QT declarative UI 初探(一)
唔,遠了,扯回來。先下了qt creator 2.0,裝上,用2010.02的QT4.6版本跑了一下,偶爾會有異常,並且這個偶爾也太頻繁了一點,有點失望。。。
編譯完成,說明一下,我用的編譯器是2010.02 SDK中的 MINGW32-G++,Configure時沒有特別指定任何引數,它就自己找到了(當然我的系統環境變數中是有設定這個路徑的)。
好了,現在是學習時間,我開啟$QTDIR/examples/declarative,哦,一堆的示例,好爽,看來示例足夠學習了。。。且慢,為什麼沒有一個可執行檔案,全是qml檔案,我要如何執行?檢視了一下文件,在Declarative UI (QML) 節的 GettingStarted 小節中有一個QML Examples and Walkthroughs 的連結,其指向的文件說要用qmlviewer來執行,原文如下:
You can find many simple examples in the examples/declarative sub-directory that show how to use various aspects of QML. In addition, thedemos/declarative sub-directory contains more sophisticated demos of large applications. These demos are intended to show integrated functionality rather than being instructive on specifice elements.
To run the examples and demos, use the included qmlviewer application. It has some useful options, revealed by:
bin/qmlviewer -help
For example, from your build directory, run:
bin/qmlviewer $QTDIR/demos/declarative/flickr/flickr-desktop.qml
bin/qmlviewer $QTDIR/demos/declarative/samegame/samegame.qml
2.qml.exe這個東東應該只是開發時的一個工具吧?我的declarative UI應用要如何釋出?或者說我要如何建一個使用declarative UI的應用程式工程?
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/22785983/viewspace-662976/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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