Redhat Linux下安裝HBA卡並檢視WWN號
首先下載Qlogic HBA卡的驅動,上傳到tmp目錄,解壓縮,並進入解壓縮目錄
[root@redhat tmp]# cd qlafc-linux-8.02.23-3-install
[root@redhat qlafc-linux-8.02.23-3-install]# ls
agents qla2xxx-v8.02.23-3.noarch.rpm ql-pci.ids scli-1.7.2-7.i386.rpm scli-1.7.2-7.ppc64.rpm
LinuxTools qlinstall README.qlinstall.txt scli-1.7.2-7.ia64.rpm set_driver_param
[root@redhat qlafc-linux-8.02.23-3-install]# ./qlinstall
# SANsurfer Driver Installer for Linux #
# Installer Version: 1.01.00pre22 #
Kernel version: 2.6.18-164.el5
Distribution: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 (Tikanga)
Found following QLogic Adapter in the system
1. QLE2460
Installation will begin for following driver
1. qla2xxx version: v8.02.23
Warning: Found an installed driver. Version: v8.01.06
Overriding the already installed version....
Unloading any loaded drivers
Uninstall of rpm version v8.01.06-1 beginning...
Restoring original QLogic drivers....
Removing installation changes from /etc/modprobe.conf....
Building module dependency....
QLA2XXX -- Rebuilding ramdisk image...
Removing QLogic HBA API library...
Installing scli....
Preparing packages for installation...
Installing Driver...
Preparing... ##################################################
qla2xxx ##################################################
QLA2XXX -- Building the qla2xxx driver, please wait...
Installing intermodule.ko in /lib/modules/2.6.18-164.el5/kernel/kernel/
QLA2XXX -- Installing the qla2xxx modules to
Setting up QLogic HBA API library...
Please make sure the /usr/lib/ file is not in use.
Installing ia32 api binary.
Library 4.00 build25 already installed at /usr/lib/
Loading module qla2xxx_conf version: v8.02.23....
Loaded module qla2xxx_conf
Loading module qla2xxx version: v8.02.23....
Loaded module qla2xxx
Building default persistent binding using SCLI
Warning: PrefOpenPreferenceFile: Failed to open preference file (/etc/
Saved copy of /etc/modprobe.conf as
Saved copy of /boot/initrd-2.6.18-164.el5.img as
QLA2XXX -- Rebuilding ramdisk image...
Ramdisk created.
Reloading the QLogic FC HBA drivers....
Unloaded module qla2xxx
Loading module qla2xxx_conf version: v8.02.23....
Loaded module qla2xxx_conf
Loading module qla2xxx version: v8.02.23....
Loaded module qla2xxx
Target Information on all HBAs:
Warning: PrefOpenPreferenceFile: Failed to open preference file (/etc/
HBA Instance 0: QLE2460 Port 1 WWPN 21-00-00-1B-32-1E-75-A6 PortID 00-00-00
No device connected to selected HBA (Instance 0)!
Installing the qlinstall-autoload script. in /etc/init.d/
# SANsurfer Driver installation for Linux completed #
[root@redhat qlafc-linux-8.02.23-3-install]# cat /proc/scsi/qla2xxx/5
QLogic PCI to Fibre Channel Host Adapter for QLE2460:
Firmware version 4.06.03 [IP] [84XX] , Driver version 8.02.23
BIOS version 1.24
FCODE version 1.24
EFI version 1.08
Flash FW version 4.00.26 0002
ISP: ISP2432, Serial# RFC0712U08693
Request Queue = 0x36100000, Response Queue = 0x359b0000
Request Queue count = 4096, Response Queue count = 512
Total number of active commands = 0
Total number of interrupts = 4159
Device queue depth = 0x10
Number of free request entries = 4095
Number of mailbox timeouts = 0
Number of ISP aborts = 0
Number of loop resyncs = 0
Number of retries for empty slots = 0
Number of reqs in pending_q= 0, retry_q= 0, done_q= 0, scsi_retry_q= 0
Host adapter:loop state =
Dpc flags = 0x4000000
MBX flags = 0x0
Link down Timeout = 045
Port down retry = 045
Login retry count = 045
Commands retried with dropped frame(s) = 0
Product ID = 0000 0000 0000 0000
SCSI Device Information:
FC Port Information:
SCSI LUN Information:
(Id:Lun) * - indicates lun is not registered with the OS.
[root@redhat qlafc-linux-8.02.23-3-install]#
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