oracle SecureFiles 替代之前的 LOB

 一直詬病LOB/CLOB 物件的效能,在一個客戶那裡效能調優Table欄位中的CLOB pdf 物件效能一直比較差。
建議修改為由應用程式呼叫的檔案,然後用stream 開啟,效能調高50倍。

到了11g Oracle 新功能 SecureFiles 可以解決LOB 的效能問題,又能充分相容LOB 的特性。

下面是Oracle 的介紹:
?SecureFiles breaks the performance barrier that has kept file data out of databases
?Similar to LOBs but much faster, and with more capabilities
?Transparent encryption (with Advanced Security Option)
?Compression, Deduplication (with Advanced Compression Option)
?Superset of LOB interfaces for easy migration from LOBs
?Single security model
?Single view of data
?Single management of data
?High performance

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