a.grdDetail.AddItemRowIndex(grdDetail.FirstRow) + grdDetail.Row
其中b方法只有當grdDetail處於AddItem模式時,才起作用。而且當要取得最後一行處於編輯狀態的行的絕對行數,應採用a方法,因為處於新增 狀態的行的BookMark透過grdDetail.BookMark,grddetail.AddItemBookmark是取不到的,而它的絕對行數 可以取到。在Update前新增行的BookMark可以說是沒有。當Update後新增行的BookMark產生,而它的絕對行數可以取到。
2、 在BeforeColUpdate事件中通常作一些資料格式的check動作;在AfterColUpdate事件中通常作一些根據某些已新增欄位向另一 個欄位插值的動作;在KeyPress事件中通常作一些輸入限制的動作和自動向某個欄位插入預設值的動作;在BeforeDelete事件中通常可以作給 使用者傳送友好的確認資訊的動作;
'* Module : SCMMSFD:grdDetail_BeforeDelete()
'* Author : HI1\Kevin L Li
'* Function : send a friendly message to user
'* Date Created : 2005-8-26
'* Date Modified :
'* Maint. Log :
'* Input :
'* Output :
'* Process Flow :
Private Sub grdDetail_BeforeDelete(Cancel As Integer, DispPromptMsg As Integer)
''' declare variable
Dim lngC As Long
Dim vBkMark As Variant
Cancel = 1
If MsgBox("Are you sure to delete the lines!", vbOKCancel + vbInformation, "Information Message:") = vbCancel Then
Exit Sub
For lngC = (grdDetail.SelBookmarks.count - 1) To 0 Step -1
vBkMark = grdDetail.SelBookmarks(lngC)
grdDetail.RemoveItem (grdDetail.AddItemRowIndex(vBkMark))
Next lngC
End If
End Sub
3、在ssdbgrid中Enter鍵vbReturn可以在KeyPress事件中捕獲到,然後KeyAscii = 0,再SendKeys "{tab}"。
If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then
KeyAscii = 0
SendKeys "{tab}"
End If
4、check資料出錯後,選中出錯行,使用到grdDetail.SelBookmarks.Add grdDetail.AddItemBookmark(IntI),其中IntI是絕對行數。為便於理解附程式碼如下:
For IntI = grdDetail.Rows - 1 To 0 Step -1
If Trim(grdDetail.Columns("flag").CellText(IntI)) = "E" Then
Exit For
If Len(Trim(grdDetail.Columns("Part Number").CellText(IntI))) = 0 Then
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
MsgBox "the 'Part Number' column is not nullable!", vbInformation, "Information Message:"
grdDetail.SelBookmarks.Add grdDetail.AddItemBookmark(IntI)
Exit Sub
ElseIf Len(Trim(grdDetail.Columns("Quantity").CellText(IntI))) = 0 Then
Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
MsgBox "the 'Quantity' column is not nullable!", vbInformation, "Information Message:"
grdDetail.SelBookmarks.Add grdDetail.AddItemBookmark(IntI)
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Next IntI
5、在BeforeColUpdate事件中check資料不符合格式提示出錯後,將焦點定位到出錯位置,先MsgBox,再Cancel= 1,最後Call SetGridFocus;
Case "Quantity"
If Len(Trim(grdDetail.Columns("Quantity").Text)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Quantity column is not nullable!", vbInformation, "Information Message:"
Cancel = 1
Call SetGridFocus(grdDetail, grdDetail.AddItemRowIndex(grdDetail.Bookmark) + 1, ColIndex + 1, 0)
Exit Sub
End If
'* Input : grdObject->SSDBGrid,IntRow->Currrent Row ID,intCol->Next Column,intLockUnVis->Locked Number
'* Output :
'* Process Flow :
Private Sub SetGridFocus(grdObject As SSDBGrid, intRow As Long, intCol As Long, intLockUnVis As Long)
SendKeys "^{HOME}{DOWN " & intRow & "}{RIGHT " & Abs(intCol - intLockUnVis) & "}", True
grdObject.ActiveCell.SelStart = 0
grdObject.ActiveCell.SelLength = Len(grdObject.ActiveCell.Text)
End Sub
在相對複雜或有對資料庫進行操作的函式里都應該有Error處理程式碼;在函式級Error處理程式碼中應該Call Err.Raise(Err.Number, "getFileFromRemote", Err.Description)將Error向上拋;在UI級Error處理中應該Call ShowError直接將錯誤資訊發給使用者;在函式中有對資料庫進行操作的程式碼,在Error處理時都應該Set rsDB = Nothing來釋放資源。
相關內容可參考FP FTP help.doc;
如:MsgBox "the file can't be found!", vbInformation, "Information Message:"
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/11411056/viewspace-734283/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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