SQL Server遞迴查詢
create table test_with(
pid int,
parentid int,
name varchar(60)
insert into test_with values(1, null, 'A')
insert into test_with values(2, null, 'B')
insert into test_with values(3, null, 'C')
insert into test_with values(4, 1, 'A1')
insert into test_with values(5, 1, 'A2')
insert into test_with values(6, 1, 'A3')
update test_with set name = 'A2' where pid = 5
update test_with set name = 'A3' where pid = 6
select * from test_with
insert into test_with values(7, 4, 'A11')
insert into test_with values(8, 5, 'A22')
insert into test_with values(9, 6, 'A33')
with t(pid, parentid, name, level) as (
select pid, parentid, name, 0 as level from test_with where parentid is null
and pid = 1
union all
select test_with.pid, test_with.parentid, test_with.name, level+1 from t , test_with
where t.pid = test_with.parentid and test_with.parentid is not null
and t.pid <> test_with.pid
select * from t where level <= 3 OPTION(MAXRECURSION 5000)
with t(pid, parentid, name,parentname, level) as (
select pid, parentid, name, cast(null as varchar(60)) as parentname,0 as level from test_with where parentid is null
union all
select test_with.pid, test_with.parentid, test_with.name , t.name as parentname, level+1 from t , test_with
where t.pid = test_with.parentid
select * from t where level <= 3 OPTION(MAXRECURSION 5000)
可以用來模擬start with..connect by
訊息 530,級別 16,狀態 1,第 1 行
語句被終止。完成執行語句前已用完最大遞迴 5000。
這個特性在Oracle 11g, 12c也已支援
pid int,
parentid int,
name varchar(60)
insert into test_with values(1, null, 'A')
insert into test_with values(2, null, 'B')
insert into test_with values(3, null, 'C')
insert into test_with values(4, 1, 'A1')
insert into test_with values(5, 1, 'A2')
insert into test_with values(6, 1, 'A3')
update test_with set name = 'A2' where pid = 5
update test_with set name = 'A3' where pid = 6
select * from test_with
insert into test_with values(7, 4, 'A11')
insert into test_with values(8, 5, 'A22')
insert into test_with values(9, 6, 'A33')
with t(pid, parentid, name, level) as (
select pid, parentid, name, 0 as level from test_with where parentid is null
and pid = 1
union all
select test_with.pid, test_with.parentid, test_with.name, level+1 from t , test_with
where t.pid = test_with.parentid and test_with.parentid is not null
and t.pid <> test_with.pid
select * from t where level <= 3 OPTION(MAXRECURSION 5000)
with t(pid, parentid, name,parentname, level) as (
select pid, parentid, name, cast(null as varchar(60)) as parentname,0 as level from test_with where parentid is null
union all
select test_with.pid, test_with.parentid, test_with.name , t.name as parentname, level+1 from t , test_with
where t.pid = test_with.parentid
select * from t where level <= 3 OPTION(MAXRECURSION 5000)
可以用來模擬start with..connect by
訊息 530,級別 16,狀態 1,第 1 行
語句被終止。完成執行語句前已用完最大遞迴 5000。
這個特性在Oracle 11g, 12c也已支援
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/8520577/viewspace-1062114/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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