Linux alarm signal (SIGALRM) to detach process isAlive
最近做專案遇到的問題,程式跑了多個process,每個process都是相互獨立的,為了解耦,類似於微服務的架構,我們要求系統可以detach 到 主執行緒跑飛,死迴圈等其他bug 問題,最初的設計方案是:每個process 都會給每一個monitor的process 去傳送keep alive 訊息,由monitor去收集每個module的keep alive訊息,然後去判斷是否process 跑飛等情況。但是這種方案,由於需要多一個monitor模組,在本來記憶體有限的嵌入式裝置上,有點得不償失,後來就想能否有linux 系統內部的 實現可以達到我們的要求,也就是 SIGALRM
1. Signal & Semaphore 區別
Signal: 是通過軟中斷訊號通知程式發生了非同步事件。程式之間可以通過系統呼叫kill 傳送軟中斷訊號,核心也可以因為內部事件而給程式傳送訊號,通知程式發生了某個事件。
Semaphore: 訊號量是用來作業系統程式間同步訪問共享資源。訊號量在建立時需要設定一個初始值,表示同時可以有幾個任務可以訪問該訊號量保護的共享資源,初始值為1就變成互斥鎖(Mutex),即同時只能有一個任務可以訪問訊號量保護的共享資源。
2. SIGALRM 以及python code 實現
#include <unistd.h>
unsigned int alarm(unsigned int seconds);
在alarm成功呼叫後,開始計時,超過該事件將觸發SIGALARM訊號,然後會調到handler 執行。如下 是python的例子,
import signal,time,sys,thread,traceback
class Example:
def __init__(self):
self.handler_counter = 0
self.retry_counter = 3
def timout_handler(self, signum, frame):
timeout handler when failed to send signal alarm
there is a retry to make sure main thread hung
self.handler_counter += 1
print "call timeout_handler counter: " + str(self.handler_counter)
if self.handler_counter == self.retry_counter:
print("Have retry %s, exit process", self.retry_counter)
traceback.print_stack(frame) # print traceback
def monitor_alive(self, threadName, delay):
monitor alive to send alarm message every (delay + 1) second, if after (delay + 1) doesn't receive response from
kernel, will interrupt timout_handler
count = 0
while True:
signal.alarm(delay + 1)
print "sign_time count " + str(count)
# below if logic to mock 3 time timeout
if count == 2:
if count == 4:
if count == 6:
count += 1
print "%s: %s" % (threadName, time.ctime(time.time()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
example = Example()
# register handler
# only could set signal handler in main thread
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, example.timout_handler)
thread.start_new_thread(example.monitor_alive, ("Thread-1", 2,))
while True:
print('main thread ')
sign_time count 0
Thread-1: Sat Jun 9 10:52:43 2018
main thread
sign_time count 1
Thread-1: Sat Jun 9 10:52:45 2018
main thread
sign_time count 2
main thread
Thread-1: Sat Jun 9 10:52:49 2018
main thread
call timeout_handler counter: 1
main thread
sign_time count 3
Thread-1: Sat Jun 9 10:52:51 2018
main thread
sign_time count 4
main thread
Thread-1: Sat Jun 9 10:52:55 2018
main thread
call timeout_handler counter: 2
main thread
sign_time count 5
Thread-1: Sat Jun 9 10:52:57 2018
main thread
sign_time count 6
main thread
Thread-1: Sat Jun 9 10:53:01 2018
main thread
call timeout_handler counter: 3
('Have retry %s, exit process', 3)
File "/home/odl/sereno/tests/", line 52, in <module>
- Linux Signal 示例Linux
- Linux訊號(signal)機制Linux
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- Service Alarm Platform 介紹Platform
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- python 之訊號SignalPython
- unix signal : signalfd, eventfd, timerfd
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