CREATE TABLE dept_20 (employee_id NUMBER(4), last_name VARCHAR2(10), job_id VARCHAR2(9), manager_id NUMBER(4), hire_date DATE, salary NUMBER(7,2), commission_pct NUMBER(7,2), department_id, CONSTRAINT fk_deptno FOREIGN KEY (department_id) REFERENCES departments(department_id) );
The foreign key definitions in both variations of this statement omit the ON DELETE clause, causing Oracle to prevent the deletion of a department if any employee works in that department.
CREATE TABLE dept_20 (employee_id NUMBER(4) PRIMARY KEY, last_name VARCHAR2(10), job_id VARCHAR2(9), manager_id NUMBER(4) CONSTRAINT fk_mgr REFERENCES employees ON DELETE SET NULL, hire_date DATE, salary NUMBER(7,2), commission_pct NUMBER(7,2), department_id NUMBER(2) CONSTRAINT fk_deptno REFERENCES departments(department_id) ON DELETE CASCADE );
Because of the first ON DELETE clause, if manager number 2332 is deleted from the employees table, then Oracle sets to null the value of manager_id for all employees in the dept_20 table who previously had manager 2332.
Because of the second ON DELETE clause, Oracle cascades any deletion of a department_id value in the departments table to the department_id values of its dependent rows of the dept_20 table. For example, if Department 20 is deleted from the departments table, then Oracle deletes all of the employees in Department 20 from the dept_20 table
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