Monitor ASM DG IO
In this Document
Purpose |
Requirements |
Configuring |
Instructions |
Script |
Sample Output |
Applies to:
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.1 to 11.1]Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 27-Feb-2011***
The OS command iostat is normally used to monitoring system input/output device load. This script will provide similar information like iostat but specific for the ASM disks.
For details about iostat (ie cumulative or not, and so on) please refer to the man of iostat.
We use v$asm_disk_stat instead of v$asm_disk because the information is exactly the same.
The only difference is v$asm_disk_stat is the information available in memory while v$asm_disk access the disks to re-collect some information. Since the information required doesn't require to "re-collect" it from the disks, v$asm_disk_stat is more appropriate here.
On Solaris, please use :
- the /usr/wpg4/bin/grep utility instead of /usr/bin/grep to avoid the following error:
"grep: illegal option -- q"
- the /usr/wpg4/bin/awk utility instead of /usr/bin/awk to avoid the following error:
"awk: syntax error near line 48"
On other platforms, it could sometime fail due to Shell compatibility issues.
In such case, retry using another Shell (ie: Bash instead of Ksh)
We do not guarantee that it will work for you, so be sure to test it in your environment before relying on it. This script is provided as an example. If it doesn't work, you must adapt it by yourself for your platform
In 10.1 asmcmd utility is not included:
asmcmd can be used against ASM versions 10gR1 (10.1.0.n) and 10gR2 (10.2.0.n). In ASM version 10.2 asmcmd is provided by default ASM installation.
To use asmcmd in ASM version 10.1 environment we can just copy relevant files from 10.2 installation into the 10.1
Not required.
Not required
Proofread this sample code before using it! Due to the differences in the way text editors, e-mail packages and operating systems handle text formatting (spaces, tabs and carriage returns), this sample code may not be in an executable state when you first receive it. Check over the sample code to ensure that errors of this type are corrected.
# iostat-like output for ASM
# $ [-s ASM ORACLE_SID] [-h ASM ORACLE_HOME] [-g Diskgroup]
# [-f disk path filter] [
# Creates persistent SQL*Plus connection to the +ASM instance implemented
# as a ksh co-process
# Doug Utzig
# dutzig 08/18/05 - original version
typeset -u diskgroup
typeset diskgroup_string="Disk Group: All diskgroups"
typeset usage="
$0 [-s ASM ORACLE_SID] [-h ASM ORACLE_HOME] [-g diskgroup] [
DiskPath - Path to ASM disk
DiskName - ASM disk name
Gr - ASM disk group number
Dsk - ASM disk number
Reads - Reads
Writes - Writes
AvRdTm - Average read time (in msec)
AvWrTm - Average write time (in msec)
KBRd - Kilobytes read
KBWr - Kilobytes written
AvRdSz - Average read size (in bytes)
AvWrSz - Average write size (in bytes)
RdEr - Read errors
WrEr - Write errors
while getopts ":s:h:g:f" option; do
case $option in
g) diskgroup="$OPTARG"
diskgroup_string="Disk Group: $diskgroup" ;;
f) print '-f option not implemented' ;;
:) print "Option $OPTARG needs a value"
print "$usage"
exit 1 ;;
\?) print "Invalid option $OPTARG"
print "$usage"
exit 1 ;;
shift OPTIND-1
typeset -i interval=${1:-10} count=${2:-0} index=0
# Verify interval and count arguments are valid
(( interval <=0 || count<0 )) && {
print 'Invalid parameter:
print "$usage"
exit 1
# Query to run against v$asm_disk_stat
if [[ -z $diskgroup ]]; then
query="select group_number, disk_number, name, path, reads, writes, read_errs, write_errs, read_time, write_time, bytes_read, bytes_written from v\$asm_disk_stat where group_number>0 order by group_number, disk_number;"
query="select group_number, disk_number, name, path, reads, writes, read_errs, write_errs, read_time, write_time, bytes_read, bytes_written from v\$asm_disk_stat where group_number=(select group_number from v\$asm_diskgroup_stat where name=regexp_replace('$diskgroup','^\+','')) order by group_number, disk_number;"
# Check for version 10.2 or later
typeset version minversion=10.2
version=$($ORACLE_HOME/bin/exp &1 | grep "Export: " | sed -e 's/^Export: Release \([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/')
if ! (print "$version/dev/null 2>&1); then
print "$0 requires Oracle Database Release $minversion or later"
exit 1
# Fatal error
function fatalError {
print -u2 -- "Error: $1"
exit 1
# Drain all of the sqlplus output - stop when we see our well known string
function drainOutput {
typeset dispose=${1:-'dispose'} output
while :; do
read -p output || fatalError 'Read from co-process failed [$0]'
if [[ $QUERYDEBUG == ON ]]; then print $output; fi
if [[ $output == $endOfOutput* ]]; then break; fi
[[ $dispose != 'dispose' ]] && print -- $output
# Ensure the instance is running and it is of type ASM
function verifyASMinstance {
typeset asmcmdPath=$ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmd
[[ ! -x $asmcmdPath ]] && fatalError "Invalid ORACLE_HOME $ORACLE_HOME: $asmcmdPath does not exist"
$asmcmdPath pwd 2>/dev/null | grep -q '^\+$' || fatalError "$ORACLE_SID is not an ASM instance"
# Start the sqlplus coprocess
function startSqlplus {
# start sqlplus, setup the env
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s '/ as sysdba' |&
print -p 'whenever sqlerror exit failure' \
&& print -p "set pagesize 9999 linesize 9999 feedback off heading off" \
&& print -p "prompt $endOfOutput" \
|| fatalError 'Write to co-process failed (startSqlplus)'
drainOutput dispose
# Loop as many times as requested or forever
while :; do
print -p "$query" \
&& print -p "prompt $endOfOutput" \
|| fatalError 'Write to co-process failed (collectData)'
stats=$(drainOutput keep)
print -- "$stats\nEOL"
(( count
sleep $interval
done | \
awk '
BEGIN { firstSample=1
/^EOL$/ {
firstSample=0; firstLine=1
if (path ~ /^ *$/) next
group[path]=$1; disk[path]=$2; name[path]=$3
reads[path]=$5; writes[path]=$6
readErrors[path]=$7; writeErrors[path]=$8
readTime[path]=$9; writeTime[path]=$10
readBytes[path]=$11; writeBytes[path]=$12
# reads and writes
# read errors and write errors
# read time and write time
# average read time and average write time in msec (data provided in csec)
avgReadTime[path]=0; avgWriteTime[path]=0
if ( readsDiff[path] ) avgReadTime[path]=(readTimeDiff[path]/readsDiff[path])*1000
if ( writesDiff[path]) avgWriteTime[path]=(writeTimeDiff[path]/writesDiff[path])*1000
# bytes and KB read and bytes and KB written
# average read size and average write size
avgReadSize[path]=0; avgWriteSize[path]=0
if ( readsDiff[path] ) avgReadSize[path]=readBytesDiff[path]/readsDiff[path]
if ( writesDiff[path] ) avgWriteSize[path]=writeBytesDiff[path]/writesDiff[path]
if (!firstSample) {
if (firstLine) {
"date" | getline now; close("date")
printf "\n"
printf "Date: %s Interval: %d secs %s\n\n", now, '"$interval"', "'"$diskgroup_string"'"
printf "%-40s %2s %3s %8s %8s %6s %6s %8s %8s %7s %7s %4s %4s\n", \
"DiskPath - DiskName","Gr","Dsk","Reads","Writes","AvRdTm",\
"AvWrTm","KBRd","KBWr","AvRdSz","AvWrSz", "RdEr", "WrEr"
printf "%-40s %2s %3s %8d %8d %6.1f %6.1f %8d %8d %7d %7d %4d %4d\n", \
path " - " name[path], group[path], disk[path], \
readsDiff[path], writesDiff[path], \
avgReadTime[path], avgWriteTime[path], \
readKb[path], writeKb[path], \
avgReadSize[path], avgWriteSize[path], \
readErrorsDiff[path], writeErrorsDiff[path]
readsPrev[path]=reads[path]; writesPrev[path]=writes[path]
readErrorsPrev[path]=readErrors[path]; writeErrorsPrev[path]=writeErrors[path]
readTimePrev[path]=readTime[path]; writeTimePrev[path]=writeTime[path]
readBytesPrev[path]=readBytes[path]; writeBytesPrev[path]=writeBytes[path]
exit 0
Sample Output
For every ASM disk, this is the output provided:
DiskName - ASM disk name
Gr - ASM disk group number
Dsk - ASM disk number
Reads - Reads
Writes - Writes
AvRdTm - Average read time (in msec)
AvWrTm - Average write time (in msec)
KBRd - Kilobytes read
KBWr - Kilobytes written
AvRdSz - Average read size (in bytes)
AvWrSz - Average write size (in bytes)
RdEr - Read errors
WrEr - Write errors
Script Output
/dev/asmdisk14 - DATA_0000 2 0 0 4 0.0 5.0 0 16 0 4096 0 0
/dev/asmdisk4 - DATA_0001 2 1 10 0 17.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0
/dev/asmdisk17 - DATA_0002 2 2 0 1 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 512 0 0
/dev/asmdisk5 - DATA_0003 2 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0
/dev/asmdisk16 - DATA_0004 2 4 3 3 6.7 3.3 0 0 0 0 0 0
/dev/asmdisk23 - DATA_0005 2 5 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The asmiostat.txt output file can be used for .csv and graphical representation by using Doc 1373682.1
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- RAC+DG(asm單例項)ASM單例
- Using V$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO / V$BACKUP_SYNC_IO to Monitor RMAN PerformanceORM
- oracle RAC+DG 擴容ASM和表空間(Linux)OracleASMLinux
- ASM REBLANCE引起的DG備庫停止同步問題ORA-16055ASM
- ASM DG Usable_file_MB和Req_mir_free_MB的含義ASM
- 2788647047_monitor
- Oracle 12c的DG自動同步密碼檔案--ASM 新特性:共享密碼檔案Oracle密碼ASM
- Postman的Monitor功能Postman
- Verilog 監控 Monitor
- 物理DG、邏輯DG和快照DG的搭建(視訊講解)
- DG: RAC線上duplicate恢復DG
- 【DG】Oracle之級聯DG--(cascade dg) --(一主一備一級聯)Oracle
- Azure Monitor(二)Log Analytics
- 【DG】dg中如何配置多個後臺observerServer
- synchronized的monitor監視器synchronized
- 【ASM】Oracle asm刪除磁碟組注意事項ASMOracle
- 【ASM】ASM磁碟頭被重寫,如何修復ASM
- 【DG】Oracle 19c使用dbca來搭建物理DGOracle
- goldengate + asm + racGoASM
- gnu inline asminlineASM
- 3 建立物理DG
- DG搭建配置方案
- Oracle:DG 的 switchoverOracle
- oracle dg報錯Oracle
- 【ASM】ASM啟動無法找到spfile問題原因ASM
- 從定位資料塊所在ASM磁碟到ASM strippingASM
- Oracle 效能調優工具:SQL MonitorOracleSQL
- plsql developer工具生成sql monitor reportSQLDeveloper
- 【DG】備庫RMAN還原方式搭建DG(不使用duplicate命令)
- 使用sql monitor獲取更加詳細的執行計劃 - dbms_sqltune.report_sql_monitorSQL
- IO模式和IO多路複用(阻塞IO、非阻塞IO、同步IO、非同步IO等概念)模式非同步
- ASM叢集檔案系統ACFS(ASM Cluster File System)ASM
- ASM Metadata Dump UtilityASM
- ASM磁碟組限制ASM
- srvctl add asmASM
- Android Transform + ASM 初探AndroidORMASM
- ASM Fast Mirror ResyncASMAST
- ASM(Automatic Storage Management)ASM