList();
 6 // 點標記
 7 query = context.GetTable<TDemo>().Where(a => a.DemoName == "D0000002" || a.DemoCode == "D0000002");
 8 result1 = query.ToList();
 9 query = context.GetTable<TDemo>().Where(a => a.DemoName.Contains("004"));
10 result1 = query.ToList();
11 query = context.GetTable<TDemo>().Where(a => a.DemoCode.StartsWith("Code000036"));
12 result1 = query.ToList();
13 query = context.GetTable<TDemo>().Where(a => a.DemoCode.EndsWith("004"));
14 result1 = query.ToList();
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9. 更多條件

 1 // 支援的查詢條件
 2 // 區分 nvarchar,varchar,date,datetime,datetime2 欄位型別
 3 // 支援的字串操作=> Trim | TrimStart | TrimEnd | ToString | Length
 4 int m_byte = 9;
 5 Model.State state = Model.State.Complete;
 6 query = from a in context.GetTable<TDemo>()
 7         where
 8             a.DemoCode == "002" &&
 9             a.DemoName == "002" &&
10             a.DemoCode.Contains("TAN") &&                                   // LIKE '%%'
11             a.DemoName.Contains("TAN") &&                                   // LIKE '%%'
12             a.DemoCode.StartsWith("TAN") &&                                 // LIKE 'K%'
13             a.DemoCode.EndsWith("TAN") &&                                   // LIKE '%K'
14             a.DemoCode.Length == 12 &&                                      // LENGTH
15             a.DemoCode.TrimStart() == "TF" &&
16             a.DemoCode.TrimEnd() == "TF" &&
17             a.DemoCode.TrimEnd() == "TF" &&
18             a.DemoCode.Substring(0) == "TF" &&
19             a.DemoDate == DateTime.Now &&
20             a.DemoDateTime == DateTime.Now &&
21             a.DemoDateTime2 == DateTime.Now &&
22             a.DemoName == (
23                 a.DemoDateTime_Nullable == null ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL") &&   // 三元表示式
24             a.DemoName == (a.DemoName ?? a.DemoCode) &&                     // 二元表示式
25             new[] { 1, 2, 3 }.Contains(a.DemoId) &&                         // IN(1,2,3)
26             new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 }.Contains(a.DemoId) &&                 // IN(1,2,3)
27             new List<int>(_demoIdList).Contains(a.DemoId) &&                // IN(1,2,3)
28             a.DemoId == new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 }[0] &&                     // IN(1,2,3)
29             _demoIdList.Contains(a.DemoId) &&                          // IN(1,2,3)
30             a.DemoName == _demoName &&
31             a.DemoCode == (a.DemoCode ?? "CODE") &&
32             new List<string> { "A", "B", "C" }.Contains(a.DemoCode) &&
33             a.DemoByte == (byte)m_byte &&
34             a.DemoByte == (byte)Model.State.Complete ||
35             a.DemoInt == (int)Model.State.Complete ||
36             a.DemoInt == (int)state ||
37             (a.DemoName == "STATE" && a.DemoName == "REMARK")// OR 查詢
38         select a;
39 result1 = query.ToList();
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10. DataTable和DataSet

 1 // DataTable
 2 query = from a in context.GetTable<TDemo>()
 3         orderby a.DemoCode
 4         select a;
 5 query = query.Take(18);
 6 var result3 = context.Database.ExecuteDataTable(query);
 8 // DataSet
 9 var define = query.Resolve();
10 List<DbCommandDefinition> sqlList = new List<DbCommandDefinition> { define, define, define };
11 var result4 = context.Database.ExecuteDataSet(sqlList);
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11. 內聯查詢

 2 var query =
 3     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
 4     join b in context.GetTable<Model.CloudServer>() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId
 5     where a.ClientId > 0
 6     select a;
 7 var result = query.ToList();
 8 // 點標記
 9 query = context
10     .GetTable<Model.Client>()
11     .Join(context.GetTable<Model.CloudServer>(), a => a.CloudServerId, b => b.CloudServerId, (a, b) => a)
12     .Where(a => a.ClientId > 0);
13 result = query.ToList();
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12. 左聯查詢


FROM [Bas_Client] t0
LEFT JOIN [Sys_CloudServer] t1 ON t0.[CloudServerId] = t1.[CloudServerId] AND N'567' = t1.[CloudServerCode]
WHERE t1.[CloudServerName] IS NOT NULL


 2 query =
 3         from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
 4         join b in context.GetTable<Model.CloudServer>() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId into u_b
 5         from b in u_b.DefaultIfEmpty()
 6         select a;
 7 query = query.Where(a => a.CloudServer.CloudServerName != null);
 8 result = query.ToList();
11 query =
12         from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
13         join b in context.GetTable<Model.CloudServer>() on new { a.CloudServerId, CloudServerCode = "567" } equals new { b.CloudServerId, b.CloudServerCode } into u_b
14         from b in u_b.DefaultIfEmpty()
15         select a;
16 query = query.Where(a => a.CloudServer.CloudServerName != null);
17 result = query.ToList();
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 13. 右聯查詢

左關聯和右關聯的語法我這裡用的是一樣的,不過是 DefaultIfEmpty 方法加多了一個過載,DefaultIfEmpty(true) 即表示右關聯。

2 query =
3         from a in context.GetTable<Model.CloudServer>()
4         join b in context.GetTable<Model.Client>() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId into u_b
5         from b in u_b.DefaultIfEmpty(true)
6         where a.CloudServerName == null
7         select b;
8 result = query.ToList();
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 14. Union查詢

我們的Union查詢支援 UNION 操作後再分頁哦~

 1 // UNION 注意UNION分頁的寫法,僅支援寫在最後
 2 var q1 = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().Where(x => x.ClientId == 0);
 3 var q2 = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().Where(x => x.ClientId == 0);
 4 var q3 = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().Where(x => x.ClientId == 0);
 5 var query6 = q1.Union(q2).Union(q3);
 6 var result6 = query6.ToList();
 7 result6 = query6.Take(2).ToList();
 8 result6 = query6.OrderBy(a => a.ClientId).Skip(2).ToList();
 9 query6 = query6.Take(2);
10 result6 = query6.ToList();
11 query6 = query6.OrderBy(a => a.ClientId).Skip(1).Take(2);
12 result6 = query6.ToList();
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15. 導航屬性

 1 // 更簡單的賦值方式 
 2 // 適用場景:在顯示列表時只想顯示外來鍵表的一兩個欄位
 3 query =
 4     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
 5     select new Model.Client(a)
 6     {
 7         CloudServer = a.CloudServer,
 8         LocalServer = new Model.CloudServer
 9         {
10             CloudServerId = a.CloudServerId,
11             CloudServerName = a.LocalServer.CloudServerName
12         }
13     };
14 result = query.ToList();
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16. 一對一一對多導航

 1 // 1:1關係,1:n關係
 2 query =
 3     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
 4     where a.ClientId > 0
 5     orderby a.ClientId
 6     select new Model.Client(a)
 7     {
 8         CloudServer = a.CloudServer,
 9         Accounts = a.Accounts
10     };
11 result = query.ToList();
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17. Include 語法

EntityFramework 有Include語法,我們也有,而且是實打實的一次性載入!!!

 1 // Include 語法
 2 query =
 3     context
 4     .GetTable<Model.Client>()
 5     .Include(a => a.CloudServer);
 6 --query =
 7 --    from a in query
 8 --    join b in context.GetTable<Model.CloudServer>() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId
 9 --    orderby a.ClientId
10 --    select new Model.Client(a)
11 --    {
12 --        CloudServer = a.CloudServer
13 --    };
14 result = query.ToList();
16 // 還是Include,無限主從孫 ### 
17 query =
18     from a in context
19         .GetTable<Model.Client>()
20         .Include(a => a.Accounts)
21         .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets)
22         .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets[0].Client)
23     where a.ClientId > 0
24     orderby a.ClientId
25     select a;
26 result = query.ToList();
28 // Include 分頁
29 query =
30 from a in context
31     .GetTable<Model.Client>()
32     .Include(a => a.Accounts)
33     .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets)
34     .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets[0].Client)
35 where a.ClientId > 0
36 orderby a.ClientId
37 select a;
38 query = query
39     .Where(a => a.ClientId > 0 && a.CloudServer.CloudServerId > 0)
40     .Skip(10)
41     .Take(20);
42 result = query.ToList();
43 query =
44     from a in context
45         .GetTable<Model.Client>()
46         .Include(a => a.CloudServer)
47         .Include(a => a.Accounts)
48     where a.ClientId > 0
49     select a;
50 query = query.OrderBy(a => a.ClientId);
51 result = query.ToList();
53 // Include 語法查詢 主 從 孫 關係<注:相同的導航屬性不能同時用include和join>
54 var query1 =
55     from a in
56         context
57         .GetTable<Model.Client>()
58         .Include(a => a.CloudServer)
59         .Include(a => a.Accounts)
60         .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets)
61         .Include(a => a.Accounts[0].Markets[0].Client)
62     group a by new { a.ClientId, a.ClientCode, a.ClientName, a.CloudServer.CloudServerId } into g
63     select new Model.Client
64     {
65         ClientId = g.Key.ClientId,
66         ClientCode = g.Key.ClientCode,
67         ClientName = g.Key.ClientName,
68         CloudServerId = g.Key.CloudServerId,
69         Qty = g.Sum(a => a.Qty)
70     };
71 query1 = query1
72     .Where(a => a.ClientId > 0)
73     .OrderBy(a => a.ClientId)
74     .Skip(10)
75     .Take(20)
76     ;
77 var result1 = query1.ToList();
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18. 分組查詢

1 var query2 =
2     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
3     group a by a.ClientId into g
4     select new
5     {
6         ClientId = g.Key,
7         Qty = g.Sum(a => a.Qty)
8     };
9 query2 = query2.OrderBy(a => a.ClientId).ThenBy(a => a.Qty);
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19. 聚合函式

1 var result1 = query2.Max(a => a.ClientId);
2 var result2 = query2.Sum(a => a.Qty);
3 var result3 = query2.Min(a => a.ClientId);
4 var result4= query2.Average(a => a.Qty);
5 var result5 = query2.Count();
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20. 分組分頁

 1 // 分組後再分頁
 2 var query8 =
 3         from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
 4         where a.ClientName == "TAN"
 5         group a by new { a.ClientId, a.ClientName } into g
 6         where g.Key.ClientId > 0
 7         orderby new { g.Key.ClientName, g.Key.ClientId }
 8         select new
 9         {
10             Id = g.Key.ClientId,
11             Name = g.Min(a => a.ClientId)
12         };
13 query8 = query8.Skip(2).Take(3);
14 var result8 = query8.ToList();
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21. 子查詢

 1 // 強制轉為子查詢
 2 query =
 3         from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
 4         join b in context.GetTable<Model.CloudServer>() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId into u_c
 5         from b in u_c.DefaultIfEmpty()
 6         select a;
 7 query = query.OrderBy(a => a.ClientId).Skip(10).Take(10).AsSubQuery();
 8 query = from a in query
 9         join b in context.GetTable<Model.Client>() on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId
10         select a;
11 result = query.ToList();
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22. Any 查詢

 1 // Any
 2 var isAny = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().Any();
 3 isAny = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().Any(a => a.ActiveDate == DateTime.Now);
 4 isAny = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().Distinct().Any(a => a.ActiveDate == DateTime.Now);
 5 isAny = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().OrderBy(a => a.ClientId).Skip(2).Take(5).Any(a => a.ActiveDate == DateTime.Now);
 6 //SQL=> 
 8 //    SELECT TOP 1 1
 9 //    FROM[Bas_Client] t0
10 //   WHERE t0.[ActiveDate] = '2018-08-15 14:07:09.784'
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 23. 單個刪除

1 // 1. 刪除單個記錄
2 var demo = new TDemo { DemoId = 1 };
3 context.Delete(demo);
4 context.SubmitChanges();
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24. 批量刪除

1 // 2.WHERE 條件批量刪除
2 context.Delete<TDemo>(a => a.DemoId == 2 || a.DemoId == 3 || a.DemoName == "N0000004");
3 var qeury =
4     context
5     .GetTable<TDemo>()
6     .Where(a => a.DemoId == 2 || a.DemoId == 3 || a.DemoName == "N0000004");
7 // 2.WHERE 條件批量刪除
8 context.Delete<TDemo>(qeury);
9 context.SubmitChanges();
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25. 多表關聯刪除

 1 // 3.Query 關聯批量刪除
 2 var query1 =
 3     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
 4     join b in context.GetTable<Model.ClientAccount>() on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId
 5     join c in context.GetTable<Model.ClientAccountMarket>() on new { b.ClientId, b.AccountId } equals new { c.ClientId, c.AccountId }
 6     where c.ClientId == 5 && c.AccountId == "1" && c.MarketId == 1
 7 select a;
 8 context.Delete<Model.Client>(query1);
10 // oracle 不支援導航屬性關聯刪除
11 // 3.Query 關聯批量刪除
12 var query2 =
13     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
14     join b in context.GetTable<Model.ClientAccount>() on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId
15     where a.CloudServer.CloudServerId == 20 && a.LocalServer.CloudServerId == 2
16     select a;
17 context.Delete<Model.Client>(query2);
18 // 4.Query 關聯批量刪除
19 var query3 =
20     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
21     where a.CloudServer.CloudServerId == 20 && a.LocalServer.CloudServerId == 2
22     select a;
23 context.Delete<Model.Client>(query3);
26  // 5.子查詢批量刪除
27 // 子查詢更新
28 var sum =
29     from a in context.GetTable<Model.ClientAccount>()
30     where a.ClientId <= 20
31     group a by new { a.ClientId } into g
32     select new Model.Client
33     {
34         ClientId = g.Key.ClientId,
35         Qty = g.Sum(a => a.Qty)
36     };
37 var query4 =
38     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
39     join b in context.GetTable<Model.CloudServer>() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId
40     join c in context.GetTable<Model.CloudServer>() on a.CloudServerId equals c.CloudServerId
41     join d in sum on a.ClientId equals d.ClientId
42     where a.ClientId > 10 && a.CloudServerId < 0
43     select a;
44 context.Delete<Model.Client>(query4);
View Code

26. 單個更新

1 var demo = context
2     .GetTable<TDemo>()
3     .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DemoId > 0);
5 // 整個實體更新
6 demo.DemoName = "001'.N";
7 context.Update(demo);
8 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code


1 // 2.WHERE 條件批量更新
2 context.Update<TDemo>(x => new TDemo
3 {
4     DemoDateTime2 = DateTime.UtcNow,
5     DemoDateTime2_Nullable = null,
6     //DemoTime_Nullable = ts
7 }, x => x.DemoName == "001'.N" || x.DemoCode == "001'.N");
8 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code

28. 多表關聯更新


 1 // 3.Query 關聯批量更新
 2     var query =
 3     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
 4     where a.CloudServer.CloudServerId != 0
 5     select a;
 6 context.Update<Model.Client>(a => new Model.Client
 7 {
 8     Remark = "001.TAN"
 9 }, query);
11 // 更新本表值等於從表的欄位值
12 query =
13     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
14     join b in context.GetTable<Model.CloudServer>() on a.CloudServerId equals b.CloudServerId
15     join c in context.GetTable<Model.ClientAccount>() on a.ClientId equals c.ClientId
16     where c.AccountId == "12"
17     select a;
18 context.Update<Model.Client, Model.CloudServer>((a, b) => new Model.Client
19 {
20     CloudServerId = b.CloudServerId,
21     Remark = "001.TAN"
22 }, query);
23 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code

29. 子查詢更新

 1  // 子查詢更新
 2 var sum =
 3     from a in context.GetTable<Model.ClientAccount>()
 4     where a.ClientId > 0
 5     group a by new { a.ClientId } into g
 6     select new Model.Client
 7     {
 8         ClientId = g.Key.ClientId,
 9         Qty = g.Sum(a => a.Qty)
10     };
11 if (_databaseType == DatabaseType.SqlServer || _databaseType == DatabaseType.MySql)
12 {
13     var uQuery =
14         from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
15         join b in sum on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId
16         where a.ClientId > 0 && b.ClientId > 0
17         select a;
18     context.Update<Model.Client, Model.Client>((a, b) => new Model.Client { Qty = b.Qty }, uQuery);
19 }
20 else
21 {
22     // npg oracle 翻譯成 EXISTS,更新欄位的值不支援來自子查詢
23     var uQuery =
24         from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
25         join b in sum on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId
26         where a.ClientId > 0 // b.ClientId > 0
27         select a;
28     context.Update<Model.Client>(a => new Model.Client { Qty = 9 }, uQuery);
29 }
30 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code

30. 帶自增列新增

 1 // 帶自增列
 2 var demo = new TDemo
 3 {
 4     DemoCode = "D0000001",
 5     DemoName = "N0000001",
 6     DemoBoolean = true,
 7     DemoChar = 'A',
 8     DemoNChar = 'B',
 9     DemoByte = 64,
10     DemoDate = DateTime.Now,
11     DemoDateTime = DateTime.Now,
12     DemoDateTime2 = DateTime.Now,
13     DemoDecimal = 64,
14     DemoDouble = 64,
15     DemoFloat = 64,
16     DemoGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
17     DemoShort = 64,
18     DemoInt = 64,
19     DemoLong = 64
20 };
21 context.Insert(demo);
22 context.SubmitChanges();
24 var demo2 = new TDemo
25 {
26     DemoCode = "D0000002",
27     DemoName = "N0000002",
28     DemoBoolean = true,
29     DemoChar = 'A',
30     DemoNChar = 'B',
31     DemoByte = 65,
32     DemoDate = DateTime.Now,
33     DemoDateTime = DateTime.Now,
34     DemoDateTime2 = DateTime.Now,
35     DemoDecimal = 65,
36     DemoDouble = 65,
37     DemoFloat = 65,
38     DemoGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
39     DemoShort = 65,
40     DemoInt = 65,
41     DemoLong = 65
42 };
43 context.Insert(demo2);
45 var demo3 = new TDemo
46 {
47     DemoCode = "D0000003",
48     DemoName = "N0000003",
49     DemoBoolean = true,
50     DemoChar = 'A',
51     DemoNChar = 'B',
52     DemoByte = 66,
53     DemoDate = DateTime.Now,
54     DemoDateTime = DateTime.Now,
55     DemoDateTime2 = DateTime.Now,
56     DemoDecimal = 66,
57     DemoDouble = 66,
58     DemoFloat = 66,
59     DemoGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
60     DemoShort = 66,
61     DemoInt = 66,
62     DemoLong = 66
63 };
64 context.Insert(demo3);
65 context.Insert(demo);
66 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code

31. 批量新增

批量新增翻譯的SQL不帶引數,只是純SQL文字。SQLSERVER的同學如果想更快,可以嚐嚐 SqlDbContext.BulkCopy方法。

 1  // 批量增加
 2 // 產生 INSERT INTO VALUES(),(),()... 語法。注意這種批量增加的方法並不能給自增列自動賦值
 3 context.Delete<TDemo>(x => x.DemoId > 1000000);
 4 demos = new List<TDemo>();
 5 for (int i = 0; i < 1002; i++)
 6 {
 7     TDemo d = new TDemo
 8     {
 9         DemoCode = "D0000001",
10         DemoName = "N0000001",
11         DemoBoolean = true,
12         DemoChar = 'A',
13         DemoNChar = 'B',
14         DemoByte = 64,
15         DemoDate = DateTime.Now,
16         DemoDateTime = DateTime.Now,
17         DemoDateTime2 = DateTime.Now,
18         DemoDecimal = 64,
19         DemoDouble = 64,
20         DemoFloat = 64,
21         DemoGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
22         DemoShort = 64,
23         DemoInt = 64,
24         DemoLong = 64
25     };
26     demos.Add(d);
27 }
28 context.Insert<TDemo>(demos);
29 context.SubmitChanges();
View Code

32. 關聯查詢新增

 1  // 子查詢增
 2 var sum =
 3     from a in context.GetTable<Model.ClientAccount>()
 4     where a.ClientId > 0
 5     group a by new { a.ClientId } into g
 6     select new Model.Client
 7     {
 8         ClientId = g.Key.ClientId,
 9         Qty = g.Sum(a => a.Qty)
10     };
11 sum = sum.AsSubQuery();
13 maxId = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().Max(x => x.ClientId);
14 nextId = maxId + 1;
15 var nQuery =
16     from a in sum
17     join b in context.GetTable<Model.Client>() on a.ClientId equals b.ClientId into u_b
18     from b in u_b.DefaultIfEmpty()
19     where b.ClientId == null
20     select new Model.Client
21     {
22         ClientId = SqlMethod.RowNumber<int>(x => a.ClientId) + nextId,
23         ClientCode = "ABC3",
24         ClientName = "啊啵呲3",
25         CloudServerId = 11,
26         State = 3,
27         Qty = a.Qty,
28     };
29 context.Insert(nQuery);
View Code

33. 增刪改同時查出資料

 1 context.Update<Model.Client>(x => new Model.Client
 2 {
 3     ClientName = "蒙3"
 4 }, x => x.ClientId == 3);
 5 var query =
 6     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
 7     where a.ClientId == 1
 8     select 5;
 9 context.AddQuery(query);
10 List<int> result1 = null;
11 context.SubmitChanges(out result1);
13 context.Update<Model.Client>(x => new Model.Client
14 {
15     ClientName = "蒙4"
16 }, x => x.ClientId == 4);
17 query =
18     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
19     where a.ClientId == 1
20     select 5;
21 context.AddQuery(query);
22 var query2 =
23     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
24     where a.ClientId == 1
25     select 6;
26 context.AddQuery(query2);
27 result1 = null;
28 List<int> result2 = null;
29 context.SubmitChanges(out result1, out result2);
View Code

34. 一次性載入多個列表

 1 // 一性載入多個列表 ****
 2 var query3 =
 3     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
 4     where a.ClientId >= 1 && a.ClientId <= 10
 5     select 5;
 6 var query4 =
 7     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
 8     where a.ClientId >= 1 && a.ClientId <= 10
 9     select 6;
10 var tuple = context.Database.ExecuteMultiple<int, int>(query3, query4);
12 query3 =
13     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
14     where a.ClientId >= 1 && a.ClientId <= 10
15     select 5;
16 query4 =
17     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
18     where a.ClientId >= 1 && a.ClientId <= 10
19     select 6;
20 var  query5 =
21     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
22     where a.ClientId >= 1 && a.ClientId <= 10
23     select 7;
24 var tuple2 = context.Database.ExecuteMultiple<int, int, int>(query3, query4, query5);
View Code

35. 事務操作

借鑑 EntityFramework的思想,本框架也支援自身開啟事務,或者從其它上下文開啟事務後再在本框架使用該事務。

// 事務1. 上下文獨立事務
    using (var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction())
        var result = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId <= 10);
        context.Update<Model.Client>(x => new Model.Client
            ClientName = "事務1"
        }, x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);
        result = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);

        context.Update<Model.Client>(x => new Model.Client
            ClientName = "事務2"
        }, x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);
        result = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);

        //throw new Exception("假裝異常");
    // 開啟事務後必需顯式釋放資源

// 事務2. 使用其它的事務
IDbTransaction transaction2 = null;
IDbConnection connection = null;
    connection = context.Database.DbProviderFactory.CreateConnection();
    connection.ConnectionString = context.Database.ConnectionString;
    if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) connection.Open();
    transaction2 = connection.BeginTransaction();

    // 指定事務
    context.Database.Transaction = transaction2;

    var result = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId <= 10);
    context.Update<Model.Client>(x => new Model.Client
        ClientName = "事務3"
    }, x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);
    result = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);

    context.Update<Model.Client>(x => new Model.Client
        ClientName = "事務4"
    }, x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);
    result = context.GetTable<Model.Client>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.ClientId == result.ClientId);

    string sql = @"UPDATE Bas_Client SET ClientName = N'事務5' WHERE ClientID=2;UPDATE Bas_Client SET ClientName = N'事務6' WHERE ClientID=3;";

    if (transaction2 != null) transaction2.Rollback();
    if (transaction2 != null) transaction2.Dispose();
    if (connection != null) connection.Close();
    if (connection != null) connection.Dispose();

View Code

36. 表變數


 1 // 宣告表變數
 2 var typeRuntime = TypeRuntimeInfoCache.GetRuntimeInfo<SqlServerModel.JoinKey>();
 3 context.AddQuery(string.Format("DECLARE {0} [{1}]", typeRuntime.TableName, typeRuntime.TableName.TrimStart('@')));
 4 List<SqlServerModel.JoinKey> keys = new List<SqlServerModel.JoinKey>
 5 {
 6     new SqlServerModel.JoinKey{ Key1 = 2 },
 7     new SqlServerModel.JoinKey{ Key1 = 3 },
 8 };
 9 // 向表變數寫入資料
10 context.Insert<SqlServerModel.JoinKey>(keys);
11 // 像物理表一樣操作表變數
12 var query =
13     from a in context.GetTable<Model.Client>()
14     join b in context.GetTable<SqlServerModel.JoinKey>() on a.ClientId equals b.Key1
15     select a;
16 context.AddQuery(query);
17 // 提交查詢結果
18 List<Model.Client> result = null;
19 context.SubmitChanges(out result);
View Code


  XFramework 已成熟運用於我們公司的多個核心專案,完全代替了之前的 Dapper + DbHelper的資料持久方案。從最初只支援SQLSERVER到支援MySQL、Postgre和Oracle,一個多月的熬夜堅持,箇中酸爽只有經歷過才能體會。你的喜愛和支援是我在開源的路上一路狂奔的最大動力,擼碼不易,不喜請輕噴。但我相信,這絕對是一款人性化、有溫度的資料持久框架!!!
  XFramework 現已完全開源,遵循 Apache2.0 協議,託管地址:

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