IO Exception: The Network Adapter Could Not Establish a Connection_604155.1
ASM Access From DBCA or OEM Fails With "IO Exception: The Network Adapter Could Not Establish a Connection" (Doc ID 604155.1)
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Applies to:
Oracle Net Services - Version: to
Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to
This problem can occur on any platform.
Normal RAC configuration with ASM enabled.
Sometimes, when changes are made to the listener.ora file (manually or with a Nettool), then neither OEM nor DBCA are able to connect to the ASM instances.
Also, just installing RAC and configuring ASM this can occur.
The error thrown by DBCA is:
"Error when connecting to ASM instance on local node:
IO exception: The Network Adapter could not establish a connection."
Changes made to the listener.ora file, such as the inclusion of control parameters such as:
1. One cause is if the listener(s) is stopped or not listening on the correct TCP hostname. If this is the situation, then the DBCA or OEM tools will not locate the +ASM instance(s).
2. Another common cause is if the listener is only configured for TCP address communication and has no IPC address. Then there may be a problem with an "internal" tool such as lsnrctl and DBCA communicating with the +ASM instance(s).
Under certain conditions, these tools may require the IPC Protocol to be set in the listener for correct communication to the +ASM instances. Reason is, there seem to be some unknown factors and conditions that combine with TCP use which can cause mis-communication with some tools to find the ASM instances.
Check to make certain that:
a) the listeners related to the RAC cluster are all up and running;
b) the listeners are listening on correct and valid VIP hostnames (make certain that the local HOSTS file does not specify that the VIP hostname is linked in any way to the localhost IP address of;
c) when 'lsnrctl services' is issued on each listener, that they show the +ASM instances in the services summary (the status of "Blocked" is normal);
d) at least one IPC address entry is included in the listener.ora file for all RAC listeners that may be used to access the ASM instances. The IPC key can be anything at all as it will only be used by DBCA access for ASM. If External Procedures will be run on the nodes, then this will be required anyway.
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