PL/SQL development skill test
PL/SQL development skill test
比如如何進行異常處理? 比如為什麼用FORALL ,比如如何用RECORD ,COLLECTION ,為什麼? 比如自治transaction,如何使用等等
1. In Oracle there are 4 types of logically ‘join’ relationship between tables they are : ___________________,_________________, ___________________,_____________________
2. When run a SQL the data scan method between two tables may be:
3. The index type in Oracle include: b*tree index, __________________,__________________.
4. SQL in Oracle can be classified as ‘DDL’ and ‘DML’ please fill the type for below SQL:
create table __________________ Update table ____________
Truncate table _________________ delete data from table ____________ 。
According below SQL answer the question 5-7:
Select c.class_name, p.age, max(c.score) (1)
From class c (2)
left join person p On = (3)
Where p.gender = ‘man’ (4)
Group by c.class_name, p.age (5)
Order by -1 (6)
5. what is the order when this SQL is executed ________________________________。
The result of this SQL will ordered by column: _____________,
Ascending or Descending: _____________.
6. If we move (4) to the end of (3 ) change the (3) to:
On And p.gender = ‘man’
And then delete the ‘where’ the result of this new SQL will ____________(Same/different) as the original one
7. To improve the performance of this SQL to add ________________index on column _____________ may works and after this change the execute plan of the table join relationship may changed
from___________________________to _____________________________
8. Write a simple SQL to get the Monday date of the week ’2015-10-22’:
9. Write a simple SQL to move data from Table_1 to Table_2, in case when the column Table_1.A ‘s value equal to Table_2.A then don’t insert this row data to Table_2 but update Table_2.B using Table_1.B’s value for this row in other situation just copy the whole row from Table_1 to Table_2.
10. Write a Update SQL to update using these two table both have a column
Named ‘code’ and these two tables can be joined by this column ‘code’:
According to below table to answer the question from 11-12
Table name: t_student
Subject |
Name |
gender |
Score |
English |
Jack |
M |
79 |
Mathematics |
Jack |
M |
58 |
Sports |
Grece |
F |
66 |
………………………… |
11. According to the table t_student which contains the info about students’ score for each subject please write a simple SQL to find the student whose score is the third of each subject
12. According to the table t_student to write a SQL to calculate the student num by gender:
The layout of the SQL should like this:
For example:
Male_num |
Fmale_num |
total num |
20 |
19 |
38 |
13 :Descript. the function of below three hint:
B: /*+APPEND*/
C: /*+bypass_ujvc*/
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