【OCM】Oracle Database 10g: RAC for Administrators(二)
今天是參加OU為期5天的OCM課程“Oracle Database 10g: RAC for Administrators”的第二天,講師辛苦啦,大家辛苦啦。
《【OCM】Oracle Database 10g: RAC for Administrators(一)》(http://space.itpub.net/519536/viewspace-665834)
Lesson 4: RAC Database Administration
1.Use Enterprise Manager cluster database pages
2.Define redo log files in a RAC environment
3.Define undo tablespaces in a RAC environment
4.Start and stop RAC databases and instances
5.Modify initialization parameters in a RAC environment
6.Manage ASM instances in a RAC environment
Lesson 5: Managing Backup and Recovery in RAC
1.Configure the RAC database to use ARCHIVELOG mode and the flash recovery area
2.Configure RMAN for the RAC environment
Lesson 6: RAC Performance Tuning
1.Determine RAC-specific tuning components
2.Tune instance recovery in RAC
3.Determine RAC-specific wait events, global enqueues, and system statistics
4.Implement the most common RAC tuning tips
5.Use the Cluster Database Performance pages
6.Use the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) in RAC
7.Use Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) in RAC
無論是管理、備份恢復還是調優,對應的實驗都要求透過GC(Oracle Grid Control)來完成的。憑心而論,繁瑣的介面操作沒有命令列來的直接和痛快,不過本真對知識的尊重,所有的實驗都按部就班的按照GC的流程走了一遍。應該說,這門課程是Oracle Grid Control的推廣課程,到處都充斥著GC的身影。
Good luck.
-- The End --
《【OCM】Oracle Database 10g: RAC for Administrators(一)》(http://space.itpub.net/519536/viewspace-665834)
Lesson 4: RAC Database Administration
1.Use Enterprise Manager cluster database pages
2.Define redo log files in a RAC environment
3.Define undo tablespaces in a RAC environment
4.Start and stop RAC databases and instances
5.Modify initialization parameters in a RAC environment
6.Manage ASM instances in a RAC environment
Lesson 5: Managing Backup and Recovery in RAC
1.Configure the RAC database to use ARCHIVELOG mode and the flash recovery area
2.Configure RMAN for the RAC environment
Lesson 6: RAC Performance Tuning
1.Determine RAC-specific tuning components
2.Tune instance recovery in RAC
3.Determine RAC-specific wait events, global enqueues, and system statistics
4.Implement the most common RAC tuning tips
5.Use the Cluster Database Performance pages
6.Use the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) in RAC
7.Use Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) in RAC
無論是管理、備份恢復還是調優,對應的實驗都要求透過GC(Oracle Grid Control)來完成的。憑心而論,繁瑣的介面操作沒有命令列來的直接和痛快,不過本真對知識的尊重,所有的實驗都按部就班的按照GC的流程走了一遍。應該說,這門課程是Oracle Grid Control的推廣課程,到處都充斥著GC的身影。
Good luck.
-- The End --
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