In Oracle Application, we have several API, in which few are termed as Global API's. These Global API's can be run only in Server (PL/SQL methods or Oracle Reports and not in Oracle Forms). These API's provide information about the current environment settings to the program.
Below are the FND_GLOBAL API's which are mostly used to fill the WHO columns in a base table.
This function returns the current user id who has logged in to Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This function returns the login id of the current user who has logged in to Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This function returns the login id by which the current concurrent program is running in Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This function returns the application id in which the current concurrent program is running in Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This function returns the program id of currently running concurrent program in Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This function returns the concurrent request id of currently running concurrent program in Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This procedure initializes the global environment for running/processing some set of instructions particularly for a user in a particular responsibility.
This program takes three parameters
1. USER_ID - user id,
2. RESP_ID - responsibility id and
3. RESP_APPL_ID - responsibility application id.
Below are the FND_GLOBAL API's which are mostly used to fill the WHO columns in a base table.
This function returns the current user id who has logged in to Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This function returns the login id of the current user who has logged in to Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This function returns the login id by which the current concurrent program is running in Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This function returns the application id in which the current concurrent program is running in Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This function returns the program id of currently running concurrent program in Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This function returns the concurrent request id of currently running concurrent program in Oracle Apps. No parameter is required for the function.
This procedure initializes the global environment for running/processing some set of instructions particularly for a user in a particular responsibility.
This program takes three parameters
1. USER_ID - user id,
2. RESP_ID - responsibility id and
3. RESP_APPL_ID - responsibility application id.
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