ORACLE JOB不能按預期執行的常見原因
JobsNotExecuting Automatically文件ID:註釋:313102.1
Jobs arenolonger executing automatically.
Ifforced(<enter here jobnumber>);),theseexecutefine.
Tryingthemost common reasons why jobs don't execute automatically and as scheduled:
1) Instance in RESTRICTED SESSIONS mode?
Check if the instance is in restricted sessions mode:
select instance_name,logins from v$instance;
If logins=RESTRICTED, then:
alter system disable restricted session;
^-- Checked!
Make sure that job_queue_processes is > 0
show parameter job_queue_processes
^-- Checked!
Check if _system_enabled_trigger=false
col parameter format a25
col value format a15
select a.ksppinm parameter,b.ksppstvl value from x$ksppi a,x$ksppcv b
Where a.indx=b.indx and ksppinm=’_system_trig_enabled’;
^-- Checked!
4) Is the job BROKEN?
select job,broken from dba_jobs where job=
If broken, then check the alert log and trace files to diagnose the issue.
^-- Checked! The job is not broken.
5) Is the job COMMITted?
Make sure a commit is issued after submitting the job:
job => X
,what => 'dbms_utility.analyze_schema
,next_date => to_date('08/06/200509:35:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
,no_parse => FALSE
If the job executes fine if forced (i.e., exec
is missing.
^-- Checked! The job is committed after submission.
6) UPTIME > 497 days
Check if the server (machine) has been up for more than 497 days:
For SUN , use 'uptime' OS command.
If uptime>497 and the jobs do not execute automatically, then you are hitting bug 3427424
(Jobs may stop running after 497 days uptime) which is fixed in 9206 and A102
^-- Checked! The server in this case has been up 126 days only
Check dba_jobs_running to see if the job is still running:
select * from dba_jobs_running;
^-- Checked! The job is not running.
Check if the last_date and next_date for the job are proper:
select Job,Next_date,Last_date from dba_jobs where job=
^-- NEXT_DATE is porper, however LAST_DATE is null since the job never executes automatically.
Check if the Next_date is changing properly as per the interval set in dba_jobs:
select Job,Interval,Next_date,Last_date from dba_jobs where job=
^-- This is not possible since the job never gets executed automatically.
10) Toggle value for JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES
Set job_queue_processes=0, wait some time and then and set it back to the original value:
alter system set job_queue_processes=0 ;
alter system set job_queue_processes=4 ;
Ref: Bug 2649244 (fixed by: 9015,9203,A000)
^-- Done but did not help
11) DBMS_IJOB(Non-documented):
Last ditch effort.
Either restart the database or try the following:
exec dbms_ijob.set_enabled(true);
Ref: Bug 3505718 (Closed, Not a Bug)
@Note 90989.1 (Using DBMS_IJOB) INTERNAL NOTE
Done but did not help
These are the most common causes for this behavior.
The solution ended up to be the server (machine) uptime.
Even though it was up for only 126 days, after the server was rebooted all jobs were able to execute automatically.
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Shutdown all applications, including databases.
2. Shutdown the server (machine)
3. Restart all applications, including databases.
4. Check that jobs are executing automatically.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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