SNMP TABLE ERROR : Requested table is empty or does not exist

SNMP TABLE ERROR : Requested table is empty or does not exist

When using Centreon / Nagios this error has happened on a few machines. In order to resolve this you need to edit the snmpd.conf file and add a line to it.

So running a command like below would result in this error:

# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_centreon_snmp_process -H -v 1 -C public -p mysqld
SNMP TABLE ERROR : Requested table is empty or does not exist.

or wherever your conf file is. Add the following line to the bottom:
view systemview included .1

Restart snmpd and try to connect again with the same command as before:

# /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_centreon_snmp_process -H -v 1 -C public -p mysqld
Process OK - mysqld: runnable
Would you look at that? Success!

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