@ApiOperation(value="秒殺實現方式——Lock加鎖") @PostMapping("/start/lock") public Result startLock(long skgId){ // 在此處加鎖 lock.lock(); try { log.info("開始秒殺方式一..."); final long userId = (int) (new Random().nextDouble() * (99999 - 10000 + 1)) + 10000; Result result = secondKillService.startSecondKillByLock(skgId, userId); if(result != null){ log.info("使用者:{}--{}", userId, result.get("msg")); }else{ log.info("使用者:{}--{}", userId, "哎呦喂,人也太多了,請稍後!"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // 在此處釋放鎖 lock.unlock(); } return Result.ok(); }
@Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface ServiceLock { String description() default ""; }
@Slf4j @Component @Scope @Aspect @Order(1) //order越小越是最先執行,但更重要的是最先執行的最後結束 public class LockAspect { /** * 思考:為什麼不用synchronized * service 預設是單例的,併發下lock只有一個例項 */ private static Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(true); // 互斥鎖 引數預設false,不公平鎖 // Service層切點 用於記錄錯誤日誌 @Pointcut("@annotation(com.scorpios.secondkill.aop.ServiceLock)") public void lockAspect() { } @Around("lockAspect()") public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) { lock.lock(); Object obj = null; try { obj = joinPoint.proceed(); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(); } finally{ lock.unlock(); } return obj; } }
@Override @ServiceLock // 使用Aop進行加鎖 @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) public Result startSecondKillByAop(long skgId, long userId) { try { // 校驗庫存 SecondKill secondKill = secondKillMapper.selectById(skgId); Integer number = secondKill.getNumber(); if (number > 0) { //扣庫存 secondKill.setNumber(number - 1); secondKillMapper.updateById(secondKill); //建立訂單 SuccessKilled killed = new SuccessKilled(); killed.setSeckillId(skgId); killed.setUserId(userId); killed.setState((short) 0); killed.setCreateTime(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); successKilledMapper.insert(killed); //支付 Payment payment = new Payment(); payment.setSeckillId(skgId); payment.setSeckillId(skgId); payment.setUserId(userId); payment.setMoney(40); payment.setState((short) 1); payment.setCreateTime(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); paymentMapper.insert(payment); } else { return Result.error(SecondKillStateEnum.END); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScorpiosException("異常了個乖乖"); } return Result.ok(SecondKillStateEnum.SUCCESS); }
@ApiOperation(value="秒殺實現方式二——Aop加鎖") @PostMapping("/start/aop") public Result startAop(long skgId){ try { log.info("開始秒殺方式二..."); final long userId = (int) (new Random().nextDouble() * (99999 - 10000 + 1)) + 10000; Result result = secondKillService.startSecondKillByAop(skgId, userId); if(result != null){ log.info("使用者:{}--{}", userId, result.get("msg")); }else{ log.info("使用者:{}--{}", userId, "哎呦喂,人也太多了,請稍後!"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return Result.ok(); }
@ApiOperation(value="秒殺實現方式三——悲觀鎖") @PostMapping("/start/pes/lock/one") public Result startPesLockOne(long skgId){ try { log.info("開始秒殺方式三..."); final long userId = (int) (new Random().nextDouble() * (99999 - 10000 + 1)) + 10000; Result result = secondKillService.startSecondKillByUpdate(skgId, userId); if(result != null){ log.info("使用者:{}--{}", userId, result.get("msg")); }else{ log.info("使用者:{}--{}", userId, "哎呦喂,人也太多了,請稍後!"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return Result.ok(); }
@Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) public Result startSecondKillByUpdate(long skgId, long userId) { try { // 校驗庫存-悲觀鎖 SecondKill secondKill = secondKillMapper.querySecondKillForUpdate(skgId); Integer number = secondKill.getNumber(); if (number > 0) { //扣庫存 secondKill.setNumber(number - 1); secondKillMapper.updateById(secondKill); //建立訂單 SuccessKilled killed = new SuccessKilled(); killed.setSeckillId(skgId); killed.setUserId(userId); killed.setState((short) 0); killed.setCreateTime(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); successKilledMapper.insert(killed); //支付 Payment payment = new Payment(); payment.setSeckillId(skgId); payment.setSeckillId(skgId); payment.setUserId(userId); payment.setMoney(40); payment.setState((short) 1); payment.setCreateTime(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); paymentMapper.insert(payment); } else { return Result.error(SecondKillStateEnum.END); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScorpiosException("異常了個乖乖"); } finally { } return Result.ok(SecondKillStateEnum.SUCCESS); }
@Repository public interface SecondKillMapper extends BaseMapper<SecondKill> { /** * 將此行資料進行加鎖,當整個方法將事務提交後,才會解鎖 * @param skgId * @return */ @Select(value = "SELECT * FROM seckill WHERE seckill_id=#{skgId} FOR UPDATE") SecondKill querySecondKillForUpdate(@Param("skgId") Long skgId); }
/** * UPDATE鎖表 * @param skgId 商品id * @param userId 使用者id * @return */ @Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) public Result startSecondKillByUpdateTwo(long skgId, long userId) { try { // 不校驗,直接扣庫存更新 int result = secondKillMapper.updateSecondKillById(skgId); if (result > 0) { //建立訂單 SuccessKilled killed = new SuccessKilled(); killed.setSeckillId(skgId); killed.setUserId(userId); killed.setState((short) 0); killed.setCreateTime(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); successKilledMapper.insert(killed); //支付 Payment payment = new Payment(); payment.setSeckillId(skgId); payment.setSeckillId(skgId); payment.setUserId(userId); payment.setMoney(40); payment.setState((short) 1); payment.setCreateTime(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); paymentMapper.insert(payment); } else { return Result.error(SecondKillStateEnum.END); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScorpiosException("異常了個乖乖"); } finally { } return Result.ok(SecondKillStateEnum.SUCCESS); }
@Repository public interface SecondKillMapper extends BaseMapper<SecondKill> { /** * 將此行資料進行加鎖,當整個方法將事務提交後,才會解鎖 * @param skgId * @return */ @Select(value = "SELECT * FROM seckill WHERE seckill_id=#{skgId} FOR UPDATE") SecondKill querySecondKillForUpdate(@Param("skgId") Long skgId); @Update(value = "UPDATE seckill SET number=number-1 WHERE seckill_id=#{skgId} AND number > 0") int updateSecondKillById(@Param("skgId") long skgId); }
@ApiOperation(value="秒殺實現方式五——樂觀鎖") @PostMapping("/start/opt/lock") public Result startOptLock(long skgId){ try { log.info("開始秒殺方式五..."); final long userId = (int) (new Random().nextDouble() * (99999 - 10000 + 1)) + 10000; // 引數新增了購買數量 Result result = secondKillService.startSecondKillByPesLock(skgId, userId,1); if(result != null){ log.info("使用者:{}--{}", userId, result.get("msg")); }else{ log.info("使用者:{}--{}", userId, "哎呦喂,人也太多了,請稍後!"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return Result.ok(); } @Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) public Result startSecondKillByPesLock(long skgId, long userId, int number) { // 樂觀鎖,不進行庫存數量的校驗,直接 try { SecondKill kill = secondKillMapper.selectById(skgId); // 剩餘的數量應該要大於等於秒殺的數量 if(kill.getNumber() >= number) { int result = secondKillMapper.updateSecondKillByVersion(number,skgId,kill.getVersion()); if (result > 0) { //建立訂單 SuccessKilled killed = new SuccessKilled(); killed.setSeckillId(skgId); killed.setUserId(userId); killed.setState((short) 0); killed.setCreateTime(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); successKilledMapper.insert(killed); //支付 Payment payment = new Payment(); payment.setSeckillId(skgId); payment.setSeckillId(skgId); payment.setUserId(userId); payment.setMoney(40); payment.setState((short) 1); payment.setCreateTime(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); paymentMapper.insert(payment); } else { return Result.error(SecondKillStateEnum.END); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ScorpiosException("異常了個乖乖"); } finally { } return Result.ok(SecondKillStateEnum.SUCCESS); } @Repository public interface SecondKillMapper extends BaseMapper<SecondKill> { /** * 將此行資料進行加鎖,當整個方法將事務提交後,才會解鎖 * @param skgId * @return */ @Select(value = "SELECT * FROM seckill WHERE seckill_id=#{skgId} FOR UPDATE") SecondKill querySecondKillForUpdate(@Param("skgId") Long skgId); @Update(value = "UPDATE seckill SET number=number-1 WHERE seckill_id=#{skgId} AND number > 0") int updateSecondKillById(@Param("skgId") long skgId); @Update(value = "UPDATE seckill SET number=number-#{number},version=version+1 WHERE seckill_id=#{skgId} AND version = #{version}") int updateSecondKillByVersion(@Param("number") int number, @Param("skgId") long skgId, @Param("version")int version); }
// 秒殺佇列(固定長度為100) public class SecondKillQueue { // 佇列大小 static final int QUEUE_MAX_SIZE = 100; // 用於多執行緒間下單的佇列 static BlockingQueue<SuccessKilled> blockingQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<SuccessKilled>(QUEUE_MAX_SIZE); // 使用靜態內部類,實現單例模式 private SecondKillQueue(){}; private static class SingletonHolder{ // 靜態初始化器,由JVM來保證執行緒安全 private static SecondKillQueue queue = new SecondKillQueue(); } /** * 單例佇列 * @return */ public static SecondKillQueue getSkillQueue(){ return SingletonHolder.queue; } /** * 生產入隊 * @param kill * @throws InterruptedException * add(e) 佇列未滿時,返回true;佇列滿則丟擲IllegalStateException(“Queue full”)異常——AbstractQueue * put(e) 佇列未滿時,直接插入沒有返回值;佇列滿時會阻塞等待,一直等到佇列未滿時再插入。 * offer(e) 佇列未滿時,返回true;佇列滿時返回false。非阻塞立即返回。 * offer(e, time, unit) 設定等待的時間,如果在指定時間內還不能往佇列中插入資料則返回false,插入成功返回true。 */ public Boolean produce(SuccessKilled kill) { return blockingQueue.offer(kill); } /** * 消費出隊 * poll() 獲取並移除隊首元素,在指定的時間內去輪詢佇列看有沒有首元素有則返回,否者超時後返回null * take() 與帶超時時間的poll類似不同在於take時候如果當前佇列空了它會一直等待其他執行緒呼叫notEmpty.signal()才會被喚醒 */ public SuccessKilled consume() throws InterruptedException { return blockingQueue.take(); } /** * 獲取佇列大小 * @return */ public int size() { return blockingQueue.size(); } }
// 消費秒殺佇列 @Slf4j @Component public class TaskRunner implements ApplicationRunner{ @Autowired private SecondKillService seckillService; @Override public void run(ApplicationArguments var){ new Thread(() -> { log.info("佇列啟動成功"); while(true){ try { // 程序內佇列 SuccessKilled kill = SecondKillQueue.getSkillQueue().consume(); if(kill != null){ Result result = seckillService.startSecondKillByAop(kill.getSeckillId(), kill.getUserId()); if(result != null && result.equals(Result.ok(SecondKillStateEnum.SUCCESS))){ log.info("TaskRunner,result:{}",result); log.info("TaskRunner從訊息佇列取出使用者,使用者:{}{}",kill.getUserId(),"秒殺成功"); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }).start(); } } @ApiOperation(value="秒殺實現方式六——訊息佇列") @PostMapping("/start/queue") public Result startQueue(long skgId){ try { log.info("開始秒殺方式六..."); final long userId = (int) (new Random().nextDouble() * (99999 - 10000 + 1)) + 10000; SuccessKilled kill = new SuccessKilled(); kill.setSeckillId(skgId); kill.setUserId(userId); Boolean flag = SecondKillQueue.getSkillQueue().produce(kill); // 雖然進入了佇列,但是不一定能秒殺成功 進隊出隊有時間間隙 if(flag){ log.info("使用者:{}{}",kill.getUserId(),"秒殺成功"); }else{ log.info("使用者:{}{}",userId,"秒殺失敗"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return Result.ok(); }
// 事件生成工廠(用來初始化預分配事件物件) public class SecondKillEventFactory implements EventFactory<SecondKillEvent> { @Override public SecondKillEvent newInstance() { return new SecondKillEvent(); } } // 事件物件(秒殺事件) public class SecondKillEvent implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private long seckillId; private long userId; // set/get方法略 } // 使用translator方式生產者 public class SecondKillEventProducer { private final static EventTranslatorVararg<SecondKillEvent> translator = (seckillEvent, seq, objs) -> { seckillEvent.setSeckillId((Long) objs[0]); seckillEvent.setUserId((Long) objs[1]); }; private final RingBuffer<SecondKillEvent> ringBuffer; public SecondKillEventProducer(RingBuffer<SecondKillEvent> ringBuffer){ this.ringBuffer = ringBuffer; } public void secondKill(long seckillId, long userId){ this.ringBuffer.publishEvent(translator, seckillId, userId); } } // 消費者(秒殺處理器) @Slf4j public class SecondKillEventConsumer implements EventHandler<SecondKillEvent> { private SecondKillService secondKillService = (SecondKillService) SpringUtil.getBean("secondKillService"); @Override public void onEvent(SecondKillEvent seckillEvent, long seq, boolean bool) { Result result = secondKillService.startSecondKillByAop(seckillEvent.getSeckillId(), seckillEvent.getUserId()); if(result.equals(Result.ok(SecondKillStateEnum.SUCCESS))){ log.info("使用者:{}{}",seckillEvent.getUserId(),"秒殺成功"); } } } public class DisruptorUtil { static Disruptor<SecondKillEvent> disruptor; static{ SecondKillEventFactory factory = new SecondKillEventFactory(); int ringBufferSize = 1024; ThreadFactory threadFactory = runnable -> new Thread(runnable); disruptor = new Disruptor<>(factory, ringBufferSize, threadFactory); disruptor.handleEventsWith(new SecondKillEventConsumer()); disruptor.start(); } public static void producer(SecondKillEvent kill){ RingBuffer<SecondKillEvent> ringBuffer = disruptor.getRingBuffer(); SecondKillEventProducer producer = new SecondKillEventProducer(ringBuffer); producer.secondKill(kill.getSeckillId(),kill.getUserId()); } } @ApiOperation(value="秒殺實現方式七——Disruptor佇列") @PostMapping("/start/disruptor") public Result startDisruptor(long skgId){ try { log.info("開始秒殺方式七..."); final long userId = (int) (new Random().nextDouble() * (99999 - 10000 + 1)) + 10000; SecondKillEvent kill = new SecondKillEvent(); kill.setSeckillId(skgId); kill.setUserId(userId); DisruptorUtil.producer(kill); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return Result.ok(); }
以上就是短影片直播系統,實現高併發秒殺的多種方式, 更多內容歡迎關注之後的文章