今天的教程來自天才的Cody Lindley的新書:《JavaScript啟蒙教程 / JavaScript Enlightenment》。他討論了令人迷惑的關鍵字this,以及確定和設定this的值的方法。
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> var cody = { living:true, age:23, gender:'male', getGender:function(){return cody.gender;} }; console.log(cody.getGender()); // logs 'male' </script></body></html> |
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> var cody = { living:true, age:23, gender:'male', getGender:function(){return this.gender;} }; console.log(cody.getGender()); // logs 'male' </script></body></html> |
– 關鍵字this就像其他的變數,唯一不同就是你不能更改它。
– 不同於傳給函式的其他引數和變數,在呼叫函式的物件中,this是一個關鍵字(而不是屬性)。
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> var foo = 'foo'; var myObject = {foo: 'I am myObject.foo'}; var sayFoo = function() { console.log(this['foo']); }; // give myObject a sayFoo property and have it point to sayFoo function myObject.sayFoo = sayFoo; myObject.sayFoo(); // logs 'I am myObject.foo' 12 sayFoo(); // logs 'foo' </script></body></html> |
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> window.foo = 'foo'; window.myObject = {foo: 'I am myObject.foo'}; window.sayFoo = function() { ! console.log(this.foo); }; window.myObject.sayFoo = window.sayFoo; window.myObject.sayFoo(); window.sayFoo(); </script></body></html> |
– 除了this以外的所有變數和引數都屬於靜態變數範圍(lexical scope)。
你可能想知道在嵌入在另外一個函式的函式中使用this會發生什麼事。不幸的是在ECMA 3中,this不遵循規律,它不指向函式屬於的物件,而是指向head物件(瀏覽器的window物件)。
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> var myObject = { func1:function() { console.log(this); //logs myObject varfunc2=function() { console.log(this); //logs window, and will do so from this point on varfunc3=function() { console.log(this); //logs window, as it’s the head object }(); }(); } }; myObject.func1(); </script></body></html> |
然而在ECMAScript 5中,這個問題將會得到修正。現在,你應該意識到這個問題,尤其是當你將一個函式的值傳遞到另一個函式時。
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> var foo = { func1:function(bar){ bar(); //logs window, not foo console.log(this);//the this keyword here will be a reference to foo object } }; foo.func1(function(){console.log(this)}); </script></body></html> |
現在你不會忘了,如果包含this的函式在另一個函式中,或者被另一個函式呼叫,this的值將會指向的是head物件(再說一次,這將在ECMAScript 5中被修正。)
為了使this的值不丟失,你可以在父函式中使用一個作用域鏈(scope chain)來儲存對this進行引用。下面的程式碼中,使用一個叫that的變數,利用它的作用域,我們可以更好的儲存函式上下文。
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> var myObject = { myProperty:'Icanseethelight', myMethod:function() { var that=this; //store a reference to this (i.e.myObject) in myMethod scope varhelperFunctionfunction(){//childfunction var helperFunction function() { //childfunction //logs 'I can see the light' via scope chain because that=this console.log(that.myProperty); //logs 'I can see the light' console.log(this); // logs window object, if we don't use "that" }(); } } myObject.myMethod(); // invoke myMethod </script></body></html> |
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> var myObject = {}; var myFunction = function(param1, param2) { //setviacall()'this'points to my Object when function is invoked this.foo = param1; this.bar = param2; console.log(this); //logs Object{foo = 'foo', bar = 'bar'} }; myFunction.call(myObject, 'foo', 'bar'); // invoke function, set this value to myObject console.log(myObject) // logs Object {foo = 'foo', bar = 'bar'} </script></body></html> |
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> var myObject = {}; var myFunction = function(param1, param2) { //set via apply(), this points to my Object when function is invoked this.foo=param1; this.bar=param2; console.log(this); // logs Object{foo='foo', bar='bar'} }; myFunction.apply(myObject, ['foo', 'bar']); // invoke function, set this value console.log(myObject); // logs Object {foo = 'foo', bar = 'bar'} </script></body></html> |
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> var Person = function(name) { this.name = name || 'johndoe'; // this will refer to the instanc ecreated } var cody = new Person('Cody Lindley'); // create an instance, based on Person constructor console.log(cody.name); // logs 'Cody Lindley' </script></body></html> |
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> var Person = function(name) { this.name=name||'johndoe'; } var cody = Person('Cody Lindley'); // notice we did not use 'new' console.log(cody.name); // undefined, the value is actually set at window.name console.log(window.name); // logs 'Cody Lindley' </script></body></html> |
當一個方法作為一個建構函式的prototype屬性時,這個方法中的this指向觸發方法的例項。這裡,我們有一個Person()的建構函式,它需要person的全名(full name),為了獲得全名(full name),我們在Person.prototype中加入了一個whatIsMyFullName方法,所有的Person例項都繼承該方法。這個方法中的this指向觸發這個方法的例項(以及它的屬性)。
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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script> var Person = function(x){ if(x){this.fullName = x}; }; Person.prototype.whatIsMyFullName = function() { return this.fullName; // 'this' refers to the instance created from Person() } var cody = new Person('cody lindley'); var lisa = new Person('lisa lindley'); // call the inherited whatIsMyFullName method, which uses this to refer to the instance console.log(cody.whatIsMyFullName(), lisa.whatIsMyFullName()); /* The prototype chain is still in effect, so if the instance does not have a fullName property, it will look for it in the prototype chain. Below, we add a fullName property to both the Person prototype and the Object prototype. See notes. */ Object.prototype.fullName = 'John Doe'; var john = new Person(); // no argument is passed so fullName is not added to instance console.log(john.whatIsMyFullName()); // logs 'John Doe' </script></body></html> |
– 如果this指向的物件不包含想要查詢的屬性,那麼這時對於任何屬性都適用的法則在這裡也適用,也就是,屬性會沿著prototype鏈(prototype chain)上“尋找”。所以在我們的例子中,如果例項中不包含fullName屬性,那麼fullName就會查詢Person.prototype.fullName,然後是Object.prototype.fullName。
英文原文:Fully Understanding the this Keyword 編譯:伯樂線上 – 唐小娟