摘要: 原創出處 http://www.iocoder.cn/Eureka/instance-registry-fetch-all/ 「芋道原始碼」歡迎轉載,保留摘要,謝謝!
本文主要基於 Eureka 1.8.X 版本

- RocketMQ / MyCAT / Sharding-JDBC 所有原始碼分析文章列表
- RocketMQ / MyCAT / Sharding-JDBC 中文註釋原始碼 GitHub 地址
- 您對於原始碼的疑問每條留言都將得到認真回覆。甚至不知道如何讀原始碼也可以請教噢。
- 新的原始碼解析文章實時收到通知。每週更新一篇左右。
- 認真的原始碼交流微信群。
1. 概述
本文主要分享 Eureka-Client 向 Eureka-Server 獲取全量註冊資訊的過程。
FROM 《深度剖析服務發現元件Netflix Eureka》
Eureka-Client 獲取註冊資訊,分成全量獲取和增量獲取。預設配置下,Eureka-Client 啟動時,首先執行一次全量獲取進行本地快取註冊資訊,而後每 30 秒增量獲取重新整理本地快取( 非“正常”情況下會是全量獲取 )。
推薦 Spring Cloud 書籍:
- 請支援正版。下載盜版,等於主動編寫低階 BUG 。
- 程式猿DD —— 《Spring Cloud微服務實戰》
- 周立 —— 《Spring Cloud與Docker微服務架構實戰》
- 兩書齊買,京東包郵。
推薦 Spring Cloud 視訊:
2. Eureka-Client 發起全量獲取

2.1 初始化全量獲取
Eureka-Client 啟動時,首先執行一次全量獲取進行本地快取註冊資訊,首先程式碼如下:
// DiscoveryClient.java
* Applications 在本地的快取
private final AtomicReference<Applications> localRegionApps = new AtomicReference<Applications>();
DiscoveryClient(ApplicationInfoManager applicationInfoManager, EurekaClientConfig config, AbstractDiscoveryClientOptionalArgs args,
Provider<BackupRegistry> backupRegistryProvider) {
// ... 省略無關程式碼
// 【3.2.5】初始化應用集合在本地的快取
localRegionApps.set(new Applications());
// ... 省略無關程式碼
// 【3.2.12】從 Eureka-Server 拉取註冊資訊
if (clientConfig.shouldFetchRegistry() && !fetchRegistry(false)) {
// ... 省略無關程式碼
,註冊的應用集合。較為容易理解,點選 連結 連結檢視帶中文註釋的類,這裡就不囉嗦了。Applications 與 InstanceInfo 類關係如下: -
eureka.shouldFetchRegistry = true
,開啟從 Eureka-Server 獲取註冊資訊。預設值:true
。 -
方法,從 Eureka-Server 全量獲取註冊資訊,在 「2.4 發起獲取註冊資訊」 詳細解析。
2.2 定時獲取
Eureka-Client 在初始化過程中,建立獲取註冊資訊執行緒,固定間隔向 Eureka-Server 發起獲取註冊資訊( fetch ),重新整理本地註冊資訊快取。實現程式碼如下:
// DiscoveryClient.java
DiscoveryClient(ApplicationInfoManager applicationInfoManager, EurekaClientConfig config, AbstractDiscoveryClientOptionalArgs args,
Provider<BackupRegistry> backupRegistryProvider) {
// ... 省略無關程式碼
// 【3.2.9】初始化執行緒池
// default size of 2 - 1 each for heartbeat and cacheRefresh
scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2,
new ThreadFactoryBuilder()
cacheRefreshExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
1, clientConfig.getCacheRefreshExecutorThreadPoolSize(), 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(),
new ThreadFactoryBuilder()
); // use direct handoff
// ... 省略無關程式碼
// 【3.2.14】初始化定時任務
// ... 省略無關程式碼
private void initScheduledTasks() {
// 向 Eureka-Server 心跳(續租)執行器
if (clientConfig.shouldFetchRegistry()) {
// registry cache refresh timer
int registryFetchIntervalSeconds = clientConfig.getRegistryFetchIntervalSeconds();
int expBackOffBound = clientConfig.getCacheRefreshExecutorExponentialBackOffBound();
new TimedSupervisorTask(
new CacheRefreshThread()
registryFetchIntervalSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// ... 省略無關程式碼
初始化定時任務程式碼,和續租的定時任務程式碼類似,在 《Eureka 原始碼解析 —— 應用例項註冊發現(二)之續租 》 有詳細解析,這裡不重複分享。
,註冊資訊快取重新整理任務,實現程式碼如下:class CacheRefreshThread implements Runnable { public void run() { refreshRegistry(); } } 複製程式碼
- 呼叫
方法,重新整理註冊資訊快取,在 「2.3 重新整理註冊資訊快取」 詳細解析。
- 呼叫
2.3 重新整理註冊資訊快取
呼叫 #refreshRegistry(false)
// DiscoveryClient.java
1: void refreshRegistry() {
2: try {
3: // TODO 芋艿:TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry
4: boolean isFetchingRemoteRegionRegistries = isFetchingRemoteRegionRegistries();
6: boolean remoteRegionsModified = false;
7: // This makes sure that a dynamic change to remote regions to fetch is honored.
8: String latestRemoteRegions = clientConfig.fetchRegistryForRemoteRegions();
9: if (null != latestRemoteRegions) {
10: String currentRemoteRegions = remoteRegionsToFetch.get();
11: if (!latestRemoteRegions.equals(currentRemoteRegions)) {
12: // Both remoteRegionsToFetch and AzToRegionMapper.regionsToFetch need to be in sync
13: synchronized (instanceRegionChecker.getAzToRegionMapper()) {
14: if (remoteRegionsToFetch.compareAndSet(currentRemoteRegions, latestRemoteRegions)) {
15: String[] remoteRegions = latestRemoteRegions.split(",");
16: remoteRegionsRef.set(remoteRegions);
17: instanceRegionChecker.getAzToRegionMapper().setRegionsToFetch(remoteRegions);
18: remoteRegionsModified = true;
19: } else {
20: logger.info("Remote regions to fetch modified concurrently," +
21: " ignoring change from {} to {}", currentRemoteRegions, latestRemoteRegions);
22: }
23: }
24: } else {
25: // Just refresh mapping to reflect any DNS/Property change
26: instanceRegionChecker.getAzToRegionMapper().refreshMapping();
27: }
28: }
30: boolean success = fetchRegistry(remoteRegionsModified);
31: if (success) {
32: // 設定 註冊資訊的應用例項數
33: registrySize = localRegionApps.get().size();
34: // 設定 最後獲取註冊資訊時間
35: lastSuccessfulRegistryFetchTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
36: }
38: // 列印日誌
39: if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
40: StringBuilder allAppsHashCodes = new StringBuilder();
41: allAppsHashCodes.append("Local region apps hashcode: ");
42: allAppsHashCodes.append(localRegionApps.get().getAppsHashCode());
43: allAppsHashCodes.append(", is fetching remote regions? ");
44: allAppsHashCodes.append(isFetchingRemoteRegionRegistries);
45: for (Map.Entry<String, Applications> entry : remoteRegionVsApps.entrySet()) {
46: allAppsHashCodes.append(", Remote region: ");
47: allAppsHashCodes.append(entry.getKey());
48: allAppsHashCodes.append(" , apps hashcode: ");
49: allAppsHashCodes.append(entry.getValue().getAppsHashCode());
50: }
51: logger.debug("Completed cache refresh task for discovery. All Apps hash code is {} ",
52: allAppsHashCodes.toString());
53: }
54: } catch (Throwable e) {
55: logger.error("Cannot fetch registry from server", e);
56: }
57: }
第 3 至 28 行 :TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry
第 30 行 :呼叫
方法,從 Eureka-Server 獲取註冊資訊,在 「2.4 發起獲取註冊資訊」 詳細解析。 -
第 31 至 36 行 :獲取註冊資訊成功,設定註冊資訊的應用例項數,最後獲取註冊資訊時間。變數程式碼如下:
/** * 註冊資訊的應用例項數 */ private volatile int registrySize = 0; /** * 最後成功從 Eureka-Server 拉取註冊資訊時間戳 */ private volatile long lastSuccessfulRegistryFetchTimestamp = -1; 複製程式碼
第 38 至 53 行 :列印除錯日誌。
第 54 至 56 行 :列印異常日誌。
2.4 發起獲取註冊資訊
呼叫 #fetchRegistry(false)
方法,從 Eureka-Server 獲取註冊資訊( 根據條件判斷,可能是全量,也可能是增量 ),實現程式碼如下:
1: private boolean fetchRegistry(boolean forceFullRegistryFetch) {
2: Stopwatch tracer = FETCH_REGISTRY_TIMER.start();
4: try {
5: // 獲取 本地快取的註冊的應用例項集合
6: // If the delta is disabled or if it is the first time, get all
7: // applications
8: Applications applications = getApplications();
10: // 全量獲取
11: if (clientConfig.shouldDisableDelta() // 禁用增量獲取
12: || (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(clientConfig.getRegistryRefreshSingleVipAddress()))
13: || forceFullRegistryFetch
14: || (applications == null) // 空
15: || (applications.getRegisteredApplications().size() == 0) // 空
16: || (applications.getVersion() == -1)) //Client application does not have latest library supporting delta
17: {
18: logger.info("Disable delta property : {}", clientConfig.shouldDisableDelta());
19: logger.info("Single vip registry refresh property : {}", clientConfig.getRegistryRefreshSingleVipAddress());
20: logger.info("Force full registry fetch : {}", forceFullRegistryFetch);
21: logger.info("Application is null : {}", (applications == null));
22: logger.info("Registered Applications size is zero : {}",
23: (applications.getRegisteredApplications().size() == 0));
24: logger.info("Application version is -1: {}", (applications.getVersion() == -1));
25: // 執行 全量獲取
26: getAndStoreFullRegistry();
27: } else {
28: // 執行 增量獲取
29: getAndUpdateDelta(applications);
30: }
31: // 設定 應用集合 hashcode
32: applications.setAppsHashCode(applications.getReconcileHashCode());
33: // 列印 本地快取的註冊的應用例項數量
34: logTotalInstances();
35: } catch (Throwable e) {
36: logger.error(PREFIX + appPathIdentifier + " - was unable to refresh its cache! status = " + e.getMessage(), e);
37: return false;
38: } finally {
39: if (tracer != null) {
40: tracer.stop();
41: }
42: }
44: // Notify about cache refresh before updating the instance remote status
45: onCacheRefreshed();
47: // Update remote status based on refreshed data held in the cache
48: updateInstanceRemoteStatus();
50: // registry was fetched successfully, so return true
51: return true;
52: }
第 5 至 8 行 :獲取本地快取的註冊的應用例項集合,實現程式碼如下:
public Applications getApplications() { return localRegionApps.get(); } 複製程式碼
第 10 至 26 行 :全量獲取註冊資訊。
- 第 11 行 :配置
eureka.disableDelta = true
。 - 第 12 行 :只獲得一個
對應的應用例項們的註冊資訊。 - 第 13 行 :方法引數
強制全量獲取註冊資訊。 - 第 14 至 15 行 :本地快取為空。
- 第 25 至 26 行 :呼叫
- 第 11 行 :配置
第 27 至 30 行 :增量獲取註冊資訊,並重新整理本地快取,在 《Eureka 原始碼解析 —— 應用例項註冊發現 (七)之增量獲取》 詳細解析。
第 31 至 32 行 :計算應用集合
。該變數用於校驗增量獲取的註冊資訊和 Eureka-Server 全量的註冊資訊是否一致( 完整 ),在 《Eureka 原始碼解析 —— 應用例項註冊發現 (七)之增量獲取》 詳細解析。 -
第 33 至 34 行 :列印除錯日誌,輸出本地快取的註冊的應用例項數量。實現程式碼如下:
private void logTotalInstances() { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { int totInstances = 0; for (Application application : getApplications().getRegisteredApplications()) { totInstances += application.getInstancesAsIsFromEureka().size(); } logger.debug("The total number of all instances in the client now is {}", totInstances); } } 複製程式碼
第 44 至 45 行 :觸發 CacheRefreshedEvent 事件,事件監聽器執行。目前 Eureka 未提供預設的該事件監聽器。
方法,實現程式碼如下:/** * Eureka 事件監聽器 */ private final CopyOnWriteArraySet<EurekaEventListener> eventListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); protected void onCacheRefreshed() { fireEvent(new CacheRefreshedEvent()); } protected void fireEvent(final EurekaEvent event) { for (EurekaEventListener listener : eventListeners) { listener.onEvent(event); } } 複製程式碼
- x
筆者的YY :你可以實現自定義的事件監聽器監聽 CacheRefreshedEvent 事件,以達到持久化最新的註冊資訊到儲存器( 例如,本地檔案 ),通過這樣的方式,配合實現 BackupRegistry 介面讀取儲存器。BackupRegistry 介面呼叫如下:
// 【3.2.12】從 Eureka-Server 拉取註冊資訊 if (clientConfig.shouldFetchRegistry() && !fetchRegistry(false)) { fetchRegistryFromBackup(); } 複製程式碼
第47 至 48 行 :更新本地快取的當前應用例項在 Eureka-Server 的狀態。
1: private volatile InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus lastRemoteInstanceStatus = InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus.UNKNOWN; 2: 3: private synchronized void updateInstanceRemoteStatus() { 4: // Determine this instance's status for this app and set to UNKNOWN if not found 5: InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus currentRemoteInstanceStatus = null; 6: if (instanceInfo.getAppName() != null) { 7: Application app = getApplication(instanceInfo.getAppName()); 8: if (app != null) { 9: InstanceInfo remoteInstanceInfo = app.getByInstanceId(instanceInfo.getId()); 10: if (remoteInstanceInfo != null) { 11: currentRemoteInstanceStatus = remoteInstanceInfo.getStatus(); 12: } 13: } 14: } 15: if (currentRemoteInstanceStatus == null) { 16: currentRemoteInstanceStatus = InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus.UNKNOWN; 17: } 18: 19: // Notify if status changed 20: if (lastRemoteInstanceStatus != currentRemoteInstanceStatus) { 21: onRemoteStatusChanged(lastRemoteInstanceStatus, currentRemoteInstanceStatus); 22: lastRemoteInstanceStatus = currentRemoteInstanceStatus; 23: } 24: } 複製程式碼
第 4 至 14 行 :從註冊資訊中獲取當前應用在 Eureka-Server 的狀態。
第 19 至 23 行 :對比本地快取和最新的的當前應用例項在 Eureka-Server 的狀態,若不同,更新本地快取( 注意,只更新該快取變數,不更新本地當前應用例項的狀態(
) ),觸發 StatusChangeEvent 事件,事件監聽器執行。目前 Eureka 未提供預設的該事件監聽器。#onRemoteStatusChanged(...)
實現程式碼如下:protected void onRemoteStatusChanged(InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus oldStatus, InstanceInfo.InstanceStatus newStatus) { fireEvent(new StatusChangeEvent(oldStatus, newStatus)); } 複製程式碼
- Eureka-Client 本地應用例項與 Eureka-Server 的該應用例項狀態不同的原因,因為應用例項的覆蓋狀態,在 《Eureka 原始碼解析 —— 應用例項註冊發現 (八)之覆蓋狀態》 有詳細解析。
2.4.1 全量獲取註冊資訊,並設定到本地快取
呼叫 #getAndStoreFullRegistry()
1: private void getAndStoreFullRegistry() throws Throwable {
2: long currentUpdateGeneration = fetchRegistryGeneration.get();
4: logger.info("Getting all instance registry info from the eureka server");
6: // 全量獲取註冊資訊
7: Applications apps = null;
8: EurekaHttpResponse<Applications> httpResponse = clientConfig.getRegistryRefreshSingleVipAddress() == null
9: ? eurekaTransport.queryClient.getApplications(remoteRegionsRef.get())
10: : eurekaTransport.queryClient.getVip(clientConfig.getRegistryRefreshSingleVipAddress(), remoteRegionsRef.get());
11: if (httpResponse.getStatusCode() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
12: apps = httpResponse.getEntity();
13: }
14: logger.info("The response status is {}", httpResponse.getStatusCode());
16: // 設定到本地快取
17: if (apps == null) {
18: logger.error("The application is null for some reason. Not storing this information");
19: } else if (fetchRegistryGeneration.compareAndSet(currentUpdateGeneration, currentUpdateGeneration + 1)) {
20: localRegionApps.set(this.filterAndShuffle(apps));
21: logger.debug("Got full registry with apps hashcode {}", apps.getAppsHashCode());
22: } else {
23: logger.warn("Not updating applications as another thread is updating it already");
24: }
25: }
第 6 至 14 行 :全量獲取註冊資訊,實現程式碼如下:
// AbstractJerseyEurekaHttpClient.java @Override public EurekaHttpResponse<Applications> getApplications(String... regions) { return getApplicationsInternal("apps/", regions); } private EurekaHttpResponse<Applications> getApplicationsInternal(String urlPath, String[] regions) { ClientResponse response = null; String regionsParamValue = null; try { WebResource webResource = jerseyClient.resource(serviceUrl).path(urlPath); if (regions != null && regions.length > 0) { regionsParamValue = StringUtil.join(regions); webResource = webResource.queryParam("regions", regionsParamValue); } Builder requestBuilder = webResource.getRequestBuilder(); addExtraHeaders(requestBuilder); response = requestBuilder.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).get(ClientResponse.class); // JSON Applications applications = null; if (response.getStatus() == Status.OK.getStatusCode() && response.hasEntity()) { applications = response.getEntity(Applications.class); } return anEurekaHttpResponse(response.getStatus(), Applications.class) .headers(headersOf(response)) .entity(applications) .build(); } finally { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Jersey HTTP GET {}/{}?{}; statusCode={}", serviceUrl, urlPath, regionsParamValue == null ? "" : "regions=" + regionsParamValue, response == null ? "N/A" : response.getStatus() ); } if (response != null) { response.close(); } } } 複製程式碼
- 呼叫
方法,GET 請求 Eureka-Server 的apps/
,返回格式為 JSON ,實現全量獲取註冊資訊。
- 呼叫
第 16 至 24 行 :設定到本地註冊資訊快取。
- 第 19 行 :TODO[0025] :併發更新的情況???
- 第 20 行 :呼叫
方法,根據配置eureka.shouldFilterOnlyUpInstances = true
( 預設值 :true
) 過濾只保留狀態為開啟( UP )的應用例項,並隨機打亂應用例項順序。打亂後,實現呼叫應用服務的隨機性。程式碼比較易懂,點選連結檢視方法實現。
3. Eureka-Server 接收全量獲取
3.1 接收全量獲取請求
,處理所有應用的請求操作的 Resource ( Controller )。
接收全量獲取請求,對映 ApplicationsResource#getContainers()
1: @GET
2: public Response getContainers(@PathParam("version") String version,
3: @HeaderParam(HEADER_ACCEPT) String acceptHeader,
4: @HeaderParam(HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING) String acceptEncoding,
5: @HeaderParam(EurekaAccept.HTTP_X_EUREKA_ACCEPT) String eurekaAccept,
6: @Context UriInfo uriInfo,
7: @Nullable @QueryParam("regions") String regionsStr) {
8: // TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry
9: boolean isRemoteRegionRequested = null != regionsStr && !regionsStr.isEmpty();
10: String[] regions = null;
11: if (!isRemoteRegionRequested) {
12: EurekaMonitors.GET_ALL.increment();
13: } else {
14: regions = regionsStr.toLowerCase().split(",");
15: Arrays.sort(regions); // So we don't have different caches for same regions queried in different order.
16: EurekaMonitors.GET_ALL_WITH_REMOTE_REGIONS.increment();
17: }
19: // 判斷是否可以訪問
20: // Check if the server allows the access to the registry. The server can
21: // restrict access if it is not
22: // ready to serve traffic depending on various reasons.
23: if (!registry.shouldAllowAccess(isRemoteRegionRequested)) {
24: return Response.status(Status.FORBIDDEN).build();
25: }
27: // API 版本
28: CurrentRequestVersion.set(Version.toEnum(version));
30: // 返回資料格式
31: KeyType keyType = Key.KeyType.JSON;
32: String returnMediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON;
33: if (acceptHeader == null || !acceptHeader.contains(HEADER_JSON_VALUE)) {
34: keyType = Key.KeyType.XML;
35: returnMediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_XML;
36: }
38: // 響應快取鍵( KEY )
39: Key cacheKey = new Key(Key.EntityType.Application,
40: ResponseCacheImpl.ALL_APPS,
41: keyType, CurrentRequestVersion.get(), EurekaAccept.fromString(eurekaAccept), regions
42: );
44: //
45: Response response;
46: if (acceptEncoding != null && acceptEncoding.contains(HEADER_GZIP_VALUE)) {
47: response = Response.ok(responseCache.getGZIP(cacheKey))
49: .header(HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, returnMediaType)
50: .build();
51: } else {
52: response = Response.ok(responseCache.get(cacheKey))
53: .build();
54: }
55: return response;
56: }
第 8 至 17 行 :TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry
第 19 至 25 行 :Eureka-Server 啟動完成,但是未處於就緒( Ready )狀態,不接受請求全量應用註冊資訊的請求,例如,Eureka-Server 啟動時,未能從其他 Eureka-Server 叢集的節點獲取到應用註冊資訊。
第 27 至 28 行 :設定 API 版本號。預設最新 API 版本為 V2。實現程式碼如下:
public enum Version { V1, V2; public static Version toEnum(String v) { for (Version version : Version.values()) { if (version.name().equalsIgnoreCase(v)) { return version; } } //Defaults to v2 return V2; } } 複製程式碼
第 30 至 36 行 :設定返回資料格式,預設 JSON 。
第 38 至 42 行 :建立響應快取( ResponseCache ) 的鍵( KEY ),在 「3.2.1 快取鍵」詳細解析。
第 44 至 55 行 :從響應快取讀取全量註冊資訊,在 「3.3 快取讀取」詳細解析。
3.2 響應快取 ResponseCache
public interface ResponseCache {
String get(Key key);
byte[] getGZIP(Key key);
void invalidate(String appName, @Nullable String vipAddress, @Nullable String secureVipAddress);
AtomicLong getVersionDelta();
AtomicLong getVersionDeltaWithRegions();
已經廢棄。這裡保留的原因主要是考慮相容性。判斷依據來自如下程式碼:// Applications.java @Deprecated public void setVersion(Long version) { this.versionDelta = version; } // AbstractInstanceRegistry.java public Applications getApplicationDeltas() { // ... 省略其它無關程式碼 apps.setVersion(responseCache.getVersionDelta().get()); // 唯一呼叫到 ResponseCache#getVersionDelta() 方法的地方 // ... 省略其它無關程式碼 } 複製程式碼
:獲得快取。 -
:獲得快取,並 GZIP 。 -
3.2.1 快取鍵
public class Key {
public enum KeyType {
* An enum to define the entity that is stored in this cache for this key.
public enum EntityType {
Application, VIP, SVIP
* 實體名
private final String entityName;
* TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry
private final String[] regions;
* 請求引數型別
private final KeyType requestType;
* 請求 API 版本號
private final Version requestVersion;
* hashKey
private final String hashKey;
* 實體型別
* {@link EntityType}
private final EntityType entityType;
* {@link EurekaAccept}
private final EurekaAccept eurekaAccept;
public Key(EntityType entityType, String entityName, KeyType type, Version v, EurekaAccept eurekaAccept, @Nullable String[] regions) {
this.regions = regions;
this.entityType = entityType;
this.entityName = entityName;
this.requestType = type;
this.requestVersion = v;
this.eurekaAccept = eurekaAccept;
hashKey = this.entityType + this.entityName + (null != this.regions ? Arrays.toString(this.regions) : "")
+ requestType.name() + requestVersion.name() + this.eurekaAccept.name();
public Key(EntityType entityType, String entityName, KeyType type, Version v, EurekaAccept eurekaAccept, @Nullable String[] regions) {
this.regions = regions;
this.entityType = entityType;
this.entityName = entityName;
this.requestType = type;
this.requestVersion = v;
this.eurekaAccept = eurekaAccept;
hashKey = this.entityType + this.entityName + (null != this.regions ? Arrays.toString(this.regions) : "")
+ requestType.name() + requestVersion.name() + this.eurekaAccept.name();
public int hashCode() {
String hashKey = getHashKey();
return hashKey.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other instanceof Key) {
return getHashKey().equals(((Key) other).getHashKey());
} else {
return false;
3.2.2 響應快取實現類
在 ResponseCacheImpl 裡,將快取拆分成兩層 :
- 只讀快取(
) - 固定過期 + 固定大小的讀寫快取(

- 應用例項註冊、下線、過期時,只只只過期
。 readWriteCacheMap
寫入一段時間( 可配置 )後自動過期。- 定時任務對比
注意:應用例項註冊、下線、過期時,不會很快重新整理到 readWriteCacheMap
快取裡。預設配置下,最大延遲在 30 秒。
在 CAP 的選擇上,Eureka 選擇了 AP ,不同於 Zookeeper 選擇了 CP 。
3.3 快取讀取
呼叫 ResponseCacheImpl#get(...)
方法( #getGzip(...)
類似 ),讀取快取,實現程式碼如下:
1: private final ConcurrentMap<Key, Value> readOnlyCacheMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Key, Value>();
3: private final LoadingCache<Key, Value> readWriteCacheMap;
5: public String get(final Key key) {
6: return get(key, shouldUseReadOnlyResponseCache);
7: }
9: String get(final Key key, boolean useReadOnlyCache) {
10: Value payload = getValue(key, useReadOnlyCache);
11: if (payload == null || payload.getPayload().equals(EMPTY_PAYLOAD)) {
12: return null;
13: } else {
14: return payload.getPayload();
15: }
16: }
18: Value getValue(final Key key, boolean useReadOnlyCache) {
19: Value payload = null;
20: try {
21: if (useReadOnlyCache) {
22: final Value currentPayload = readOnlyCacheMap.get(key);
23: if (currentPayload != null) {
24: payload = currentPayload;
25: } else {
26: payload = readWriteCacheMap.get(key);
27: readOnlyCacheMap.put(key, payload);
28: }
29: } else {
30: payload = readWriteCacheMap.get(key);
31: }
32: } catch (Throwable t) {
33: logger.error("Cannot get value for key :" + key, t);
34: }
35: return payload;
36: }
第 5 至 7 行 :呼叫
#get(key, useReadOnlyCache)
通過配置eureka.shouldUseReadOnlyResponseCache = true
(預設值 :true
) 開啟只讀快取。如果你對資料的一致性有相對高的要求,可以關閉這個開關,當然因為少了readOnlyCacheMap
,效能會有一定的下降。 -
第 9 至 16 行 :呼叫
getValue(key, useReadOnlyCache)
,實現程式碼如下:public class Value { /** * 原始值 */ private final String payload; /** * GZIP 壓縮後的值 */ private byte[] gzipped; public Value(String payload) { this.payload = payload; if (!EMPTY_PAYLOAD.equals(payload)) { // ... 省略 GZIP 壓縮程式碼 gzipped = bos.toByteArray(); } else { gzipped = null; } } public String getPayload() { return payload; } public byte[] getGzipped() { return gzipped; } } 複製程式碼
第 21 至 31 行 :讀取快取。
第 21 至 28 行 :先讀取
。 -
第 29 至 31 行 :讀取
。 -
實現程式碼如下:this.readWriteCacheMap = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().initialCapacity(1000) .expireAfterWrite(serverConfig.getResponseCacheAutoExpirationInSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS) .removalListener(new RemovalListener<Key, Value>() { @Override public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<Key, Value> notification) { // TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry Key removedKey = notification.getKey(); if (removedKey.hasRegions()) { Key cloneWithNoRegions = removedKey.cloneWithoutRegions(); regionSpecificKeys.remove(cloneWithNoRegions, removedKey); } } }) .build(new CacheLoader<Key, Value>() { @Override public Value load(Key key) throws Exception { // // TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry if (key.hasRegions()) { Key cloneWithNoRegions = key.cloneWithoutRegions(); regionSpecificKeys.put(cloneWithNoRegions, key); } Value value = generatePayload(key); return value; } }); 複製程式碼
最大快取數量為 1000 。- 呼叫
方法,實現程式碼如下:1: private Value generatePayload(Key key) { 2: Stopwatch tracer = null; 3: try { 4: String payload; 5: switch (key.getEntityType()) { 6: case Application: 7: boolean isRemoteRegionRequested = key.hasRegions(); 8: 9: if (ALL_APPS.equals(key.getName())) { 10: if (isRemoteRegionRequested) { // TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry 11: tracer = serializeAllAppsWithRemoteRegionTimer.start(); 12: payload = getPayLoad(key, registry.getApplicationsFromMultipleRegions(key.getRegions())); 13: } else { 14: tracer = serializeAllAppsTimer.start(); 15: payload = getPayLoad(key, registry.getApplications()); 16: } 17: } else if (ALL_APPS_DELTA.equals(key.getName())) { 18: // ... 省略增量獲取相關的程式碼 19: } else { 20: tracer = serializeOneApptimer.start(); 21: payload = getPayLoad(key, registry.getApplication(key.getName())); 22: } 23: break; 24: // ... 省略部分程式碼 25: } 26: return new Value(payload); 27: } finally { 28: if (tracer != null) { 29: tracer.stop(); 30: } 31: } 32: } 複製程式碼
- 第 10 至 12 行 :TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry
- 第 13 至 16 行 :呼叫
方法,將註冊的應用集合轉換成快取值。? 這兩個方法程式碼較多,下面詳細解析。 - 第 17 至 18 行 :獲取增量註冊資訊的快取值,在 《Eureka 原始碼解析 —— 應用例項註冊發現 (七)之增量獲取》 詳細解析。
3.3.1 獲得註冊的應用集合
呼叫 AbstractInstanceRegistry#getApplications()
1: // AbstractInstanceRegistry.java
3: private static final String[] EMPTY_STR_ARRAY = new String[0];
5: public Applications getApplications() {
6: boolean disableTransparentFallback = serverConfig.disableTransparentFallbackToOtherRegion();
7: if (disableTransparentFallback) { // TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry
8: return getApplicationsFromLocalRegionOnly();
9: } else {
10: return getApplicationsFromAllRemoteRegions(); // Behavior of falling back to remote region can be disabled.
11: }
12: }
14: public Applications getApplicationsFromLocalRegionOnly() {
15: return getApplicationsFromMultipleRegions(EMPTY_STR_ARRAY);
16: }
第 6 至 8 行 :TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry
第 9 至 16 行 :呼叫
方法,獲得註冊的應用集合,實現程式碼如下:1: public Applications getApplicationsFromMultipleRegions(String[] remoteRegions) { 2: // TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry 3: boolean includeRemoteRegion = null != remoteRegions && remoteRegions.length != 0; 4: logger.debug("Fetching applications registry with remote regions: {}, Regions argument {}", 5: includeRemoteRegion, Arrays.toString(remoteRegions)); 6: if (includeRemoteRegion) { 7: GET_ALL_WITH_REMOTE_REGIONS_CACHE_MISS.increment(); 8: } else { 9: GET_ALL_CACHE_MISS.increment(); 10: } 11: // 獲得獲得註冊的應用集合 12: Applications apps = new Applications(); 13: apps.setVersion(1L); 14: for (Entry<String, Map<String, Lease<InstanceInfo>>> entry : registry.entrySet()) { 15: Application app = null; 16: 17: if (entry.getValue() != null) { 18: for (Entry<String, Lease<InstanceInfo>> stringLeaseEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { 19: Lease<InstanceInfo> lease = stringLeaseEntry.getValue(); 20: if (app == null) { 21: app = new Application(lease.getHolder().getAppName()); 22: } 23: app.addInstance(decorateInstanceInfo(lease)); 24: } 25: } 26: if (app != null) { 27: apps.addApplication(app); 28: } 29: } 30: // TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry 31: if (includeRemoteRegion) { 32: for (String remoteRegion : remoteRegions) { 33: RemoteRegionRegistry remoteRegistry = regionNameVSRemoteRegistry.get(remoteRegion); 34: if (null != remoteRegistry) { 35: Applications remoteApps = remoteRegistry.getApplications(); 36: for (Application application : remoteApps.getRegisteredApplications()) { 37: if (shouldFetchFromRemoteRegistry(application.getName(), remoteRegion)) { 38: logger.info("Application {} fetched from the remote region {}", 39: application.getName(), remoteRegion); 40: 41: Application appInstanceTillNow = apps.getRegisteredApplications(application.getName()); 42: if (appInstanceTillNow == null) { 43: appInstanceTillNow = new Application(application.getName()); 44: apps.addApplication(appInstanceTillNow); 45: } 46: for (InstanceInfo instanceInfo : application.getInstances()) { 47: appInstanceTillNow.addInstance(instanceInfo); 48: } 49: } else { 50: logger.debug("Application {} not fetched from the remote region {} as there exists a " 51: + "whitelist and this app is not in the whitelist.", 52: application.getName(), remoteRegion); 53: } 54: } 55: } else { 56: logger.warn("No remote registry available for the remote region {}", remoteRegion); 57: } 58: } 59: } 60: // 設定 應用集合 hashcode 61: apps.setAppsHashCode(apps.getReconcileHashCode()); 62: return apps; 63: } 複製程式碼
- 第 2 至 第 10 行 :TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry
- 第 11 至 29 行 :獲得獲得註冊的應用集合。
- 第 30 至 59 行 :TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry
- 第 61 行 :計算應用集合
。該變數用於校驗增量獲取的註冊資訊和 Eureka-Server 全量的註冊資訊是否一致( 完整 ),在 《Eureka 原始碼解析 —— 應用例項註冊發現 (七)之增量獲取》 詳細解析。
3.3.2 轉換成快取值
呼叫 #getPayLoad()
* Generate pay load with both JSON and XML formats for all applications.
private String getPayLoad(Key key, Applications apps) {
// 獲得編碼器
EncoderWrapper encoderWrapper = serverCodecs.getEncoder(key.getType(), key.getEurekaAccept());
String result;
try {
// 編碼
result = encoderWrapper.encode(apps);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed to encode the payload for all apps", e);
return "";
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("New application cache entry {} with apps hashcode {}", key.toStringCompact(), apps.getAppsHashCode());
return result;
3.4 主動過期讀寫快取
應用例項註冊、下線、過期時,呼叫 ResponseCacheImpl#invalidate()
方法,主動過期讀寫快取( readWriteCacheMap
public void invalidate(String appName, @Nullable String vipAddress, @Nullable String secureVipAddress) {
for (Key.KeyType type : Key.KeyType.values()) {
for (Version v : Version.values()) {
new Key(Key.EntityType.Application, appName, type, v, EurekaAccept.full),
new Key(Key.EntityType.Application, appName, type, v, EurekaAccept.compact),
new Key(Key.EntityType.Application, ALL_APPS, type, v, EurekaAccept.full),
new Key(Key.EntityType.Application, ALL_APPS, type, v, EurekaAccept.compact),
new Key(Key.EntityType.Application, ALL_APPS_DELTA, type, v, EurekaAccept.full),
new Key(Key.EntityType.Application, ALL_APPS_DELTA, type, v, EurekaAccept.compact)
if (null != vipAddress) {
invalidate(new Key(Key.EntityType.VIP, vipAddress, type, v, EurekaAccept.full));
if (null != secureVipAddress) {
invalidate(new Key(Key.EntityType.SVIP, secureVipAddress, type, v, EurekaAccept.full));
方法,逐個過期每個快取鍵值,實現程式碼如下:public void invalidate(Key... keys) { for (Key key : keys) { logger.debug("Invalidating the response cache key : {} {} {} {}, {}", key.getEntityType(), key.getName(), key.getVersion(), key.getType(), key.getEurekaAccept()); // 過期讀寫快取 readWriteCacheMap.invalidate(key); // TODO[0009]:RemoteRegionRegistry Collection<Key> keysWithRegions = regionSpecificKeys.get(key); if (null != keysWithRegions && !keysWithRegions.isEmpty()) { for (Key keysWithRegion : keysWithRegions) { logger.debug("Invalidating the response cache key : {} {} {} {} {}", key.getEntityType(), key.getName(), key.getVersion(), key.getType(), key.getEurekaAccept()); readWriteCacheMap.invalidate(keysWithRegion); } } } } 複製程式碼
3.5 被動過期讀寫快取
讀寫快取( readWriteCacheMap
) 寫入後,一段時間自動過期,實現程式碼如下:
- 配置
,設定寫入過期時長。預設值 :180 秒。
3.6 定時重新整理只讀快取
定時任務對比 readWriteCacheMap
和 readOnlyCacheMap
的快取值,若不一致,以前者為主。通過這樣的方式,實現了 readOnlyCacheMap
1: ResponseCacheImpl(EurekaServerConfig serverConfig, ServerCodecs serverCodecs, AbstractInstanceRegistry registry) {
2: // ... 省略無關程式碼
4: long responseCacheUpdateIntervalMs = serverConfig.getResponseCacheUpdateIntervalMs();
5: // ... 省略無關程式碼
7: if (shouldUseReadOnlyResponseCache) {
8: timer.schedule(getCacheUpdateTask(),
9: new Date(((System.currentTimeMillis() / responseCacheUpdateIntervalMs) * responseCacheUpdateIntervalMs)
10: + responseCacheUpdateIntervalMs),
11: responseCacheUpdateIntervalMs);
12: }
14: // ... 省略無關程式碼
15: }
17: private TimerTask getCacheUpdateTask() {
18: return new TimerTask() {
19: @Override
20: public void run() {
21: logger.debug("Updating the client cache from response cache");
22: for (Key key : readOnlyCacheMap.keySet()) { // 迴圈 readOnlyCacheMap 的快取鍵
23: if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
24: Object[] args = {key.getEntityType(), key.getName(), key.getVersion(), key.getType()};
25: logger.debug("Updating the client cache from response cache for key : {} {} {} {}", args);
26: }
27: try {
28: CurrentRequestVersion.set(key.getVersion());
29: Value cacheValue = readWriteCacheMap.get(key);
30: Value currentCacheValue = readOnlyCacheMap.get(key);
31: if (cacheValue != currentCacheValue) { // 不一致時,進行替換
32: readOnlyCacheMap.put(key, cacheValue);
33: }
34: } catch (Throwable th) {
35: logger.error("Error while updating the client cache from response cache for key {}", key.toStringCompact(), th);
36: }
37: }
38: }
39: };
40: }
- 第 7 至 12 行 :初始化定時任務。配置
,設定任務執行頻率,預設值 :30 * 1000 毫秒。 - 第 17 至 39 行 :建立定時任務。
- 第 22 行 :迴圈
,因此快取鍵會更多。 - 第 28 行 至 33 行 :對比
- 第 22 行 :迴圈
666. 彩蛋

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