Extract or Replicat Fail to Start (Don't Start) With No Error Messages


Extract or Replicat Fail to Start (Don't Start) With No Error Messages [ID 1338582.1]

In this Document

Applies to:

Oracle GoldenGate - Version: and later   [Release: 11.1.1 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Extract or Replicat cannot start and there is either 
no report file or the report file does not contain diagnostic/error messages and ends abruptly 
or there is no relevant message in GoldenGate error log (ggserr.log).  
How to proceed in such cases ?


Many factors can cause extract or replicat in being not able to display error messages in the normal way, that is writing them down in the report file or the GoldenGate error log. 
These factors are potential reasons for such failures:
1) system resource issues, such as disk full. 
2) access/security issues such as not able to access certain directories like dirrpt, dirchk etc. 
3) abnormal process condition where an existing component is stopped by GGSCI but remains running or GoldenGate system files, such as those in dirpcs, dirchk files are not properly cleaned up. Subsequent starts fail because the new process conflicts with the old process.
4) GoldenGate system files are corrupted. 


Run extract or replicat from the Unix or Windows shell, such as the example shown:
> replicat paramfile dirprm/myrep.prm

The process will run and display all relevant information on the screen. The significant display can be found at the end. These diagnostics that cannot be found in the report file will be displayed on the screen. 
An example of a replicat having an issue with one of its GoldenGate system files is shown below:

ggsadm@spy3db:/users/ggsadm/ggs$ ./replicat paramfile dirprm/rep2.prm

Source Context :
SourceModule : [ggapp.util.pcs]
SourceID : ......
2011-07-14 05:03:50 ERROR OGG-01454 Unable to lock file "/users/ggsadm/ggs/dirpcs/REP2.pcr" (error 11, Resource temporarily unavailable). Lock currently held by process id (PID) 2731.

2011-07-14 05:03:50 ERROR OGG-01668 PROCESS ABENDING.

In the above example, rep2.pcr already exist and an orphan process is still running. These diagnostics can now be seen and action taken (kill the orphan process id). 

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