


MacBook Pro,OSX 10.12.4


Tab         Autocomplete.
Ctrl-_      Undo, separately remembered for each line.
Ctrl-x-e    Edit current command with your editor.
Ctrl-a      Move to the start of the current line.
Ctrl-e      Move to the end of the line.
Ctrl-f      Move forward a character.
Ctrl-b      Move back a character.
Ctrl-Right  Move forward to the end of the next word.
Ctrl-Left   Move back to the start of the current or previous word.
ESC .       Insert the last argument to the previous command.
Ctrl-p      Fetch the previous command from the history list.
Ctrl-n      Fetch the next command from the history list.
Ctrl-r      Search backward through history.
Ctrl-s      Search forward through history.
Ctrl-d      Delete the character under the cursor.
Ctrl-k      Kill (cut) forwards to the end of the line.
Ctrl-u      Kill (cut) backwards to the start of the line.
Ctrl-w      Kill (cut) backwards to the start of the current word.
Ctrl-y      Yank (paste) the top of the kill ring.
Ctrl-x-x    Set the mark and jump to the previous mark.
Ctrl-g      Abort current editing command
Ctrl-l      Clear the screen.
