ipconfig /all ------ 查詢本機IP段,所在域等
net user ------ 本機使用者列表
net localhroup administrators ------ 本機管理員[通常含有域使用者]
net user /domain ------ 查詢域使用者
net group /domain ------ 查詢域裡面的工作組
net group "domain admins" /domain ------ 查詢域管理員使用者組
net localgroup administrators /domain ------ 登入本機的域管理員
net localgroup administrators workgroup\user001 /add ------域使用者新增到本機
net group "domain controllers" /domain ------ 檢視域控制器(如果有多臺)
net time /domain ------ 判斷主域,主域伺服器都做時間伺服器
net config workstation ------ 當前登入域
net session ------ 檢視當前會話
net use \\ip\ipc$ pawword /user:username ------ 建立IPC會話[空連線-***]
net share ------ 檢視SMB指向的路徑[即共享]
net view ------ 查詢同一域內機器列表
net view \\ip ------ 查詢某IP共享
net view /domain ------ 查詢域列表
net view /domain:domainname ------ 檢視workgroup域中計算機列表
net start ------ 檢視當前執行的服務
net accounts ------ 檢視本地密碼策略
net accounts /domain ------ 檢視域密碼策略
nbtstat –A ip ------netbios 查詢
netstat –an/ano/anb ------ 網路連線查詢
route print ------ 路由表
dsquery computer ----- finds computers in the directory.
dsquery contact ----- finds contacts in thedirectory.
dsquery subnet ----- finds subnets in thedirectory.
dsquery group ----- finds groups in thedirectory.
dsquery ou ----- finds organizationalunits in the directory.
dsquery site ----- finds sites in thedirectory.
dsquery server ----- finds domain controllers inthe directory.
dsquery user ----- finds users in thedirectory.
dsquery quota ----- finds quota specificationsin the directory.
dsquery partition ----- finds partitions in thedirectory.
dsquery * ----- finds any object inthe directory by using a generic LDAP query.
dsquery server –domain Yahoo.com | dsget server–dnsname –site ---搜尋域內域控制器的DNS主機名和站點名
dsquery computer domainroot –name *-xp –limit 10----- 搜尋域內以-xp結尾的機器10臺
dsquery user domainroot –name admin* -limit ---- 搜尋域內以admin開頭的使用者10個
[注:dsquery來源於Windows Server 2003 Administration Tools Pack]
wmic bios ----- 檢視bios資訊
wmic qfe ----- 檢視補丁資訊
wmic qfe get hotfixid ----- 檢視補丁-Patch號
wmic startup ----- 檢視啟動項
wmic service ----- 檢視服務
wmic os ----- 檢視OS資訊
wmic process get caption,executablepath,commandline
wmic process call create “process_name” (executes a program)
wmic process where name=”process_name” call terminate (terminates program)
wmic logicaldisk where drivetype=3 get name, freespace, systemname, filesystem, size,
volumeserialnumber (hard drive information)
wmic useraccount (usernames, sid, and various security related goodies)
wmic useraccount get /ALL
wmic share get /ALL (you can use ? for gets help ! )
wmic startup list full (this can be a huge list!!!)
wmic /node:"hostname" bios get serialnumber (this can be great for finding warranty info about target)
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