MetricMeasurement calculates Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio
function [M_SE PSNR] = MetricsMeasurement(Orig_Image,Esti_Image)
% This function MetricMeasurement calculates Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio and
% Mean-Square Error
% INPUTS: Orig_Image = Original Image
% Esti_Image = Estimation of the original image obtained from a
% noisy image after filtering it.
% Mean-Square Error (M_SE)
% Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR)
%---Checking Input Arguments
if nargin<1||isempty(Esti_Image), error('Input Argument: Estiamted Image Missing');end
%---Implentation starts here
if (size(Orig_Image)~= size(Esti_Image)) %---Check images size
error('Input images should be of same size');
%---Mean-Square Error(MSE) Calculation
Orig_Image = im2double(Orig_Image);%---Convert image to double class
Esti_Image = im2double(Esti_Image);%---Convert image to double class
[M N] = size(Orig_Image);%---Size of Original Image
diff = Orig_Image - Esti_Image;%---Difference between two images
M_SE = (sum(sum(diff .* diff)))/(M * N);
%---Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio(PSNR) Calculation
if(M_SE > 0)
PSNR = 10*log10(255*255/M_SE);
PSNR = 99;
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