關於enq: TX - allocate ITL entry等待事件
SQL> create table trans_test(id number,name varchar2(100)) initrans 1 maxtrans 1;
Table created
SQL> select ini_trans,max_trans,table_name from user_tables a where a.table_name='TRANS_TEST';
---------- ---------- ------------------------------
In earlier releases, the MAXTRANS parameter determined the maximum number of concurrent update transactions allowed for each data block in the segment. This parameter has been deprecated. Oracle now automatically allows up to 255 concurrent update transactions for any data block, depending on the available space in the block.
Existing objects for which a value of MAXTRANS has already been set retain that setting. However, if you attempt to change the value for MAXTRANS, Oracle ignores the new specification and substitutes the value 255 without returning an error.
對於ini_trans, max_trans的預設值,表級為1,索引級為2. 一般來說不需要做特別的設定。可以根據業務的需要來配置。
1) Depending on the number of transactions in the table we need to alter the value of INITRANS.
If the issue is not resolved by increasing INITRANS then try increasing PCTFREE. Increasing PCTFREE holds more
1) Spreading rows into more number of blocks will also helps to reduce this wait event.
2) Then re-organize the table using move (alter table service_T move;)
3) Rebuild index
here it has been changed to 50:
2) Then re-organize the table using move (alter table move;)
3) Then rebuild all the indexes of this table as below
Increase PCTFREE
space back and so spreads the same number of rows over more blocks. This means that there are more ITL slots
available overall :
A Combination of increasing both INITRANS and PCTFREE
1) Set INITRANS to 50 pct_free to 40
2) Re-organize the table using move (alter table move;)
3) Then rebuild all the indexes of the table as below
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/21374452/viewspace-2157353/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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