rman 刪除v$archive_log檢視裡的記錄(Removing entries in v$archived_log)

請參考MOS ID 845361.1 : Removing entries in v$archived_log referencing a particluar DEST_ID


This note provides instructions on how to clear the section in the controlfile which contains data referencing v$archived_log.

For example v$archived_log may contain data from dest_id = 1 & dest_id=2.

This note will guide you through the process of only keeping entries from one distinct location


It is possible to clear different section of the controlfile.

Section 11 refers to the v$archived_log entries.

SQL>execute sys.dbms_backup_restore.resetCfileSection( 11);

This will clear all files in v$archived_log;

Then using RMAN we can catalog the DEST=1 file back in.
Assume that all archivelogs reside in /recovery_area/archives/

RMAN> catalog start with '/recovery_area/archives/'; ---最好加上末尾的'/'

This will update the controlfile with these entries only.


If you clear a controlfile section using undocumented event, then you also need to update high_al_recid in the node table for that database to 0 in recovery catalog.For 11g recovery catalog schema and above:update node set high_al_recid = 0 where db_unique_name = '

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/27042095/viewspace-759235/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
