12c多租戶架構裡給Common/local user賦權的幾種可能場景
12c 多租戶架構引入了common user、local user的概念後,對於使用者許可權的控制沒有原先那麼簡單明瞭,本文列舉了12c多租戶架構中能夠實現的八種賦權的場景,旨在更清晰的瞭解12c所帶來的使用者許可權管理上的變化
首先在CDB$ROOT上建立Common user和 common role:
create user c##guser1 identified by chh;
select * from dba_roles;
create role c##grole1; ----建立common role,不指定container,預設為container=ALL
1、 common role granted locally to common user only in CDB$ROOT,executed in CDB$ROOT
grant c##grole1 to c##guser1; ---不指定container,預設為container=current
2、 common role granted commonly to common user in CDB and all its PDBs,executed in CDB$ROOT
grant c##grole1 to c##guser1 container=all;
3、 privilege granted locally to common user/role only in CDB$ROOT,executed in CDB$ROOT
SQL> grant select any table to c##grole1; –-不指定container,預設為container=current
Grant succeeded
select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee='C##GROLE1';
4、 privilege granted commonly to common user/role in CDB and all its PDBs,executed in CDB$ROOT
SQL> grant select any table to c##grole1 container=all;
Grant succeeded
select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee='C##GROLE1'; ---和上一結果相比多了一行Common=yes
5、 privilege granted locally to common user/role in PDB,executed in PDB
grant insert any table to c##guser1;
6、 common role granted locally to local user/role in PDB,executed in PDB
grant c##grole1 to scott;
7、 local role granted locally to common user/role in PDB,executed in PDB
create role lrole1;
grant lrole1 to c##guser1;
8、 if a common role is granted commonly(grant … container=ALL) from CDB to all it PDBs, then it should only be revoked from CDB
select * from dba_role_privs where grantee='C##GUSER1'
SQL> revoke C##GROLE1 from C##GUSER1; --- if revoked from PDB,ORA errors appears
revoke C##GROLE1 from C##GUSER1
ORA-01951: ROLE 'C##GROLE1' not granted to 'C##GUSER1'
SQL> revoke c##grole1 from c##guser1 container=ALL; ---should be revoked from CDB$ROOT with container=ALL
Revoke succeeded
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- 2 多租戶體系結構概述
- Oracle Database 12cR2多租戶權威指南OracleDatabase
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- 2.2.5 Overview of Common and Local Objects in a CDBViewObject
- 2.2.2 Overview of Common and Local Users in a CDBView
- 1.1. 關於多租戶體系結構
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