利用hanganalyz/systemstate dump診斷資料庫hang
一般採用兩個命令:hanganalyze/dump systemstate,其中systemstate級別大於256時會對每個程式進行dump,當資料庫程式太多時會比較消耗資源,尤其在非solaris/linux平臺
The ideal manner to collect the hanganalyze and systemstate dumps is to collect 2 sets. However, it is best to have the 2 hanganalyzes in one trace file and the 2 systemstate dumps is 2 separate trace files. In order to do this, you will need 3 separate sqlplus sessions. We will identify these as SQL1, SQL2, and SQL3.
- export
## Replace PROD with the SID you want to trace
- Using SQL*Plus connect as SYSDBA using the following command:
sqlplus -prelim / as sysdba
Do this 3 times in 3 separate windows, creating 3 sqlplus sessions (SQL1, SQL2, and SQL3)
- In SQL1 execute the following:
SQL1> oradebug setmypid
SQL1> oradebug unlimit
SQL1> oradebug hanganalyze 3
- In SQL2 execute the following:
SQL2> oradebug setmypid
SQL2> oradebug unlimit
SQL2> oradebug dump systemstate 266
- Wait at least 2
minutes to give time to identify process state changes.
- In SQL1 execute the following:
SQL1> oradebug hanganalyze 3
- In SQL3 execute the following:
SQL3> oradebug setmypid
SQL3> oradebug unlimit
SQL3> oradebug dump systemstate 266
- Systemstate level 258 and 266 are only available in patchsets, and base release and higher. If you are not on one of these releases, use level 10 in place of the level suggested above.
- If you are using systemstate level 266 and it is taking much longer than expected to generate the dump file, then end this systemstate dump and try level 258.
The trace files will be written to the "diag" background process trace file in the background_dump_destination on each node.
- Identify the SID you want to trace
Replace PROD with the SID you want to trace
- Using SQL*Plus connect as "/ AS SYSDBA" using the following command:
sqlplus -prelim / as sysdba
- Execute the following:
SQL> oradebug setmypid
SQL> oradebug unlimit
SQL> oradebug -g all hanganalyze 3
SQL> oradebug -g all dump systemstate 266
- Wait at least 2
minutes to give time to identify process state changes.
- Execute the following:
SQL> oradebug -g all hanganalyze 3
SQL> oradebug -g all dump systemstate 266
Verify that the the "diag" background process trace file has been updated in the background_dump_destination on each node. Examine each "diag" file to ensure that it contains 2 hanganalyze dumps and a systemstate dump.
檢測資料庫是否 hang
1 :
<17/472/0x80057dd8/6674/library cache lock>
-- <13/7/0x800580f4/6676/library cache lock>
-- <21/204/0x8005a644/5813/library cache lock>
Dumping System_State and Fixed_SGA in process with ospid 6676
Dumping Process information for process with ospid 6676
Dumping Process information for process with ospid 6674
Dumping Process information for process with ospid 5813
f your hanganalyze output has a "CYCLE" section, the database is in a hang state.
- Note down the SID and OSPID for the blocker and waiter sessions to use in the Determine a Cause>Data Collection and Determine a Cause>Analysis steps.
- Go to the next step to collect additional data.
Open Chain
the "OPEN CHAIN" section reports sessions involved in a wait chain. A wait chain means that one session is blocking one or more other sessions. Open chains represents "stuck" or "locked" sessions
Hanganalyze #1
Open chains found: Chain
1 : <16/44773/0x265f15c/1948/SQL*Net message from client> -- <12/5/0x265fad4/2112/enqueue> -- <13/14/0x265fdfc/2076/enqueue> Chain
2 : <19/3/0x2660124/2392/No Wait> |
Hanganalyze #2
Open chains found: Chain
1 : <16/44773/0x265f15c/1948/SQL*Net message from client> -- <12/5/0x265fad4/2112/enqueue> -- <13/14/0x265fdfc/2076/enqueue> Chain
2 : <19/3/0x2660124/2392/No Wait> |
Hanganalyze #3
Open chains found: Chain
1 : <16/44773/0x265f15c/1948/SQL*Net message from client> -- <12/5/0x265fad4/2112/enqueue> -- <13/14/0x265fdfc/2076/enqueue> -- <19/3/0x2660124/2392/enqueue> |
若一個程式阻塞了10個或更多sesson,通常Open Chain之前會有Found資訊,若一個blocker出現多次,則需要收集errorstack
34 objects waiting for <131/754/0x9fc1e8/576293/No Wait> Found
17 objects waiting for <245/2343/0xa19f48/575938/latch free> Found
24 objects waiting for <144/2183/0xa0c9b8/575457/latch free> |
Dump errorstack
oradebug setospid
SQL> oradebug unlimit
SQL> oradebug dump errorstack 3
包含call stack和process state兩部分,其中process state又有一系列的SO(state object)組成,大致分為process/session/library object lock
1 process
(process) |
shows that the state object is of type process |
ospid: 25765 |
shows that the ospid is equal to 25765 |
2 session
(session) |
shows that the state object is of type process |
sid: 118 |
shows that the sid for this session is 118. This is used to ensure that you are looking at the correct session. |
sql: 0x3076f3f8 |
shows that the address of the SQL for this session is 3076f3f8. This will be used to find the Active SQL in the next step. |
waiting for 'enq: TM - contention' |
shows that the wait event for this session is enq: TM - contention. This will be used when determining the type of lock associated with the hang or lock situation that you are troubleshooting. |
name|mode=544d0006 |
shows the value for P1 if the wait event is an enqueue. P1 is a hexadecimal value that represents the lock type and lock mode (lmode). See MetaLink for details on obtaining the lock type and lock mode from P1. MetaLink provides details on the lock types and lock modes. |
3 library object lock
透過session資訊裡的sql address搜查,可以找到相應的library object lock(搜尋時去掉0x字首)
shows that the state object is of type Library Object Lock |
LIBRARY OBJECT HANDLE: handle=3076f3f8 |
shows that the Library Object Handle address is 3076f3f8. This address is the same as the SQL address found in the "session" state object. This is use to verify that this is the state object containing the active SQL. |
name=lock table emp in exclusive mode |
show that the active SQL is "lock table emp in exclusive mode". |
As a general rule, ignore the functions beginning with 'kse' and 'ksd'. Start by using the first 5 functions following the 'kse' and 'ksd' functions. You may need to try several combinations of search criteria before finding any previously identified issues that match the issue you are attempting to troubleshoot.
對該案例可以嘗試ntprd nsprecv nsrdr nsdo nsbrecv enq: TM conection關鍵字搜尋
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10271187/viewspace-1624989/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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