[Notes]New cache mode for BI 7.0 without directory
來自Notes 1026944
A new cache mode is delivered with Support Package 16 for BI 7.0. This new cache mode has a different architecture from the previous cache modes and does not have their associated problems (for example, the disappearance of entries and enqueue deadlocks).
RSR, OLAP, online analytical processing, cache, new mode
This note provides an enhancement.
The new cache mode is an addition to the existing cache modes. The new cache mode is currently in the testing phase and must therefore be activated using an RSADMIN parameter. See the "Solution" section of this note for the activation procedure. After activation, the new cache mode is in InfoProvider property maintenance (transaction RSDIPROP) and query property maintenance (transaction RSRT -> menu "Environment" -> "Mass Maintenance"). An area for displaying the contents of the new cache mode has also been added to the cache monitor (transaction RSRCACHE).
Among the cache modes of the query properties, the new cache mode is number five.
The new cache modes saves the data in the same way as the BLOB persistence modes and it saves cluster tables in database tables. Both types of tables are used for this.
To activate the new cache mode, run the report SAP_RSADMIN_MAINTAIN with the following parameters and the option "INSERT":
After activation, the new cache mode is available in the query properties of transactions RSRT and RSDIPROP and can be assigned to a query.
As with the other cache modes, you can display the saved cache entries in the cache monitor (transaction RSRCACHE).
Unlike the previous cache modes, the new cache mode avoids using a central directory. Also, the keys for several of the entries are not saved in a parent entry that has to be read, changed and updated by several competing processes.
This prevents entries from disappearing.
You do not have to use locks (enqueues) with the new cache mode which means that no enqueue deadlocks can occur.
Instead, the entries are saved directly in various tables with their keys. The key of an entry contains the primary key of the parent entry as a foreign key; this means the required hierarchy application is retained.
- SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI
Import Support Package 16 for SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI (BI Patch 13 or SAPKW70016) into your BI system. The Support Package is available when Note 991093 "SAPBINews BI 7.0 Support Package 16", which describes this Support Package in more detail, has been released for customers.
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