In Data Guard,choose switchover or failover?
Allows the primary database to switch roles with one of its standby databases.There is no data loss during a switchover. After a switchover, each database continues to participate in the Data Guard configuration with its new role.
Transitions a standby database to the primary role in response to a primary database failure. If the primary database was not operating in either maximum protection mode or maximum availability mode before the failure, some data loss may occur. After a failover, the failed database no longer participates in the Data Guard configuration.
During any role transition, the amount of downtime required to complete the operation, the potential for data loss, and the effects on other standby databases in the configuration are determined by:
The state of the primary database just before the transition
The state of the standby database selected for the role transition at the time of the transition
If the selected standby database is configured as a physical standby database or a logical standby database
If the role transition is a switchover or a failover
How much redo data remains to be applied to the selected standby database
Whether or not a standby redo log is configured on the standby database
Whether or not redo log files were previously created for the target standby database
The goal is to perform the role transition as quickly as possible with little or no data loss.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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