
為縮短映象製作及建立例項的週期,我們推薦您在製作自定義映象之前,使用ECS映象規範檢測工具,製作符合規範的映象。檢測工具能基於伺服器環境檢測各項配置指標、定位不合規原因、生成 TXT 和 JSON 格式檢測報告並給出解決意見。當前的檢測項能夠提前預警大部分導致映象無法正常使用的情況。
 Begin check your system...
 The report is generating.
 The information you need to input when you import your image to Alibaba Cloud website:
 Current system: CentOS         # 系統資訊1:伺服器作業系統
 Architecture: x86_64           # 系統資訊2:系統架構
 System disk size: 42 GB        # 系統資訊3:伺服器系統盤容量
 # 檢測項
 Check driver                          [ OK ]
 Check shadow file authority           [ OK ]
 Check security                        [ OK ]
 Check qemu-ga                         [ OK ]
 Check network                         [ OK ]
 Check ssh                             [ OK ]
 Check firewall                        [ OK ]
 Check filesystem                      [ OK ]
 Check device id                       [ OK ]
 Check root account                    [ OK ]
 Check password                        [ OK ]
 Check partition table                 [ OK ]
 Check lvm                             [ FAILED ]
 Check lib                             [ OK ]
 Check disk size                       [ OK ]
 Check disk use rate                   [ WARNING ]
 Check inode use rate                  [ OK ]
 15 items are OK
 1 items are failed
 1 items are warning
 The report is generated: /root/image_check_report_2018-05-14_18-18-10.txt
 Please read the report to check the details
目前檢測工具僅支援檢測 Linux 型別映象,包括 Ubuntu、CentOS、Debian、RedHat、SLES(SUSE Linux Enterprise Server)、OpenSUSE、FreeBSD、CoreOS 和 Others Linux 發行版本。
