執行SQL時 報錯 ORA-01476:divisor is equal to zero 的解決方法
with tmp as
(select paycode, transtate, count(1) cnt_1
from elmp_trans_orderinfo
where createtime >= sysdate- 1 / (24 * 12)
trantype = 1
group by paycode, transtate)
select channel,case when cnt like '%.%' then to_char(cnt)||'%' else to_char(cnt) end cnt from
(select 'CMB_SUCCESS' channel, nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 0 then cnt_1 end), 0) cnt
from tmp
union all
select 'CMB_TBD', nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 2 then cnt_1 end), 0) cnt
from tmp
union all
select 'CMB_FAIL', nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 1 then cnt_1 end), 0) cnt
from tmp
union all
select 'CMB_SUCCESS_RATIO', round(nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 0 then cnt_1 end), 0) * 100 /
decode((nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 0 then cnt_1 end), 0) + nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 2 then
cnt_1 end), 0) + nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 1 then cnt_1 end), 0)),0,1), 2)
from tmp
with tmp as
(select paycode, transtate, count(1) cnt_1
from elmp_trans_orderinfo
where createtime >= sysdate- 1 / (24 * 12)
trantype = 1
group by paycode, transtate)
select channel,case when cnt like '%.%' then to_char(cnt)||'%' else to_char(cnt) end cnt from
(select 'CMB_SUCCESS' channel, nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 0 then cnt_1 end), 0) cnt
from tmp
union all
select 'CMB_TBD', nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 2 then cnt_1 end), 0) cnt
from tmp
union all
select 'CMB_FAIL', nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 1 then cnt_1 end), 0) cnt
from tmp
union all
select 'CMB_SUCCESS_RATIO', round(nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 0 then cnt_1 end), 0) * 100 /
decode((nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 0 then cnt_1 end), 0) + nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 2 then
cnt_1 end), 0) + nvl(max(case when paycode = '1308' and transtate = 1 then cnt_1 end), 0)),0,1), 2)
from tmp
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