Powercenter8.1.1之啟動Service initialization failed
Powercenter8.1.1 win32bit
The Integration Service PowerCenter_Integration_Service is enabled to run in Normal mode. |
ERROR 星期三 六月 29 14:39:25 2011 2648 CMN_1006 Failed to connect to repository [PowerCenter].
ERROR 星期三 六月 29 14:39:25 2011 2648 REP_12400 Repository Error ([REP_55102] Failed to connect to repository service [PowerCenter].)
ERROR 星期三 六月 29 14:39:25 2011 2648 REP_12400 Repository Error (Failed to connect to repository service [PowerCenter].)
ERROR 星期三 六月 29 14:39:25 2011 2648 REP_12014 An error occurred while accessing the repository
ERROR 星期三 六月 29 14:39:25 2011 2648 REP_12400 Repository Error (Failed to connect to repository service [PowerCenter].)
ERROR 星期三 六月 29 14:39:25 2011 2648 REP_12400 Repository Error ([REP_57060] Login failure. User Administrator failed to login to the repository. Error Message: The password is incorrect for user Administrator) ERROR 星期三 六月 29 14:39:25 2011 2648 REP_12400 Repository Error (User Administrator failed to login to the repository. Error Message: The password is incorrect for user Administrator)
ERROR 星期三 六月 29 14:39:25 2011 2648 REP_12014 An error occurred while accessing the repository
透過查詢相應的資料發現powercenter關於Integration service預設的使用者名稱密碼為:Administrator/Administrator,透過修改相應Integration service—>Associated Repository->修改Repository User Name和Repository Password為正確的重啟問題就可以解決
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10130206/viewspace-1051762/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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