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check(show); progress.text(show); } //多個數字連載一起是需要合成一個陣列的 if (!isNaN(value) || value == ".") { link += value; } else { //儲存數字 data[inx] = Number(link); inx += 2; link = ''; // 等號不計入符號陣列內 if (value != '=') { //儲存符號 data[inx1] = value; inx1 += 2; } //要求輸入且有倆個運算元 if (inx >= 2 && value == "=") { handle(data); initi(); } //儲存上一次結果 if (flag == 1) { if (value == "M+" || value == "M-") { data[0] = last; flag = 0; } } } }) }); //判斷符號優先順序 //判斷操作符號的匹配 function handle(data) { for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i = i + 2) { switch (data[i]) { case "+": case "M+": once = add(data, i); last = once; break; case "-": case "M-": once = sub(data, i); last = once; break; case "*": once = mul(data, i); break; case "÷": once = div(data, i); break; case "%": once = remainder(data, i); break; case "+/-": once = mis(data, i); break; case "√": once = radical(data, i); break; } }; flag = 1; result.text(once); } //初始到最初的狀態 function initi() { inx = 0; inx1 = 1; progress.text(""); link = ''; show = ''; } //進行對應符號的運算 function add(data, index) { return data[index + 1] = data[index - 1] + data[index + 1]; } function sub(data, index) { data[index + 1] = data[index - 1] - data[index + 1]; return data[index + 1] = data[index + 1].toFixed(1); } function mul(data, index) { return data[index + 1] = data[index - 1] * data[index + 1]; } function div(data, index) { return data[index + 1] = data[index - 1] / data[index + 1]; } function remainder(data, index) { return data[index + 1] = data[index - 1] % data[index + 1]; } function radical(data, index) { console.log(data[index + 1]); return data[index + 1] = Math.sqrt(data[index + 1]); } function mis(data, index) { return data[index + 1] = -data[index + 1]; } //檢測輸入是否合法 function check(show) { var i = 0; var j = 0; while (!isNaN(show[i]) && i < show.length) i++; while (isNaN(show[i]) && i < show.length && show[0] != "M" && show[0] != "√" && show[i] != "/" && show[i] != "N" && show[i] != "O") { i++; j++; if (j > 1) { result.text("您的輸入不合法"); initi(); break; } } } }) //關機操作 close.mousedown(function(event) { /* Act on the event */ result.text(""); progress.text(""); 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