參考文件<>Chapter 24
1 Overview
This is a key view for finding botlenecks.
It tells what every session in the database is currently waiting for
(or the last event waited for by the session if it is not waiting for anything).
This view can be used as a starting point to find which direction to proceed in when a system is experiencing performance problems.
(這個檢視可以用來作為查詢瓶頸問題的Starting point.)
v$session_wait has a row for every session connected to the instance. It indicates if the session is:
Using Resource
Waiting for a Resource
Idle(waiting on one of the idle events);
2 Userful Columns for v$session_wait
1) SID: Session identifier for the session (可以與v$session結合,找到來自哪裡的會話正在等待某個事件)
2) Event: Event the session is currently waiting for, or the last event the session had to wait for.
3) Wait_time: Time(in hundredths of a second) that the session waited for the event; if the WAIT_TIME is 0, then the session is currently waiting for the event.
>0 Time waited in the last wait(in 10ms clock ticks) 等待時間,以10ms 為一個滴嗒。
-1 Time waited in the last wait was less than 10ms 小於10ms的等待時間
-2 Timing is not enabled (Timing沒開啟)
4) Seq#: Gets Incremented with every wait for the session.
5) P1,P2,P3: Wait event specific details for the wait.
6) P1TEXT, P2TEXT, P3TEXT: Description of P1,P2,P3 for the given event
3 示例
1) Finding Current Waits on the System
SELECT event,
sum(decode(wait_time,0,1,0)) "Curr",
sum(decode(wait_time,0,0,1)) "Prev",
FROM v$session_wait
GROUP BY event
ORDER BY count(*);
EVENT Curr Prev Total
---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
pmon timer 1 0 1
smon timer 1 0 1
rdbms ipc message 5 0 5
SQL*Net message from client 16 1 17
SELECT event,
sum(decode(wait_Time,0,0,DECODE(s.status,'ACTIVE',1,0))) "Prev",
sum(decode(wait_Time,0,1,DECODE(s.status,'ACTIVE',1,0))) "Curr",
count(*) "Tot"
FROM v$session s, v$session_wait w
WHERE s.sid = w.sid
GROUP BY event
ORDER BY count(*);
select * from v$session_wait where sid=XXX;
例:select p1 "File #", p2 "Block #", p3 "Reason Code"
from v$session_wait
where event = 'buffer busy waits';
select owner, segment_name, segment_type
from dba_extents
where file_id = &P1 and &P2 between block_id and block_id + blocks -1;
0 塊被讀入緩衝區。
100 我們想要NEW(建立)一個塊,但這一塊當前被另一session讀入。
110 我們想將當前塊設為共享,但這一塊被另一session讀入,所以我們必須等待read()結束。
120 我們想獲得當前的塊,但其他人已經將這一塊讀入緩衝區,所以我們只能等待他人的讀入結束。
130 塊被另一session讀入,而且沒有找到其它協調的塊,所以我們必須等待讀的結束。緩衝區死鎖後這種情況也有可能產生。所以必須讀入塊的CR。
200 我們想新建立一個block,但其他人在使用,所以我們只好等待他人使用結束。
210 Session想讀入SCUR或XCUR中的塊,如果塊交換或者session處於非連續的TX模式,所以等待可能需要很長的時間。
220 在緩衝區查詢一個塊的當前版本,但有人以不合法的模式使用這一塊,所以我們只能等待。
230 以CR/CRX方式獲得一個塊,但塊中的更改開始並且沒有結束。
231 CR/CRX掃描找到當前塊,但塊中的更改開始並且沒有結束。
4 v$session_event
This view summarizes wait events for every session. While v$session_wait shows the current waits for a session.
v$session_event provides summary of all the events has waited for since it started.
5 問題
1) 對P1,P2,P3的理解仍不知道啥意思?不同的等待事件,不同的意思
1 Overview
This is a key view for finding botlenecks.
It tells what every session in the database is currently waiting for
(or the last event waited for by the session if it is not waiting for anything).
This view can be used as a starting point to find which direction to proceed in when a system is experiencing performance problems.
(這個檢視可以用來作為查詢瓶頸問題的Starting point.)
v$session_wait has a row for every session connected to the instance. It indicates if the session is:
Using Resource
Waiting for a Resource
Idle(waiting on one of the idle events);
2 Userful Columns for v$session_wait
1) SID: Session identifier for the session (可以與v$session結合,找到來自哪裡的會話正在等待某個事件)
2) Event: Event the session is currently waiting for, or the last event the session had to wait for.
3) Wait_time: Time(in hundredths of a second) that the session waited for the event; if the WAIT_TIME is 0, then the session is currently waiting for the event.
>0 Time waited in the last wait(in 10ms clock ticks) 等待時間,以10ms 為一個滴嗒。
-1 Time waited in the last wait was less than 10ms 小於10ms的等待時間
-2 Timing is not enabled (Timing沒開啟)
4) Seq#: Gets Incremented with every wait for the session.
5) P1,P2,P3: Wait event specific details for the wait.
6) P1TEXT, P2TEXT, P3TEXT: Description of P1,P2,P3 for the given event
3 示例
1) Finding Current Waits on the System
SELECT event,
sum(decode(wait_time,0,1,0)) "Curr",
sum(decode(wait_time,0,0,1)) "Prev",
FROM v$session_wait
GROUP BY event
ORDER BY count(*);
EVENT Curr Prev Total
---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
pmon timer 1 0 1
smon timer 1 0 1
rdbms ipc message 5 0 5
SQL*Net message from client 16 1 17
SELECT event,
sum(decode(wait_Time,0,0,DECODE(s.status,'ACTIVE',1,0))) "Prev",
sum(decode(wait_Time,0,1,DECODE(s.status,'ACTIVE',1,0))) "Curr",
count(*) "Tot"
FROM v$session s, v$session_wait w
WHERE s.sid = w.sid
GROUP BY event
ORDER BY count(*);
select * from v$session_wait where sid=XXX;
例:select p1 "File #", p2 "Block #", p3 "Reason Code"
from v$session_wait
where event = 'buffer busy waits';
select owner, segment_name, segment_type
from dba_extents
where file_id = &P1 and &P2 between block_id and block_id + blocks -1;
0 塊被讀入緩衝區。
100 我們想要NEW(建立)一個塊,但這一塊當前被另一session讀入。
110 我們想將當前塊設為共享,但這一塊被另一session讀入,所以我們必須等待read()結束。
120 我們想獲得當前的塊,但其他人已經將這一塊讀入緩衝區,所以我們只能等待他人的讀入結束。
130 塊被另一session讀入,而且沒有找到其它協調的塊,所以我們必須等待讀的結束。緩衝區死鎖後這種情況也有可能產生。所以必須讀入塊的CR。
200 我們想新建立一個block,但其他人在使用,所以我們只好等待他人使用結束。
210 Session想讀入SCUR或XCUR中的塊,如果塊交換或者session處於非連續的TX模式,所以等待可能需要很長的時間。
220 在緩衝區查詢一個塊的當前版本,但有人以不合法的模式使用這一塊,所以我們只能等待。
230 以CR/CRX方式獲得一個塊,但塊中的更改開始並且沒有結束。
231 CR/CRX掃描找到當前塊,但塊中的更改開始並且沒有結束。
4 v$session_event
This view summarizes wait events for every session. While v$session_wait shows the current waits for a session.
v$session_event provides summary of all the events has waited for since it started.
5 問題
1) 對P1,P2,P3的理解仍不知道啥意思?不同的等待事件,不同的意思
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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