Process Parameter Name Parameter Description
MGR PORT The TCP/IP port number that the Manager process uses for communication with other processes.
MGR PURGEOLDEXTRACTS Enables purging of Extract and Replicat trail files from associated trail locations.
MGR AUTOSTART Directs the Manager process to automatically start Extract and Replicat processes.
MGR AUTORESTART Directs the Manager process to automatically restart Extract and Replicat processes after failure.
EXTRACT EXTRACT Defines the name of the Extract process.
EXTRACT SOURCEISTABLE Defines the source as database table. Used in Initial Load only.
EXTRACT RMTTASK Configures Extract to communicate directly with Replicat over TCP/IP for direct load Initial Load methods.
EXTRACT RMTFILE Defines the location and filename on the remote system where the Extract process writes its data.
Used in Initial Load and batch processing operations.
EXTRACT RMTTRAIL Configures Extract to write data to a remote trail. Used in the Data Pump Extract parameter file.
EXTRACT RMTHOST Defines the remote system's hostname. If a hostname is used, it must resolve to an IP address.
EXTRACT EXTFILE Defines the name and location for a file used to temporarily store the data changes written to by the Extract process.
Used in conjunction with SPECIALRUN for Initial Load and batch processing operations.
EXTRACT MGRPORT Defines the Manager Port number.
EXTRACT/REPLICAT USERID Oracle database GGS Admin user ID.
EXTRACT/REPLICAT PASSWORD Oracle database GGS Admin user password.
EXTRACT/REPLICAT TABLE Defines the source (Extract) or target (Replicat) table name.
EXTRACT/REPLICAT DISCARDFILE Defines the name and location of the process discarded data file.
EXTRACT/REPLICAT SETENV Specifies the Oracle environment for GoldenGate connection to the Oracle database. For example, sets the ORACLE_
SID environment variable.
REPLICAT REPLICAT Defines the name of the Replicat process.
REPLICAT SPECIALRUN Indicates the Replicat is a "one-off" process, typically an Initial Load. Use with END RUNTIME parameter.
REPLICAT RUNTIME All unprocessed records with timestamps up to the current point in time are processed; otherwise the Replicat process is terminated.
REPLICAT ASSUMETARGETDEFS Declares the source tables are identical in structure as the target tables.
REPLICAT HANDLECOLLISIONS Directs automatic resolution of duplicate and missing-record errors when applying data on the target database. This parameter
is generally only used for the Initial Load.
REPLICAT MAP Defines the mapping between source and target tables. Can be used for column mapping and transformations.
REPLICAT BULKLOAD Directs the Replicat to use the bulk load method of Initial Load, writing data directly to the SQL*Loader interface
Process Parameter Name Parameter Description
MGR PORT 管理程式與其他程式進行聯絡所使用的TCP/IP 埠號
MGR PURGEOLDEXTRACTS 從相關trail的位置啟用清除Extract和Replicat跟蹤檔案
MGR AUTOSTART 引導管理程式自動啟動Extract和Replicat程式。
MGR AUTORESTART 在啟動失敗後引導管理程式自動重新啟動Extract和Replicat程式。
EXTRACT EXTRACT 定義Extract程式的名字。
EXTRACT SOURCEISTABL 定義源資料庫表。僅用於初始化載入。
EXTRACT RMTTASK 配置Extract與Replicat透過TCP/ IP溝通以直接載入初始載入方式。
EXTRACT RMTFILE 定義E程式寫入資料的遠端系統的路徑和檔名。
EXTRACT RMTTRAIL 配置Extract寫入資料到一個遠端的trail檔案,用在資料泵Extract引數檔案。
EXTRACT RMTHOST 定義遠端系統的主機名,如果主機名已被使用,必須解析成IP地址。
EXTRACT EXTFILE 定義被用來臨時儲存E程式寫入造成資料改變的檔案的名字和位置。
與 SPECIALRUN 引數一起 用在初始載入和批處理操作
EXTRACT/REPLICAT TABLE 定義源端(Extract)或者目標端(Replicat)的表名。
EXTRACT/REPLICAT SETENV 指定Oracle環境提供GoldenGate連線到Oracle資料庫。例如,設定ORACLE_SID環境變數。
REPLICAT SPECIALRUN 說明Replicat是“一次性”的過程,通常是初始載入。使用帶有END RUNTIME 引數。
REPLICAT RUNTIME 所有未處理記錄的時間戳到當前時間點被進行處理;否則Replicat處理終止。
REPLICAT HANDLECOLLISIONS 在目標資料庫應用的資料時,指示重複的自動解析和丟失記錄錯誤。這個引數一般只用於初始載入。
REPLICAT MAP 定義源和目標表之間的對映。可用於列對映和轉換。
REPLICAT BULKLOAD 說明Replicat使用初始載入的批次載入方法,直接將資料寫入到SQL* Loader的介面。
MGR PORT The TCP/IP port number that the Manager process uses for communication with other processes.
MGR PURGEOLDEXTRACTS Enables purging of Extract and Replicat trail files from associated trail locations.
MGR AUTOSTART Directs the Manager process to automatically start Extract and Replicat processes.
MGR AUTORESTART Directs the Manager process to automatically restart Extract and Replicat processes after failure.
EXTRACT EXTRACT Defines the name of the Extract process.
EXTRACT SOURCEISTABLE Defines the source as database table. Used in Initial Load only.
EXTRACT RMTTASK Configures Extract to communicate directly with Replicat over TCP/IP for direct load Initial Load methods.
EXTRACT RMTFILE Defines the location and filename on the remote system where the Extract process writes its data.
Used in Initial Load and batch processing operations.
EXTRACT RMTTRAIL Configures Extract to write data to a remote trail. Used in the Data Pump Extract parameter file.
EXTRACT RMTHOST Defines the remote system's hostname. If a hostname is used, it must resolve to an IP address.
EXTRACT EXTFILE Defines the name and location for a file used to temporarily store the data changes written to by the Extract process.
Used in conjunction with SPECIALRUN for Initial Load and batch processing operations.
EXTRACT MGRPORT Defines the Manager Port number.
EXTRACT/REPLICAT USERID Oracle database GGS Admin user ID.
EXTRACT/REPLICAT PASSWORD Oracle database GGS Admin user password.
EXTRACT/REPLICAT TABLE Defines the source (Extract) or target (Replicat) table name.
EXTRACT/REPLICAT DISCARDFILE Defines the name and location of the process discarded data file.
EXTRACT/REPLICAT SETENV Specifies the Oracle environment for GoldenGate connection to the Oracle database. For example, sets the ORACLE_
SID environment variable.
REPLICAT REPLICAT Defines the name of the Replicat process.
REPLICAT SPECIALRUN Indicates the Replicat is a "one-off" process, typically an Initial Load. Use with END RUNTIME parameter.
REPLICAT RUNTIME All unprocessed records with timestamps up to the current point in time are processed; otherwise the Replicat process is terminated.
REPLICAT ASSUMETARGETDEFS Declares the source tables are identical in structure as the target tables.
REPLICAT HANDLECOLLISIONS Directs automatic resolution of duplicate and missing-record errors when applying data on the target database. This parameter
is generally only used for the Initial Load.
REPLICAT MAP Defines the mapping between source and target tables. Can be used for column mapping and transformations.
REPLICAT BULKLOAD Directs the Replicat to use the bulk load method of Initial Load, writing data directly to the SQL*Loader interface
Process Parameter Name Parameter Description
MGR PORT 管理程式與其他程式進行聯絡所使用的TCP/IP 埠號
MGR PURGEOLDEXTRACTS 從相關trail的位置啟用清除Extract和Replicat跟蹤檔案
MGR AUTOSTART 引導管理程式自動啟動Extract和Replicat程式。
MGR AUTORESTART 在啟動失敗後引導管理程式自動重新啟動Extract和Replicat程式。
EXTRACT EXTRACT 定義Extract程式的名字。
EXTRACT SOURCEISTABL 定義源資料庫表。僅用於初始化載入。
EXTRACT RMTTASK 配置Extract與Replicat透過TCP/ IP溝通以直接載入初始載入方式。
EXTRACT RMTFILE 定義E程式寫入資料的遠端系統的路徑和檔名。
EXTRACT RMTTRAIL 配置Extract寫入資料到一個遠端的trail檔案,用在資料泵Extract引數檔案。
EXTRACT RMTHOST 定義遠端系統的主機名,如果主機名已被使用,必須解析成IP地址。
EXTRACT EXTFILE 定義被用來臨時儲存E程式寫入造成資料改變的檔案的名字和位置。
與 SPECIALRUN 引數一起 用在初始載入和批處理操作
EXTRACT/REPLICAT TABLE 定義源端(Extract)或者目標端(Replicat)的表名。
EXTRACT/REPLICAT SETENV 指定Oracle環境提供GoldenGate連線到Oracle資料庫。例如,設定ORACLE_SID環境變數。
REPLICAT SPECIALRUN 說明Replicat是“一次性”的過程,通常是初始載入。使用帶有END RUNTIME 引數。
REPLICAT RUNTIME 所有未處理記錄的時間戳到當前時間點被進行處理;否則Replicat處理終止。
REPLICAT HANDLECOLLISIONS 在目標資料庫應用的資料時,指示重複的自動解析和丟失記錄錯誤。這個引數一般只用於初始載入。
REPLICAT MAP 定義源和目標表之間的對映。可用於列對映和轉換。
REPLICAT BULKLOAD 說明Replicat使用初始載入的批次載入方法,直接將資料寫入到SQL* Loader的介面。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/28389881/viewspace-2124382/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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